Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London, Volume 54, Part 2

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Page 995 - The refractive index of a glass is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in the glass; larger refractive indices, therefore, indicate lower velocity of light in the material.
Page 1323 - ... liver, and the destruction is effected by the action of certain poisonous agents, probably of a cadaveric nature, absorbed from the intestinal tract.
Page 973 - This is because it consists of plasma-globulin plus cellglobulin, derived from the disintegration of white blood corpuscles, which are in origin lymph cells. 6. The cause of the coagulation of the blood is primarily the disintegration of the white blood corpuscles, and, perhaps, also of the blood tablets ; they liberate cell-globulin, which acts as a ferment, converting fibrinogen into fibrin.
Page 1320 - Salicylic acid forms an important exception to the general behaviour of acids, for while it increases urinary activity, it does not in any way diminish the excretion of uric acid. Moreover, acids given while salicylates are present in the circulation have no longer the power of diminishing the excretion of uric acid, nor is excessive excretion of uric acid under salicylates accompanied by any headache.
Page 1043 - The olivine separated from it by Mr. Diller was analyzed also, although the material was not absolutely free from enstatite and chromite, and both analyses are here presented together. It will at once be seen from these data that the rock contains nickel, and that the olivine separated from it contains even a larger proportion. This fact suggests a probable source of derivation for the nickel in the altered beds of ore, and this view is maintained by the microscopic investigation. Concerning the...
Page 1320 - Both uric and salicyluric acids are present in the urine passed under the influence of salicylates, probably owing to the salicylate acting on the uric acid in the blood, but not on that secreted by the kidney itself. Benzoates do not act in the same way as salicylates, probably because the hippuric acid formed from them is less soluble than salicyluric acid. The value of salicylates in uric acid diseases is largely due to their power of preventing acids from causing retention of uric acid. Thus...
Page 860 - ... equal volume of water, and saturated with neutral ammonium sulphate. The precipitate thus formed is treated on the filter for five minutes with strong alcohol, removed from the filter, and further treated with absolute alcohol for one or two days. It is now dried at 30°, and yields, on extraction with a volume of water equal to that of the original saliva, a solution which is actively zymolytic, and is stated to be free from all proteid reactions. The hydrolytic activity of ptyalin is most marked...
Page 973 - This has the properties that have hitherto been ascribed to fibrin ferment. 2. Fibrin ferment as extracted from the dried alcoholic precipitate of blood serum is found on concentration to be a globulin with the properties of cell globulin. 3. The fibrin ferment as extracted by saline solutions from " washed blood clot " is a globulin which is also identical with cell globulin.
Page 1024 - ... ether is due to its solvent action on the carbonic anhydride. Other solvents producing low temperature with the anhydride are methyl chloride, — 82° ; sulphurous anhydride, — 82° ; amyl acetate, — 78° ; phosphorus trichloride, — 76° ; alcohol, — 72° ; and ethylene chloride, — 60°. The temperature of mixtures of carbonic anhydride with methyl chloride or sulphurous anhydride in a vacuum is so low that the solvent solidifies, and the temperature of the mass remains constant from...
Page 1023 - The temperatures were measured by means of a thermoelectric couple which had been graduated against a hydrogen thermometer. Compressed or porous solid carbonic anhydride alone, under atmospheric pressure, gives a temperature of about — 60° ; in a vacuum maintained by means of a pump and potash the temperature is — 76°. A mixture of ether and solid carbonic anhydride has a temperature of — 77° under ordinary pressure, and — 103° in a vacuum. This mixture solidifies liquid carbonic anhydride....

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