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NUMB. 166. SATURDAY, October 19, 1751.

Pauper eris femper, fi pauper es Æmiliane,
Dantur opes nullis nunc nifi divitibus.



O complaint has been more frequently repeated in all ages than that of the neglect of merit affociated with poverty, and the difficulty with which valuable or pleasing qualities force themselves into view, when they are obfcured by indigence. It has been long obferved that native beauty has little power to charm without the ornaments which fortune beftows, and that to want the favour of others is often fufficient to hinder us from obtaining it.

EVERY day discovers that mankind are not yet convinced of their error, or that their conviction is without power to influence their conduct; for poverty still continues to produce contempt, and ftill obftructs the claims of kindred and of virtue. The eye of wealth is elevated towards higher stations, and feldom defcends to examine the actions of those


who are placed below the level of its notice, and who in diftant regions and lower fituations are struggling with diftress, or toiling for bread. Among the multitudes overwhelmed with infuperable calamity, it is common to find those whom a very little affiftance would. enable to fupport themselves with decency, and who yet cannot obtain from near relations what they fee hourly lavished in oftentation, luxury, or frolick..

IT is certain that poverty does not eafily conciliate affection. He that has been confined from his infancy to the converfation of the lowest claffes of mankind, muft neceffarily want thofe accomplishments which are the ufual means of attracting kindness; and: though truth, fortitude, and probity give an indifputable right to reverence and kindness, they will not be diftinguished by common eyes unless they are brightened by elegance of manners, but are caft afide like unpolished gems, of which none but the artift knows the intrinfick value, till their afperities are fmoothed and their incruftations rubbed away.


THE groffness of vulgar habits obftructs the efficacy of virtue, as impurity and harshness of ftile impairs the force of reafon, and rugged numbers turn off the mind from artifice of difpofition, and vigour of invention. Few have ftrength of reason fufficient to over-rule the perceptions of fenfe; and yet fewer have fo much curiosity or benevolence as to struggle long against the first impreffion; he therefore who fails to please in his falutation and address is commonly rejected without farther trial, and never obtains an opportunity of showing his latent excellencies, or effential qualities.

It is indeed not eafy to prescribe a fuccefsful manner of approach to the diftreffed or neceffitous, whofe condition fubjects every kind of behaviour equally to miscarriage. He whofe confidence of merit incites him to meet without any apparent fense of inferiority the eyes of those who flattered themfelves with their own dignity, is confidered as an infolent leveller, impatient of the juft prerogatives of rank and wealth, eager to ufurp the station to which he has no right,


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and to confound the fubordinations of focie.
and who would contribute to the exalta-
tion of that spirit, which even want and cala-
mity are not able to restrain from rudeness
and rebellion?

BUT no better fuccefs will commonly be found to attend fervility and dejection, which often give pride the confidence to treat them with contempt. A request made with diffidence and timidity is eafily denied, because the petitioner himself seems to doubt its fitnefs.

KINDNESS is generally reciprocal; we are defirous of pleafing others because we receive pleasure from them; but by what means can the man please, whofe attention is engroffed by his diftreffes, and who has no leisure to be officious; whofe will is reftrained by his neceffities, and who has no power to confer benefits; whofe temper is perhaps vitiated by misery, and whose understanding is impeded by ignorance?

It is yet a more offenfive difcouragement, that the same actions performed by different

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hands produce different effects, and instead of rating the man by his performances, we rate too frequently the performance by the man. It fometimes happens in the combinations of life, that important fervices are performed by inferiors; but though their zeal and activity may be paid by pecuniary rewards, they feldom excite that flow of gratitude, or obtain that accumulation of recompence with which all think it their duty to acknowledge the favour of thofe who defcend to their affiftance from a higher elevation. To be obliged, is to be in fome respect inferior to another; and few willingly indulge the memory of an action which raifes one whom they have always been accuftomed to think below them, but fatisfy them. felves with faint praife and penurious payment, and then drive it from their own minds and endeavour to conceal it from the knowledge of others.

It may be always objected to the fervices of those who can be fuppofed to want a reward, that they were produced not by kindnefs but intereft; they are therefore, when they are no longer wanted, eafily difregarded


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