ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE, PASSED BY THE THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO, AT ITS FIRST SESSION, HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, AND COMMENCING DECEMBER 3, 1838, IN THE THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF SAID STATE. VOL. XXXVII. COLUMBUS: SAMUEL MEDARY, PRINTER TO THE STATE. ........ 1839. GENERAL LAWS. AN ACT To amend the act creating the office of County Surveyor, and defining his duties. fill vacancy. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That whenever the office of county surveyor shall be- court of comcome vacant, either by death, resignation or otherwise, the mon pleas to court of common pleas next to be holden for the county where such vacancy may happen, or the associate judges in vacation, shall appoint a person well qualified to discharge the duties of said office; who shall hold such appointment until the next October election and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall take an oath or affirmation, and give bond with shall take an security in the manner provided in the fourth section of the oath and give act to which this is an amendment. bond. Sec. 2. That the third section of the act creating the office Third section of county surveyor, and defining his duties, passed March 3, repealed. 1831, be and the same is hereby repealed. JAS. J. FARAN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker of the Senate. December 15, 1838. AN ACT Making special appropriations for the year 1838. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: For the payment, in part, to Samuel Medary, state printer, a Pay of state sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, in addition to the printer. unexpended balance appropriated for that purpose, by the |