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" While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground: He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And... "
Hymns for Public Worship: Selected for the Use of the Congregation ... - Page 156
1826 - 442 pages
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The Psalms of David: Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and ...

Isaac Watts - 1769 - 360 pages
...Nor thorns infeft the ground ; He comes to make his bleflings flow Far as the curfe is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his nghtet.ufueis, And wonders of his love. - 5. PSALM XCIX. Firft Part. CkrijTs kingdom and majeftj. EGuJ,...
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Hymns and spiritual songs, mostly collected from various authors

Hymns - 1772 - 322 pages
...Nor thorns infeft the ground ; He comes to make his bleffings flow, Far as the curie is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace ; And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteoufn.efs, And wonders of his love. CXCIX, Chrift's Kingdom and Majefty. Pfalm. xcix, i, &.c....
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The Psalms of David: Selected from Various Versions, and Adapted to Public ...

1785 - 314 pages
...Nor Thorns infeft the Ground ; He comes to make his Bleffings flow, Far as the Curfe is found. 7 He rules the World with Truth and Grace; And makes the Nations prove The Glories of his Righteoufnefs, And Wonders of his Love. PSALM XCVIII. Metre ii. 1 NG to the GOD whom we adore j O fmg,...
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A Selection of Psalms for Social Worship

Newcome Cappe - 1786 - 362 pages
...maker, God, New honors be add reft ; His great falvation fhines abroad, And makes the nations bleft. a Let the whole earth his love proclaim With all her different tongues,. And fpread the honors of his name In everlafting fongs. W. PSALM LXIVi The wifdom of God in his works....
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The Psalms of David: Versified from a New Translation and Adapted to ...

1797 - 408 pages
...Nor thorns inftft the ground j He comes to make his blcfiings flow, Far as the curfe is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteoufnefs, And wonders of his love. HYMN CXXVIII. Watts, t. I TlEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, •*-*...
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Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Selected and Designed for the Use of the ...

George Richards - 1802 - 370 pages
...Nor thorns infeft the ground ; He comes to make his bleflings flow Far as the curfe is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteoufnefs, And wonders of bis love. SEE, HYMN 77. PM my foul, with wonder fee Th' incarnate Deity...
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Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ...

1802 - 446 pages
...tlionis infest the ground, 10 lie comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories ot his righteousness. And wonders of his love. PSALM XCIX. FIRST PART. Chrises Lingdam and ituijcsly....
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The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New-Testament, and ...

Isaac Watts - 1803 - 644 pages
...Nor thorns infeit the ground ; He comes to make his bleffings flow Far as the curfe is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteoufnefs, And wonders of his love. PSALM XCIX. iftPart. Short Met. Cbrl/fs kingdom and majefty....
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A Collection of Hymns: Designed for the Use of the Universal Churches and ...

George Richards - 1806 - 394 pages
...Nor thorns infefl the ground ; He comes to make his bleffiogs flow Far as the curfe is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace> And makes the nations prove, The glories of his righteonfnefs; And wonders of his lore. HYMN CXCIII. t. M. IfratTEtisio's coi.J Pratfe. *\\/r°RTHY...
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A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns ...: For the Use of the English ...

Ralph Williston - 1806 - 438 pages
...comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4. He rules the world with truth and gracet And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. Hymn 44. s. M. 2. Jesus the Saviour" reigns, Let earth adore its Lord; Bright cherubs his attendants...
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