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PREFACE to the SIXTH Edition.

CHRIST, the only King and Lawgiver in his

church, and to him alone subjection in

things pertaining to religion is due, page 10


The constitution of the church of England and

of the church of Christ extremely different,

if not absolutely inconsistent with each other,


Of the church's power to decree rites and cere-

monies and authority in controversies of

Faith, 2, 4-14, 103-107, 122-135, 211—


This power of decreeing rites, &c. &c. is not
vested by the constitution of the church of
England in its Bishops, nor in its clergy, but
is entirely in the King and Parliament. The
church a creature of the Magistrate, who may
alter, new-form, or improve this part of our
constitution whenever it is thought proper,
9-11, 21, 22, 108-111, 126, 141-147, 179,
225-233, 251, 252.

The church of England is no more an essential part of our constitution than either of the courts of Westminster Hall, 69, 141-147. The English convocation not possessed of any ecclesiastical authority, 10-11,224-243. The bishops and clergy of the English church strenuously opposed the reformation from popery, 127-130.

Archdeacon Echard's Testimony, that many of the dignitaries and clergy were deprived by Queen Elizabeth for opposing the reformation, and that it wasbelieved that the rest complied against their consciences, 240. Note.

The King or the Queen of England the fountain of all ecclesiastical power, authority, and jurisdiction, therein, so as to controul and overrule all its archbishops, bishops, and clergy, in their most solemn offices and services of re ligion, 141-147, 252--258,

The absurdity of this power being lodged in the Queen instanced in the case of Mr. Whiston, when he was accused of heresy by the convocation; the state of this case truly represented and defended, 26-28,251-257. The church of England denies to its members the right of private judgment, 105-106.

has shewn a persecuting and dividing

spirit, 12-14, 21-22,75-83. Terms of ministerial conformity in the church of England, unreasonable, unchristian, and oppressive. - Lay dissent justified. - The rise of the separation between the churchmen and the dissenters. - Mr. Locke's observations on the act of uniformity, 158-165. Christianity forbids obedience to civil governors in things of a religious nature, 10-11, 240


The ejected ministers, in 1662, the only brave asserters in those times of civil and religious liberty, and the only persons who appear to

have then understood the true revolution principles, on which our present government is founded, 161-164.

They nobly suffered in defence of these principles, and are justly entitled to the reverence of posterity, for the virtuous opposition which they made to the unchristian usurpation of the Uniformity-Act over the rights of private judgment, 162-164.

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Mr. David Hume's testimony, that "the precious spark of liberty was kindled, and was preserved, by the puritans alone, and that to this sect the English owe the whole free"dom of their constitution," 162-163. Note. The Dissenters no enemies to the church, but sincerely desirous of a coalition with it, if the rulers of the church would alter some of those parts of its doctrine and worship, which the wisest and the best of its own members have acknowledged to be no parts of Christianity, 32,70-72, 219-221,296.

The subscription of the clergy to articles of religion, which they do not believe, one cause of the growth of infidelity, 271, 277-278. Of original sin, as stated in the IXth article of the church, 274.

Original sin acknowledged, by one of the most learned of our late bishops, " TO BE A CON"TRADICTION IN TERMS," 276.

Of the Athanasian Creed, 28-30, 120-122,


The Athanasian and the Nicene creeds contradictory to each other, yet both of them are subscribed by the clergy, and are regularly repeated by the laity of the church, 205. Note. Schism not chargeable on the Dissenters, but undoubtedly on the church, 23-27,79-83,.. 124, 160-165.

Of the Sacramental Test. A perversion of a sacred institution. - A disgrace to the church.


An unjust stigma on good subjects-A great hardship on the clergy, who cannot conscientiously give it to an evil-liver as a qualification for a place, nor safely refuse it, 66-69, 136-140, 247-250.

Of sponsors in baptism, 12, 33-39,147-152. Of confirmation, 39-44, 153-158.

Of absolution of the sick, and of the power assumed by the priest to forgive sins. No such power given by Jesus Christ to any fallible uninspired men.--The fatal consequences of this practice pointed out, 44-48. Objections to the burial-office, 57-60. The burial-office and the Athanasian creed inconsistent with and repugnant to each other, 60-61,202-205.

Of the posture in which the Lord's Supper was received at its first institution, 12-13, 117120, 216-218.

No particular posture imposed by the Dissenters at receiving the sacrament, or at prayers, as Mr. White asserts, 12-15, 50-51, 118-140. Of the want of discipline in the church of England, The power of the Lay-Chancellor, to admit to, or reject from the Lord's supper, superior to that of a bishop or a priest, 61-67,74.

Observations on the office for the ordination of priests and deacons, 263-266, 284-292. Various misrepresentations of the Dissentersdisproved, 13-16, 48-57, 114, 165-175. Of the people's right to choose their own pastors, 87-92,195-201. Dissenters not inconsistentin submitting to some ceremonies and refusing submission to others, 54-57,176-178.

Presbyterian ordination valid; far preferable to that episcopalian ordination in which Mr. White glories, which is derived only from the church of Rome. The egregious absurdity

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