Lectures to the Operative Classes and Public Lectures (1901-1915) Chairmen and Secretaries of Conferences of Delegates (1901-1915) xxxiii ANNUAL MEETINGS: PLACES AND DATES, PRESIDENTS, ATTENDANCES, PLATE I-Illustrating the Report on Seismological Investigations. PLATE II.-Illustrating the Report on the Botanical and Chemical Characters PLATE III.—Illustrating the Report on Stress Distributions in Engineering PLATE IV. Illustrating Mr. W. Wickham King's Paper on a Plexographic PLATES V. AND VI.-Illustrating Mr. E. A. Reeves's Address to the Geographical Section. Professor JOHN PERRY, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Burlington House, London, W. The Trustees, past Presidents of the Association, the President and Vice-Presidents for the year, the President and Vice-Presidents Elect, past and present General Treasurers and General Secretaries, past Asistant General Secretaries, and the Local Treasurers and Local Secretaries for the ensuing Annual Meeting. |