JEWS. 1 ANNE, STAT. 1, CAP. 30.-—An act to oblige the Jews to maintain and provide for their protestant children.-To the end that sufficient maintenance be provided and allowed for the children of jewish parents, who shall turn protestants; be it enacted by the queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from and after the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and two, if any jewish parent, in order to the compelling of his or Jewish paher protestant child to change his or her religion, shall refuse to rents the allow such child a fitting maintenance, suitable to the degree and protestant! ability of such parent, and to the age and education of such child, ting maintethen (upon complaint thereof made to the lord high chancellor of nance. England, or lord keeper of the great seal, or commissioners for the great seal for the time being) it shall and may be lawful for the said lord chancellor, lord keeper, or commissioners, to make such order therein, for the maintenance of such protestant child, as he or they shall thing fit. 13 GEORGE 2, CAP. 7, SEC. 3.-An act for naturalizing such foreign protestants, and others therein mentioned, as are settled, or shall settle, in any of his majesty's colonies in America.-See Title-"PROTESTANTS, FOREIGN, NATURALIZED.” allow their children fit 26 GEORGE 2, CAP. 26.-An act to permit persons professing the jewish religion to be naturalized by parliament; and for other purposes therein mentioned. REP.-Whereas by an act made in the seventh 7 Jac. 1, c. 2. year of the reign of king James the first, intituled, an act that all such as are to be naturalized or restored in blood, shall first receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper, and the oath of allegiance, and the oath of supremacy; every person who shall apply to be naturalized by act of parliament, being of the age of eighteen years or upwards, is required to receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper within one month before the bill for such natralization be exhibited, whereby many persons of considerable substance professing the jewish religion are prevented from being naturalized by bill to be exhibited in parliament for that purpose: and whereas by an act made in the thirteenth year of his present majesty's reign, intituled, an act for 13 G. 2, c. 7. naturalizing such foreign protestants, and others therein mentioned, as are settled, or shall settle in any of his majesty's colonies in America, persons professing the jewish religion who have inhabited and resided, or shall inhabit and reside for the space of seven years or more in any of his majesty's colonies in America, and shall not have been absent out of some of the said colonies for a longer space than two months at any one time during the said seven years, are naturalized upon their complying with the terms therein mentioned, without their receiving the sacrament of the Lord's supper; be it therefore enacted, &c. Jews, upon application to parliament, may be naturalized without taking the sacrament. Clause to be inserted in every bill, subjecting the person to the disabilities expressed in 1 Geo. 1, c. 4. No person to be naturalized who has not resided in Great Britain or Ireland for three years, without being absent more than three months at one time, and who shall not bring proof of his having professed the jewish religion for three years before. Jews disabled from purchasing or inheriting any advowson or right of patronage, &c. 27 GEORGE 2, CAP. 1.-An act to repeal an act of the twenty-sixth year of his majesty's reign, intituled, an act to permit persons professing the jewish religion to be naturalized by parliament; and for other purposes therein mentioned.—Whereas an act of parliament 26 G. 2, c. 26. was made and passed in the twenty-sixth year of his majesty's reign, intituled, an act to permit persons professing the jewish religion to be naturalized by parliament; and for other purposes therein mentioned: and whereas occasion has been taken from the said act to raise discontents, and to disquiet the minds of many of his majesty's subjects; be it enacted by the king's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority The recited of the same, that the above mentioned act, and the several matters act repealed. and things therein contained, shall be, and is and are hereby repealed and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever. 8 & 9 VICTORIA, CAP. 52.-An act for the relief of persons of the jewish religion elected to municipal offices.-Whereas the declaration 9 G. 4, c. 17. prescribed by an act of the ninth year of the reign of king George the fourth, intituled an act for repealing so much of several acts as imposes the necessity of receiving the sacrament of the Lord's supper as a qualification for certain offices and employments, upon admission into office in municipal corporations, cannot conscientiously be made and subscribed by persons of the jewish religion: be it therefore enacted by the queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prePersons pro- sent parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that fessing the jewish reli- instead of the declaration required to be made and subscribed by the said recited act, every person of the jewish religion be permitted to make and subscribe the following declaration within one calendar month next before or upon his admission into the office of mayor, alderman, recorder, bailiff, common councilman, councillor, chamberlain, treasurer, town clerk, or any other municipal office in any city, town corporate, borough, or cinque port, within England and Wales or the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed: gion, on ac cepting the office of mayor, &c., to make a declaration. Declaration, I A. B., being a person professing the jewish religion, having conscientious scruples against subscribing the declaration contained in an act passed in the ninth year of the reign of king George the fourth, intituled an act for repealing so much of several acts as imposes the necessity of receiving the sacrament of the Lord's supper as a qualification for certain offices and employments, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare, that I will not exercise any power or authority or influence which I may possess by virtue of the office of to injure or weaken the protestant church as it is by law established in England, nor to disturb the said church, or the bishops and clergy of the said church, in the possession of any right or privileges to which such church or the said bishops and clergy may be by law entitled. to be as valid II. And be it enacted, that such declaration shall with respect to Declaration any such office, be of the same force and effect as if the person as that of making it had made and subscribed the declaration aforesaid con- 9 G. 4, c. 17. tained in the said act of the ninth year of the reign of king George the fourth. 9 & 10 VICTORIA, CAP. 59.—An act to relieve her majesty's subjects from certain penalties and disabilities in regard to religious opinions.— See Title-UNIFORMITY OF SERVICE." SPACE LEFT FOR REFERENCE, IF NECESSARY, TO ACTS OF PARLIAMENT PASSED SUBSEQUENT TO A. D. 1846. LEASES BY SPIRITUAL PERSONS. 28 HENRY 8, CAP. 11.-For the restitution of the first firuits in time of vacation to the next incumbent.-See Title- FIRST FRUITS, ENGLAND," vol. iii. p. 120. by tenants in which be void. Savil 85. 148. by tenant in him which is 32 HENRY 8, CAP. 28.-Lessees to enjoy the farm against the tenants in tail.-Where great number of the king's subjects have Leases made heretofore taken leases of lands, tenements and other hereditaments, fee or feefor term of years, and divers of them for term of lives, and have tail, in the right of their given and paid great fines and great sums for the same, and also wives or have been at great costs and charges, as well in and about great churches, reparations and buildings upon their said farms, as otherwise con- good, which cerning their said farms; yet notwithstanding the said farmers, after 2 Roll 169, the deaths or resignations of their lessors, have been and be daily 332, 403, 404. with great cruelty expulsed and put out of their said farms and Hutton 84. takings, by the heirs or successors of their said lessors, or by such Leon. 59, persons as have interest therein after the deaths or resignations of 3 Leon. 156. their said lessors, by reason of privy gifts of intail, or for that the Leases made lessors had nothing in the lands, tenements or other hereditaments tail, or by so letten, at the time of the leases thereof made, but only in the seized in the right of their wives, or such other like cause, to the great im- right of his wife, or poverishment, and in manner utter undoing of the said farmers: church, &c. for reformation whereof, be it ordained, established and enacted 1 Lev. 112. by the king our sovereign lord, the lords spiritual and temporal, s Co. 34. and the commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by 10 Co. 60. authority of the same, that all leases hereafter to be made of any f. 9. manors, lands, tenements, or other hereditaments by writing in- Co. Lit. 44. dented under seal for term of years, or for term of life, by any Hob. 204. person or persons being of full age of twenty-one years, having any estate of inheritance either in fee simple or in fee tail, in their own right, or in the right of their churches or wives, or jointly with their wives, of any estate of inheritance made before the coverture or after, shall be good and effectual in the law against the lessors, their wives, heirs and successors, and every of them, according to such estate as is comprised and specified in every such indenture of lease, in like manner and form as the same should have been, if the lessors thereof, and every of them, at the time of the making of such leases, had been lawfully seized of the same lands, tenements and hereditaments comprised in such indenture, of a good, perfect and pure estate of fee simple thereof to their own only uses. Cro. Jac. 173. Bro. Accept. Dyer 51, 363. Cro. El. 875. Cro. El. 5, servations of II. Provided always, that this act, or any thing contained, shall 31 H. 8, c. 20. not extend to any leases to be made of any manors, lands, tenements 330. or hereditaments, being in the hands of any farmer or farmers by Special obvirtue of any old lease, unless the same old lease be expired, surren- leases to be dered or ended within one year next after the making of the said made by new lease; nor shall extend to any grant to be made of any rever- tail, or of the sion of any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, nor to any Raym, 165, lease of any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments which have 1 Sid. 416. tenant in wife's land. |