JOHN BRADFORD, A.B. LATE OF WADHAM COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL IN BIRMINGHAM, LONDON: E PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR Sold by MATHEWS, Strand; TERRY, Paternoster.row; and By LUCAS, High-strect; PIERCY, near the Welsh Cross; and at PREFACE. THAT finging pfalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, was practised by the primitive Chris tians in their assemblies cannot, I think, be well denied: but that which gives this ordinance a higher sanction than can possibly be derived from custom or human authority, is the practice of our Lord himself, who, the fame night on which he was betrayed, after supper, before he went out to the mount of Olives, fang a hymn with his disciples. St. Paul too, writing to the Coloffians, says, " Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, " in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in pfalms, and hymns, and " spiritual fongs; finging with grace in your "hearts to the Lord." From hence it is plain that finging in the church of Chrift is intended for edification and improvement; that, whilft the tongue is employed in founding the praises of the Lord, the heart may be feelingly engaged in an exercise truly spiritual and heavenly. |