The Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, AND THE Participationthereof by all trueChristians. A SERMON Preached at The Funeral OF Mr. RICHARD WARREN, Gent. Who Dyed February the 6th. and was Buried Feb. the 9th, 1701. BY JOHN JEFFERY, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich, and Minister of St. Peters of Mancroft. NORWICH: Printed by Fr. Burges for the Widow Oliver in the Cockey-Lane, near the Market-place. 1704. TO THE READER. T HE true Reason why you will find no mention ment of the Person deceased, in this Discourse at his Interment, is; because according to my Judgment, I Maintain on all fuch Occafions the Difference between a Funeral Sermon, which is intirely for the Benefit of the Living; and a Funeral Oration, which is only an Encomium of the Dead. Therefore bere, neither the Compоfition, nor the Subject does Appropriate the Discourse; but the Design, and the Use of it is as Common as |