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" Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pisces. "
A General History of Mathematics from the Earliest Times to the Middle of ... - Page 95
by Charles Bossut - 1803 - 540 pages
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Of the Nature of Things: In Six Books, Volume 2

Titus Lucretius Carus - 1714 - 456 pages
...fpace of four and twenty hours. II. The Order and Names of the Signs are contain'd in thcfe verfes : Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pifces. Which being moft of them Animals, the Circle was from thence call'd Zodiack, from the Greek...
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Amusemens philologiques: ou, Variétés en tous genres

Gabriel Peignot - 1824 - 546 pages
...COKDAHIHE. VI. ENIGME. Mitto tibi navem puppi proràque carentem (i). LES SIGNES DU ZODIAQUE. Simt aries, taurus , gemini , cancer, leo , virgo, Libraque..., scorpius , arcitenens , Caper, amphora , pisceS. SUR LA LUNE. Pullula luna pluit, rubicunda fiât , allia sereuat. . AUTRE. Cornua creacèntis lunae...
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An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy: Adapted to the Present Improved State ...

John Farrar - 1827 - 456 pages
...pisccs K. They arc arranged in order in the two following verses, which may be easily remembered ; Sunt aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, Libraque, scorpius, arcitenens, caper, amphora, pisces. Each sign is a twelfth part of the circumference, and contains 30°. The assemblage of these signs...
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Gradus ad parnassum: (409 p.)

1835 - 420 pages
...Zônarumquë trïum contebiös fine. VERS. Sïgnîfërarn lustrâvît Cynthia Zonâm. Duodecim Signa Zodiaci. Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo : Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, (i.) Pisces. 1. Sagittarius. Capricornus. Aquarius. * Los doce Signos del Zodíaco, comenzando el año...
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Amusemens philologiques ou Variétés en tous genres, par G.P. Philomneste

Étienne Gabriel Peignot - 1842 - 586 pages
...Voyez les mots des Enigmes à la fin de la POÉTIQUE CORIECSÏ, p. 202. LES SIGNES DU ZODIAQUE. Su nt aries , taurus , gemini , cancer , leo , virgo , Libraque...scorpius , arcitenens , caper , amphora , pisces. SUR LA LUNE. Pallida lima pluit , rubicunda flat , alba serenat. AUTRE. Cornua crescentis lunae vertuntur...
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A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts, Volume 1

Thomas Young - 1845 - 670 pages
...who prefer the cadence of a Latin distich, in order to assist the memory, may repeat them thus, — Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pisces. The planes of the orbits of the other primary planets, excepting the three £four] minute planets lately...
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Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Geographie

Karl von Raumer - 1848 - 602 pages
...feinet ©ternbilbet Stetere »otfMen. gotgenbe SSetfe nennen bie 12 ЗеЕфеп in iijter gola,e: Sunt: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pisces. 9îàÎ)ete »от Sfjietfteife f. §§. 30. 31. §.20. аЗегапЬегНфе ©ferne, bt ^1фе,...
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Outlines of Astronomy

John Frederick William Herschel - 1849 - 672 pages
...n, and so on, the signs having • They may be remembered by the following memorial hexameters:— Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pisces. retreated* among the stars (together with the equinox their origin), by the effect of precession. The...
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M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum disputationum ad M. Brutum libri quinque

Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1850 - 304 pages
...der sogen. Thierkreis, ¿ftiaiaxós, lat. gewöhnlich orbis signifer. Die 12 Sternbilder desselben Sunt aries , taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, Libraque, scorpius, arcitenens, caper, amphora, pisces. quinque stellas : Mercur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. in medio mundi loco. Vgl. 17, 40. duabus oris,...
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Manual of astronomy

John Drew - 1853 - 386 pages
...Fishes. The following Latin hexameters will assist the memory in calling to mind the order of the signs : Sunt Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libraque, Scorpius, Arcitenens, Caper, Amphora, Pisces. 236. Though the planes of the orbits of the planets do not exactly coincide with that of the earth,...
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