Department and Qualifications required. FOREIGN OFFICE-continued. V. THIRD SECRETARIES. Third secretaries who desire a certificate of having satisfactorily passed an examination in public law (see section 6 of the Regulations for H. M. Diplomatic Service, dated 16th December 1872), will be required to show a competent general knowledge of the ordinary rights and obligations of sovereign states in time of peace, and of belligerents and neutrals in war. They will also be expected to be able to give an account of (1.) The nature and authority of international law. ing authorities (British and Foreign) on the (3.) The political constitution of the several States, (4.) The status, duties, and privileges of public (5.) The general principles of the law of nationality and of domicil. The books recommended are Wheaton's Elements of International Law; Heffter, Das Europäische Völkerrecht der Gegenwart, either in the original German or in the French translation of Jules Bergson, and for (5) Westlake's Treatise on Private International Law, Chapters I., II., III., with the Naturalization Acts, 33 Vict. c. 14., and 35 & 36 Vict. c. 39. VI. [.] TRANSLATORS TO MISSIONS Exercises in Translations from and into that language or those languages upon which the candidate is destined to be employed. Limits of Age. 25 and 55. 25 and 35. They must be British subjects. VIII. [N.] CLERKS IN CHANCERY OF LEGATION, Tehran ; 18 and 40. Fee for Examination. 1. Handwriting and Orthography. 2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Frac tions). 3. French. IX. [.] CONSULS AND VICE-CONSULS 1. English Composition and Writing from Dictation. 2. French (written and spoken).* 3. The language of the port at which the candidate may be appointed to reside.+* 25 and 50. A candidate for appointment as Second Vice-Consul at New York was examined in Nos. 1, 4, and 5 only. In the case of Denmark, Norway, and the Baltic ports, German. In the case of ports on or towns near the Mediterranean, and some of the Black Sea ports, Italian. For Mazagan, Spanish, for Mosul, Arabic (on one occasion French only), and for Galatz, and Samoa, French have been prescribed. Consuls for the United States and Polynesia have been examined in French only. For Nicolaieff either Italian or Russian has been allowed. |