Women's VoicesW. Scott, 1887 - 419 pages |
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Women's Voices: An Anthology of the Most Characteristic Poems by English ... Elizabeth Amelia Sharp No preview available - 2009 |
Common terms and phrases
ALISON COCKBURN Ardbeg auld BARONESS NAIRNE beneath blossom blue bonnie breast breath bride bright brow cold cried dark dear death deep dream earth eyes face fair fear feet Fionnula flowers frae gold grave grey hair hand hath hear heard heart heaven HESTER PIOZZI JOANNA BAILLIE KATHERINE PHILIPS kiss light lips little birds sang live lonely look Lord maun mother mournfully Moyle run ne'er never night o'er pain pale Pan is dead Poems prayer Quair rest rose Rothesay Bay round SARA COLERIDGE shadows shore sigh silent silent Pool sing skies smile Softly sleep song soul sound spirit Spring stars strive strong sweet tears thee thine things thou Toll slowly trees Twas Ulula various prose voice Water-Sprite waves of Moyle weary weep wild wind wings
Popular passages
Page 176 - COLD in the earth — and the deep snow piled above thee. Far, far removed, cold in the dreary grave ! Have I forgot, my only Love, to love thee, Severed at last by Time's all-severing wave...
Page 79 - Give back the lost and lovely ! — those for whom The place was kept at board and hearth so long ! The prayer went up through midnight's breathless gloom, And the vain yearning woke 'midst festal song ! Hold fast thy buried isles, thy towers o'erthrown — But all is not thine own.
Page 161 - Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints.
Page 171 - THE OLD STOIC. RICHES I hold in light esteem, And Love I laugh to scorn ; And lust of fame was but a dream, That vanished with the morn : And if I pray, the only prayer That moves my lips for me Is, " Leave the heart that now I bear, And give me liberty...
Page 107 - I'll not forget old Ireland, Were it fifty times as fair! And often in those grand old woods I'll sit, and shut my eyes. And my heart will travel back again To the place where Mary lies; And I'll think...
Page 178 - Life, that in me hast rest, As I Undying Life, have power in Thee! Vain are the thousand creeds That move men's hearts, unutterably vain, Worthless as withered weeds, Or idlest froth amid the boundless main, To waken doubt in one Holding so fast by thy infinity, So surely anchored on The steadfast rock of Immortality.
Page 19 - I'll quit my prey, And grant a kind reprieve ; In hopes you'll have no more to say ; But, when I call again this way, Well pleased the world will leave.
Page 196 - O May I Join The Choir Invisible! O may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence...
Page 210 - MY heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot ; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit } My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea ; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me.
Page 172 - I'll walk where my own nature would be leading : It vexes me to choose another guide : Where the grey flocks in ferny glens are feeding ; Where the wild wind blows on the mountain side.