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Eternal source of every joy......
Eternal source of life and thought............
Exulting, rejoicing, hail the happy morning.... 286

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Far from the world, O Lord, I flee

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* Far hence, kind Heaven! the wish remove ...365

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Father of lights, we sing thy name
Father of men, thy care we bless ............293
Father of mercies! God of love.............. 65
* Father of mercies! hear our prayer .........430
Father of mercies, in thy word




Father of mercies, send thy grace............246
Father of our feeble race..










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Father of peace, O turn once more
Father! whose benignant ear
For ever, Lord, thy power remains
Forsake, my soul, the tents of sin
From all that dwell below the skies
From north and south, from east and west
From vocal air and concave skies


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Give thanks to God, the heavenly king........117


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Give to our God immortal praise
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glory be to God on high......
God in his earthly temples lays..
God is love: his mercy brightens
God moves in a mysterious way ....
God, my King, thy might confessing



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God of the changing year, whose arm of power..315

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Great God of grace, arise and shine
Great God, the heaven's well-order'd frame


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Great God, this sacred day of thine




Great God, thy glories shall employ..........105

Great God, thy peerless excellence.

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Great God, to thee our grateful tongues....... 55
Great God, we sing that mighty hand.. .... 57


Great God, what do I see and hear.


Great God, whose universal sway........



Great is our God, his works of might...... ..102

Great King of kings, eternal God


Great source of life, our souls confess.





Great source of light! whose mighty hand.....328
Great source of unexhausted good ...........145


... 44


Hail, King supreme! all wise and good.......
Happy hours, all hours excelling.............
Happy is he whose early years......... ....208
Happy the soul whose wishes climb ..........212
Hark, from the tombs a doleful sound



Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes .....164
Hasten, sinner, to be wise


Hear what God, the Lord, hath spoken .......201
Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims....275
Heaven, earth, and all created things


* Here, Lord, when at thy table met.....




Here, Lord, within thy sacred dome.......... 16


He that hath made his refuge God
He who spread forth the arch of heaven.
High in the heavens, eternal God




High let us swell our tuneful notes ........

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Holy, holy, holy Lord


Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts (SANCTUS] 21

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How blest, the blest of God, are they ........378

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* How glorious are those orbs of light ........ 413

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How rich thy favours, God of grace .......... .419

How rich thy gifts, almighty King



* How shall my mortal powers aspire......... 78

How sweet, how heavenly is the sight.
How sweetly flow'd the gospel's sound
How welcome thy returning beams
Humanity! thou sent of God...


If all our hopes and all our fears
If solid happiness we prize









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I'll praise my Maker with my breath
Imposture shrinks from light......
In God's own house pronounce his praise
Inquire, ye pilgrims, for the way.........


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In the soft season of thy youth ..............208 In thy rebukes, all-gracious God

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I read thy name, O God, emblazon'd high ..... ..329 Is there a lone and dreary hour..............390


Jehovah God! thy gracious power............348

Jehovah reigns; he dwells in light.

Jehovah reigns! let every nation hear

Jehovah reigns: Thou earth, rejoice

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Jesus, the friend of man......


Joy to the world! the Lord is come............ 163

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Let others boast how strong they be.







Let party names no more
Let us with a gladsome mind.
* Life is a checquer'd road..
Life is a span, a fleeting hour
Life is the time to serve the Lord
Lift your voice, and joyful sing.....
Lift your voice, ye people all..
* Like crowds of weary pilgrims here
Like shadows gliding o'er the plain
Lo, God is here! him day and night..........
Long as I live I'll bless thy name ............ 128
Look round, O man! survey this globe........ 101

Look up, ye mortals, and invoke.

Lord, before thy presence come






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Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing............ 300

Lord, how resplendent shines thy grace .......
Lord, I have made thy word my choice


Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear.......... 20

Lord, in the temple of thy grace.............. 17

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