ADVERTISEMENT. THE following sheets have been published for the use of those preachers who, in consequence of their numerous secular engagements, can command but an exeeedingly limited portion of time weekly for pulpit preparation. It was, indeed, the author's design to continue this publication, for a few years at least, being fully persuaded of the desirableness of such a work. As the convenience of many will, however, be consulted by the immediate completion of this manual, containing FIFTY OUTLINES OF SERMONS, with Theological Extracts, Biblical Notes, and Miscellaneous Literature, this course has been adopted. Many thanks are due from the author to those Ministers and Gentlemen who, with great cordiality, have expressed their entire approval of his production. London, August 1st, 1842. A PERIODICAL expressly designed to meet the convenience, B 2 EVANGELICAL TESTIMONY. PULPIT NOTES. THE EVANGELICAL TESTIMONY. "THIS IS A FAITHFUL SAYING, AND WORTHY OF ALL ACCEPTATION, THAT CHRIST JESUS CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS." -1 Tim. i. 15. CONSISTENCY requires that all who devote themselves to the Christian ministry, should be prepared to aver: "We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen." Paul was thus qualified. He "was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious:" but, having obtained mercy, he boldly preached "the gospel of the grace of God;" for to him was "this grace given, that he should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ." In directing our minds to this Evangelical Testimony, let us contemplate the Illustrious Personage to whom it especially relates, the regard to which it is entitled, and the grounds on which that regard is claimed. Observe, I. THE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGE TO WHOM THIS TESTIMONY RELATES. "CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners." The testimony bears on two points: 1. His distinguished character. He is the anointed Saviouranointed "with the oil of gladness above his fellows." Himself declared: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because he hath anointed me," &c. He is the great Prophetthe King of Saints and the High Priest of our holy profession. "Jesus" is replete with all Divine perfections-distinguished by the treasures of his wisdom-righteousness the girdle of his loins-his mercy unbounded. He is the exclusive Saviour. 2. The propitious design of his manifestation in the flesh. He The objects of his sympathy: " Sinners." By enlightening the mind-awakening the conscience- Isaiah, lxi. 1-3. Luke, iv. 17-21. Heb. i. 9. Col. ii. 3, 9. Acts, iv. 12. 1 John, iv. 14. 2 Cor. v. 17. Rom. v. 21; vi. 23. II. THE REGARD TO WHICH THIS TESTIMONY IS ENTITLED. This testimony is entitled to, 1. Immediate acceptance. 2. Cordial acceptance. EVANGELICAL TESTIMONY. 3 3. Grateful acceptance. 4. Universal acceptance. It is "worthy of all acceptation." 2 Cor. vi. 2. Rom. x. 6-10. Acts, viii. 37. Rom. i. 16; iii. 21, 22. Luke, ii. 31, 32. Now let us examine III. THE GROUNDS ON WHICH THAT REGARD IS CLAIMED. "This is a faithful saying," &c. In corroboration of its faith fulness or truth, we observe that 1. It coincides with the prophetic testimony concerning Christ. 2. It is supported by the evidence of angelic messengers. 3. It accords with the declared will of the Father. 4. It is the doctrine taught by the Son of God himself. 5. It was attested by the miraculous influence of the Holy Ghost. 6. It is demonstrated by the experience of all Christian believers. Gen. xxii. 18. Dan. ix. 24-27. Luke, ii. 10, 11. Isaiah, xlix. 6. John, vii. 37; xii. 32. Acts, ii. 33. Eph. i. 13. And did Christ come to save mankind? Then why do you fight against him, and say, “We will not have this man to reign over us"? Remember, he will come again-will appear as "THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH"! Prepare for the solemn meeting. "He that believeth not is condemned already," &c. John, iii. 18, 31-36. Rejoice, ye that hope in divine mercy! Christ bids you come to him, and receive rest to your souls. Accept pardon-go in peace. Believers in Christ! Extol the Lord's ANOINTED ONE-" Tell of his salvation from day to day." THE ENLIGHTENING INFLUENCE OF REVELATION. "THE ENTRANCE OF THY WORDS GIVETH LIGHT." - Ps. cxix. 130. As the divine medium of saving knowledge to mankind, the sacred writings are paramount. "What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?" inquires the Apostle Paul; to which he replies, "Much, every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God." And be it remarked that, as an eminent prelate has well observed, -" An understanding of those matters which philosophy, for whole centuries, sought in vain, the sacred writings will give to the simple,' in a few days." Observe, therefore, their supreme excellency, their illuminating virtue, and their consequent claim on our devout regard. I. THEIR SUPREME EXCELLENCY. "THY WORDS"-Divine oracles-Given by inspiration of God. (2 Tim. iii. 16.) As such, 1. They are unquestionable in their authority, 2. Awfully sublime in their revelations. 3. Consummately pure. в 2 |