| Thomas Bennet - 1718 - 300 pages
...St. John. Baptift, who adminiftred Baptifm to him, hare retard, faying, Ifaw the fpirit defcending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not : but be that fent me to hapti&e with water, the fame faid tmto me, Upon whom thou jhalt fee the Spirit defcending... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 470 pages
...with Water : And 'John, bare bare Record, faying, I faw the Spirit */<?- S r R Mfcending from Heaven, and it abode upon him : And I knew him not ; But he that fent me to baptize with Water, the fame faid unto me. Upon whom thou jkalt fee the Spirit descending,... | |
 | John Barnes (of Pembroke) - 1765 - 402 pages
...who will believe it, may, All carried down that purple Stream, AND J'ohn bare record, faying, I fa\v the Spirit! descending •*•*• from Heaven, like a Dove, and it abode upon him, John i. 32. CHRIST is the only Perfon worthy to receive the Fulnefs of tbe Holy Spirit ; and St. John... | |
 | Esq. J. Stephens - 1777 - 396 pages
...mentions, bears record of his having baptized Jefus with water, and fays, " I faw the Spirit de" fcending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode " .upon him ; and I knew him not; but he that " -fent me to baptize with water, the fame faid " unto me, Upon whom thou malt fee the Spirit *' .defcending,... | |
 | Robert Holmes - 1782 - 240 pages
...therefore am I come baptizing with water — (and John bare record, faying, I faw the Spirit, defcending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode upon him) and I knew him not ; but he that fent me to baptize with water, the fame faid unto me, upon whom thou malt fee the Spirit defcending.... | |
 | Richard Watson (bp. of Llandaff) - 1785 - 534 pages
...the Lamb of God !" pointing to him. " And he bare record, faying, I law the Spirit defcending on him like a dove ; and it abode upon him : and I knew him not. But he that fent me to baptize with water, the fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou fhalt fee the Spirit defcending,... | |
 | 1787 - 510 pages
...faith, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the fin of the world. And I faw the Spirit defcending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I faw, and bear record, that this is the fon of God. ' 4J. When Nicodemus, a Jewifh ruler, came and told... | |
 | Friend to Truth - 1789 - 370 pages
...therefore I am come baptizing with ' water. And John bare record, faying, I faw ' the fpirit defcending from Heaven, like a dove, ' and it abode upon him : and I knew him not : ' but he that fent me to baptize with water, the ' fame faid unto me, upon whom thoujhalt fee the ' fpirit defcending... | |
 | Richard Watson - 1791 - 536 pages
...I/amb of God ! " pointing to him. " And he bare record, faying, I faw the Spirit defcend" ing on him like a dove; and it abode upon him: and I knew " him not. But he that fent me to baptize with water, the fame " faid unto me, Upon whom thou malt fee the Spirit defcending,... | |
 | Robert Walker, Hugh Blair - 1796 - 472 pages
...of, that age ; for this was the record he bare, John i. 32, 33, 34, " I faw the Spirit de" fcending from heaven like a dove, and, it '* abode upon him. And I knew him not : '* but he that fent me to baptize with water, " the fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou ts fhalt fee the Spirit drfcending... | |
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