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alarmed at the terror of the foldiers commanded by Cæfar to hew down the facred grove, who dreaded, fays Lucan, left the axe aimed at the oak fhould fly back upon the ftriker.

Si robora facra ferirent,

In fua credebant redituras membra fecures,

we cannot furely but fympathise with the horrors of a wretch about to murder his master, his friend, his benefactor, who fufpects that the weapon will refufe its office, and start back from the breast which he is preparing to violate. Yet this fentiment is weakened by the name of an inftrument used by butchers and cooks in the meaneft employments; we do not immediately conceive that any crime of importance is to be committed with a knife, and at last from the long habit of connecting a knife with fordid offices, feel averfion rather than terror..

MACKBETH proceeds to wish, in the madnefs of guilt, that the inspection of heaven may be intercepted, and that he may in the involutions of infernal darkness escape the eye of providence. This is the utmost

extravagance of determined wickedness; yet this is fo debafed by two unfortunate words, that while I endeavour to impress on my reader the energy of the fentiment, I can scarce check my rifibility, when the expreffion forces itself upon my mind; for who without fome relaxation of his gravity can hear of the avengers of guilt peeping through a Blanket?

THESE imperfections of diction are lefs obvious to the reader, as he is lefs acquainted: with the common ufages of the age; they are therefore wholly imperceptible to a foreigner, who learns our language only from books, nor will strike a folitary academick fo forcibly as a modifh lady.

AMONG the numerous requifites that muft concur to compleat an author, few are of more importance than an early entrance into the living world. The feeds of knowledge may be planted in folitude, but must be cultivated in publick. Argumentation may be taught in colleges, and theories formed in retirement, but the artifice of embellishment, and the powers of attraction can be gained only by general converfe.

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AN acquaintance with prevailing custome and fashionable elegance is necessary likewise for other purpofes. The injury that noble fentiments fuffer from unfuitable language, personal merit may justly fear from rudeness and indelicacy. When the fuccefs of Eneas depended on the favour of the queen upon whofe coafts he was driven, his celeftial protectress thought him not fufficiently fecured against rejection by his piety or bravery, but decorated him for the interview with preternatural beauty. Whoever defires, what none can reasonably contemn, the favour of mankind, muft endeavour to add grace to ftrength, to make his converfation agreeable as well as ufeful, and to accomplish himself with the petty qualifications neceflary to make the first impreffions in his favour. Many complain of neglect who never used any efforts to attract regard. It cannot be expected that the patrons of fcience or virtue fhould be folicitous to difcover excellencies which they who poffefs them never difplay. Few have abilities fo much needed by the reft of the world as to be careffed on their own terms; and he that will not condefcend to recommend himself by ex

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ternal embellishments, muft fubmit to the fate of just fentiments meanly expreffed, and be ridiculed and forgotten before he is underftood.

NUMB. 169. TUESDAY, October 29, 1751.

Nec pluteum cædit, nec demorfos fapit ungues.

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TATURAL hiftorians affert, that whatever is formed for long duration arrives flowly to its maturity. Thus the firmest timber is of tardy growth, and animals generally exceed each other in longevity in proportion to the time between their conception and their birth.

THE fame obfervation may be extended to the offspring of the mind. Hafty compofitions, however they please at first by flowery luxuriance, and fpread in the fun-fhine of temporary favour, can feldom endure the change of seasons, but perish at the first blast of criticism, or froft of neglect. When A


pelles was reproached with the paucity of his productions, and the inceffant attention with which he retouched his pieces, he condefcended to make no other answer than that he painted for perpetuity,

No vanity can more justly incur contempt and indignation than that which boasts of negligence and hurry. For who can bear with patience the writer who claims fsuch superiority to the reft of his fpecies, as to imagine that mankind are at leisure for attention to his extemporary fallies, and that pofterity will repofite his cafual effufions among the treasures of antient wifdom?

MEN have fometimes appeared of fuch transcendent abilities, that their slightest and moft curfory performances excel all that labour and study can enable meaner intellects to compofe, as there are fome regions of which the spontaneous products cannot be equalled in other foils by care and culture. But it is no less dangerous for any man to place himself in this rank of understanding, and fancy that he is born to be illuftrious without labour, than to omit the cares of husbandry,


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