Treatise on Architecture: Including the Arts of Construction, Building, Stone-masonry, Arch, Carpentry, Roof, Joinery, and Strength of MaterialsArthur Ashpitel A. and C. Black, 1867 - 311 pages |
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Page 4
... horizontal bands , or stripes of colour on it , without any reason suggested by the construction . This fashion was then carried further , and brickwork was spotted over red , yellow , and black , in patterns so unartistic as to appear ...
... horizontal bands , or stripes of colour on it , without any reason suggested by the construction . This fashion was then carried further , and brickwork was spotted over red , yellow , and black , in patterns so unartistic as to appear ...
Page 12
... horizontal layers , in the manner called by our workmen battering , or inore correctly perhaps corbelling . It proves , however , that its architect understood the principle of the arch in its horizontal position ; for Mr Cockerell has ...
... horizontal layers , in the manner called by our workmen battering , or inore correctly perhaps corbelling . It proves , however , that its architect understood the principle of the arch in its horizontal position ; for Mr Cockerell has ...
Page 22
... horizontal cornices , and pilasters but slightly projected , with simple but generally tasteful and elegant enrichments of foliage and carved mouldings , are the most striking characteristics of the Tre- cento ; but columns , and the ...
... horizontal cornices , and pilasters but slightly projected , with simple but generally tasteful and elegant enrichments of foliage and carved mouldings , are the most striking characteristics of the Tre- cento ; but columns , and the ...
Page 30
... horizontal courses , but at an angle inclined to the base ; nor are its sides carried up to the top in one continued plane , but at about two thirds from the base they incline towards each other under a more obtuse angle . It has been ...
... horizontal courses , but at an angle inclined to the base ; nor are its sides carried up to the top in one continued plane , but at about two thirds from the base they incline towards each other under a more obtuse angle . It has been ...
Page 33
... horizontal section of each face . The one in the Place de la Concorde at Paris has the peculiarity of being convex on one side , and slightly concave on the other . In all ancient examples , the small pyramid which covers the obelisk ...
... horizontal section of each face . The one in the Place de la Concorde at Paris has the peculiarity of being convex on one side , and slightly concave on the other . In all ancient examples , the small pyramid which covers the obelisk ...
Common terms and phrases
abutment angle arch architect architecture architrave beam beauty brick building buttresses called carpentry Cathedral ceiling centre church cohesion columnar columns composition compression construction corbels cornice course curve Decorated Decorated period diameter direction dome door Doric Doric order early English period edifice enriched entablature equal examples feet fibres fillet floor force frame front Greek groining half horizontal hypotrachelium inches intercolumniation iron joinery joints joists king-post laths length less load manner materials mortar mortise mouldings nearly Norman ornament ovalo particles peripteral perpendicular Perpendicular period piece piers plain plastering Plate portico pressure projecting pronaos proportion prostyle rafters resistance ribs Roman roof round shafts side soffit sometimes spires square stone strain strength STRENGTH OF MATERIALS structure style stylobate supposed surface temple tenon thickness tie-beam timber tion towers tracery transverse triglyphs truss ture upper vaulting vertical Vitruvius wall weight whole width
Popular passages
Page 74 - The two great rules for design are these : 1st, that there should be no features about a building which are not necessary for convenience, construction, or propriety; 2nd, that all ornament should consist of enrichment of the essential construction of the building.
Page 84 - I can hardly think it practicable to make a single room so capacious with pews and galleries as to hold above 2000 persons, and all to hear the service, and both to hear distinctly and see the preacher.
Page 293 - ¿ition established by this theory is, that the strength of prismática! columns is in the direct quadruplicate ratio of their diameters, and the inverse duplicate ratio of their lengths. He prosecuted this subject in the Petersburg Commentaries for 1778, confirming his former theory. We do not find that any other author has bestowed much attention on it, all seeming to acquiesce in the determinations of Euler, and to consider the subject as of very great difficulty, requiring the application of...
Page 223 - Fig. 9. and 10. exhibit the most approved form of a scarf, whether for a tie or for a post. The key represented in the middle is not essentially necessary ; the two pieces might simply meet square there. This form, without a key, needs no bolts (although they strengthen it greatly) ; but, if worked very true and close, and with square abutments, will hold together, and will resist bending in any direction. But the key is an ingenious and a very great improvement, and will force the parts together...
Page 270 - ... of manufactures, and in particular so distinguished for its improvements in machinery of every kind, it is somewhat singular that no writer has treated it in the detail which its importance and difficulty demands. The man of science who visits our great manufactories is delighted with the ingenuity which he observes in every part, the innumerable inventions which come even from individual artisans, and the determined purpose of improvement and refinement which he sees in every workshop.
Page 294 - Experiments on the transverse strength of bodies are easily made, and accordingly are very numerous, especially those made on timber, which is the case most common and most interesting. But in this great number of experiments there are very few from which we can draw much practical information. The experiments have in general been made on such small scantlings, that the unavoidable natural inequalities bear too great a proportion to the strength of the whole piece. Accordingly, when we compare the...
Page 131 - ... Wharf and quay walls, and the revetment walls of military works, may require a fair face, unbroken by projections in front, but this is not the case with retaining walls for roads and railways, where a long line of projecting buttresses would be unobjectionable, the counterforts becoming buttresses and merely changing places with the wall. On account of the common practice of battering the faces of retaining walls in curved lines and of radiating the^ beds of the brickwork composing them from...
Page 103 - Gable. — When a roof is not hipped or returned on itself at the ends, its ends are stopped by carrying up the walls under them in the triangular form of the roof itself. This is called the gable, or, in the case of the ornamental and ornamented gable, the pediment. Of necessity, gables follow the angles of the slope of the roof, and differ in the various styles.
Page 274 - ... in the transverse direction, and since this bulging out is in opposition to the transverse forces of attraction, it must employ some part of the compressing force. And the common appearances are in perfect uniformity with this conception of things. When we press a bit of dryish clay, it swells out and cracks transversely. When a pillar of wood is overloaded, it swells out, and small crevices appear in the direction of the fibres. After this it will not bear half of the load. This the carpenters...
Page 226 - ... of 6 by 4 inches. This is a beautiful roof, and contains less timber than most others of the same dimensions. The parts are all disposed with great judgment. Perhaps the iron rod is unnecessary ; but it adds great stiffness to the whole.