INDEX OF FIRST LINES. [The Hymns to which an Asterisk is prefixed are Absurd and vain attempt! to bind...........192 * Adore, my soul, that awful name.... ....... ... Again the Lord of life and light.......... Again the morning's beams proclaim...... 196 13 .... ... ... 18 .188 320 ... A glory gilds the sacred page 155 ..... ........... Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain ........213 All praise to thee, in light array'd Amidst a world of hopes and fears Ancient of ages, humbly bent before thee ......316 And art thou with us, gracious Lord..........385 And is the gospel peace and love209 Page Angel, roll the rock away As various as the moon.... .........270 .166 .... .............. 406 ............ ... ..305 ......... ....... Awake, my soul, and with the sun.... ......321 Awake, my soul! awake, my tongue.......... .182 Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes .......... 216 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve ........ .215 Awake, our souls, away, our fears............214 Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes.........264 Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme.......115 * Behold the lily's silken vest .............. Behold, the lofty sky... .... 99 Behold, the Prince of Peace Blest are the humble souls that see. Blest are the pious gentle race Blest are the sons of peace Blest are the souls that hear and know * Blest with the gospel for our guide.........372 Call Jehovah thy salvation C ........ Can creatures to perfection find .. .... .......... .118 ........ .307 52 ........ ......... 1 ... Come, pay the worship God requires ......... ........ ........... ....... 17 61 309 402 2 Come, ye who mourn, and dry your tears......358 E Early, my God, without delay......... |