At the annual competition for the Civil Service of India, held at Easter 1877, 203 candidates presented themselves to compete for 30 vacancies; the number of vacancies in the previous year having been also 30, and the number of candidates 202. Of the 37 gentlemen who were selected in 1875, 36 appeared for their Final Examination in June and July 1877, and having all been found to possess a competent knowledge of the subjects prescribed, were certified by us as entitled to appointments. The remaining candidate had been removed from the list at the end of his first year of probation, in pursuance of the regulation which authorises us to adopt this course in the case of any candidate who, at any of the periodical examinations, shall appear to have wilfully neglected his studies. In June 1877 a competition was held for admission to the Indian Engineering Service, when 137 candidates competed for 45 vacancies; the corresponding numbers in 1876 having been as follows:-vacancies 50, candidates 134. In November 1877 we held an examination for admission to the Forest Service of India, at which 5 candidates were selected. out of 21 who presented themselves. At the similar examination in November 1876, 12 candidates presented themselves, and 5 were selected. MILITARY SERVICES. The following statement shows the number of candidates for the military services whose cases were dealt with in the year 1877, as compared with the corresponding number in 1876: *This Board was not informed as to the number of appointments. The subjoined list contains the names of the gentlemen who during the year 1877 aided us in the various examinations, under the superintendence of our Director of Examinations (Mr. Headlam), and the permanent Assistant Examiners, Mr. Poste and Mr. Butler. OCCASIONAL EXAMINERS. English Language and Literature; Geography; and History. -T. Arnold; Rev. G. D. Boyle; Rev. J. F. Bright; Rev. G. Butler; C. W. Chute; W. J. Courthope; H. Craik; Rev. M. Creighton; J. R. Dasent; C. J. Elton; J. G. Fitch; FitzEdward Hall, D.C.L.; Rev. A. W. Headlam; Professor T. Rupert Jones; Rev. G. W. Kitchin; Rev. T. H. L. Leary, D.C.L.; A. J. Mackey; J. Marshall; Professor J. M. D. Meiklejohn; H. F. Pooley; Professor C. H. Robarts; Rev. P. H. Smith; F. C. Walrond; C. Knight Watson; Rev. J. Theed Watson; Sir G. Young. Greek and Latin Languages.-T. Arnold; A. T. Barton; Rev. G. G. Bradley, D.D.; S. H. Burbury; C. W. Chute; Rev. Canon Farrar, D.D.; Rev. T. Field; Rev. J. P. Mahaffy; Rev. W. W. Merry; C. Neate; R. Ornsby; F. A. Paley; Rev. T. L. Papillon ; Professor J. E. Thorold Rogers; Dr. L. Schmitz. French.-J. Andrieu; Professor R. Atkinson; A. de Charente; A. Hamonet; Professor J. Marshall; J. F. P. Massé; G. Masson; A. de la Taille des Essarts; H. Van Laun. German.--Dr. Althaus; Dr. A. Hamann; Rev. Dr. C. Schoell; Rev. Dr. Walbaum. Italian.-Professor R. Atkinson; Signor V. Pistrucci. Portuguese.-Senhor J. P. Monteiro. Russian.-H. Riola. Hindustani.-Fitz-Edward Hall, D.C.L. Arabic.-Colonel J. W. J. Ouseley. Sanskrit.-Professor E. B. Cowell. Mathematics.-W. H. Besant; S. H. Burbury; Rev. A. W. Headlam; Rev. Canon Heaviside; H. Malkin; Professor R. Kalley Miller; B. F. Molesworth; W. D. Niven; H. F. Pooley; Professor H. J. S. Smith; Rev. P. H. Smith; Rev. R. Townsend; Rev. H. W. Watson; Rev. J. Wolstenholme. Natural Sciences, viz.: Chemistry; Electricity and Magnetism; Heat and Light; Geology and Mineralogy; Zoology; Botany; Animal and Vegetable Physiology.-Professor W. G. Adams; Dr. E. Atkinson; Professor P. M. Duncan; Professor A. H. Garrod; Professor T. Rupert Jones; Professor J. W. Judd; Professor G. D. Liveing; Professor J. F. Main; Dr. W. Ogle; Professor Oliver; Rev. H. W. Watson. Moral Sciences, Logic, and Political Economy.-Sir A. Grant; Professor G. Croom Robertson; Professor J. E. Thorold Rogers; T. C. Sandars. Law.-Right Hon. M. Bernard; K. E. Digby; C. J. Elton; G. Farwell; J. Hooper; T. C. Sandars. Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Architecture, Naval Engineering, Practical Geometry, and Geometrical Drawing.J. Bannister; Lieut. G. S. Clarke, R.E.; Major W. H. Collins, R.E.; T. H. Eagles; Major-General C. S. Hutchinson, R.E.; Major H. C. Seddon, R.E.; Major Percy Smith, R.E.; W. Castle Turner, C.E. • Freehand Drawing.-E. A. Goodall; Rev. W. Kingsley; G. Redgrave; Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt. Metallurgy and Mining.─Dr. Percy; Warington W. Smyth. Weights and Currencies.-R. G. C. Hamilton. Book-keeping.-E. E. Humphreys. Shorthand.-W. H. Gurney Salter. EXAMINERS employed at the PERIODICAL and FINAL EXAMINATIONS of the CANDIDATES selected for the CIVIL SERVICE of INDIA. Jurisprudence.-T. C. Sandars. Law of Evidence.-K. E. Digby; T. S. Soden. Political Economy.-T. E. Cliffe Leslie; Professor J. E. T. Rogers. History and Geography of India.-Claude Erskine. Bengali.-Rev. Dr. Mullens; W. S. Seton Karr. Hindi.-Fitz-Edward Hall, D.C.L. Hindustani. - Fitz-Edward Hall, D.C.L.; Professor E. H. Palmer. Malayalum.-Rev. J. M. Speechly. Persian.-Colonel J. W. J. Ouseley. Sanskrit.-Professor E. B. Cowell. Tamil.-E. W. Bird; Rev. S. Hobbs. Telugu.-J. Goldingham. All which we humbly submit to Your Majesty's most gracious consideration. Witness our hands this Fourteenth day of August One thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. HAMPTON. G. W. DASENT. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 21st day of May 1855. PRESENT: THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for testing, accord21 May 1855. ing to fixed rules, the qualifications of the young men who may from time to time be proposed to be appointed to the junior situations in any of Her Majesty's Civil Establishments. Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of Her Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Right Honourable Sir Edward Ryan, Assistant Comptroller General of the Exchequer, John George Shaw Lefevre, Esquire, Companion of the Bath, Clerk Assistant to the House of Lords, and Edward Romilly, Esquire, Chairman of the Board of Audit, or such other persons as Her Majesty may from time to time approve in the stead of them or any of them, shall be Commissioners for conducting the examination of the young men so proposed to be appointed to any of the junior situations in the civil establishments as aforesaid, and shall hold their offices during the pleasure of Her Majesty, and shall have power, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, to appoint from time to time such assistant examiners and others as may be required to assist them in the performance of the duties herein-after assigned to them. And it is hereby ordered, that the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury do prepare and submit to Parliament an estimate for the remuneration of a secretary to the said Commissioners, and of such examiners and others as may be required to assist in the performance of their duties. And it is hereby ordered, that all such young men as may be proposed to be appointed to any junior situation in any department of the Civil Service shall, before they are admitted to probation, be examined by or under the directions of the said Commissioners, and shall receive from them a certificate of qualification for such situation. And it shall be the duty of the Commissioners in respect of every such candidate, before granting any such certificate as aforesaid, 1st. To ascertain that the candidate is within the limits of age prescribed in the department to which he desires to be admitted; 2d. To ascertain that the candidate is free from any physical defect or disease which would be likely to interfere with the proper discharge of his duties; 3d. To ascertain that the character of the candidate is such as to qualify him for public employment; and, |