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Meteorological Observations made at the Apartments of the

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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Horticultural Society at Chiswick, near London; and by Mr. VEALL at Boston.



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S. 1.


M. 3.

W. 5.

Th. 6.

F. 7.
S. 8.

29:356 29:393 28.959 28-90 52.3 41.5 553 54
29-247 29-354 29-194 28 65 47.9 42.9 52.5 54 41
29-008 29-430 28.940 28-55 43.8 434 52.2 55
4. 29.497 29-622 29-457 28.93 45.2 39.3 53:3 61
29-829 29.956 29.869 29:35 44.6
29.853 29-929 29-525 29:42 493
29.511 29.528 29-374 28-95 56.6


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Ssw. var.







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Third Series. Vol. 9. No. 57. Supplement. Dec. 1836.

3 U


A. M. H., description of the harvest-
bug, 15.

Acetate of copper, new species of, 395.
Acids:-acetic, 78, 111; arsenious, 230;

benzoic, 78; carbonic, 12, 77, 78,
111, 153, 327; chlorochlomic, 152;
chloro-chromic, 12; chromic, 152;
formic, 149; hydriodic, 76; hydro-
bromic, 149; hydrochloric, 78, 151,
255; hydrocyanic, 314; hydrofluoric,
77, 107, 152; hydroleic, 153; hydro-
stearic, 153; hydrosulphuric, 255,
316; hydroxanthic, 317; hyponi-
trous, 77; iodic, 76; margaric, 153;
metamargaric, 153; molybdic, 232;
monohydrated sulpho-carbetheric,
317; muriatic, 12, 232, 233; nitric,
12, 53, 77, 113, 122, 259; nitro-
hydrochloric, 113; oxalic, 78, 155;
phosphoric, 75, 154, 261; phospho-
vinic, 396; sulphocarbic, 318; sul-
phocetic 154; sulphocyanic, 443; sul-
pholeic 153; sulphomargaric, 153;
sulphostearic, 153; sulphovinic, 154,
318; sulphuric, 12, 78, 87, 152, 153,
154, 261, 322, 396; sulphurous, 543;
tungstic, 232.

Air, compressed, its effects on the hu-

man body, 147; heated, its conduct-

ing power for electricity, 176, 452.
Albumen, new combinations of, 109.
Algebraic elimination, theorem of, 28.
America, North, on the carboniferous

series of, 124, 407.

Ammonia, muriate of, 232; hydro-
chlorate of, solubility of carbonate of
lime in, 540; iodate of, 443.
Andrews (Dr.) on the conducting power
of certain flames and of heated air
for electricity, 176.

Antelope, Abyssinian, 142; Indian, 306;
Chiru, 306.

Antimonial copper, 149.
Apjohn (Dr.) on certain statements re-
lative to his hygrometrical researches
made by Dr. Hudson, 187.
Argonauta hians, Lam., description of
the shell and animal of, 301.
Arragonite, artificial crystals of, 230.
Arsenious acid, reducing powers of, 230.
Artificial crystals and minerals, method
of making, 229, 537.
stronomical Society, 291.

Astronomy:--on the solar eclipse of

May 15, 1896, 73; aurora borealis,
44, 73, 230; meteors in India, 74;
on the latitude of Mr. Snow's ob-
servatory at Ashurst, 291; transits
of the moon and stars observed at
Argos, 292; observation of Halley's
comet, 292; transit of Mercury over
the sun's disc, May 5, 1832, 293;
Denmark royal medal for cometary
discoveries, 294; Sir J. Herschel's
catalogue of double stars observed at
Slough, 295; ephemeris of Halley's
comet, 296.

Ether, action of bromine upon, 149;
hydrosulphuric and hydroselenic, 318;
facts relative to, 395.
Atomic confusion, 317.

Aurora borealis, 73, 230; phænomenon
connected with the, 44.

Austen (R. A. C.) on the geology of part
of Devonshire between the Ex and
Berry Head and the coast and Dart-
mcor, 495.

Babbage (C.), notice of a remarkable

paradox in the calculus of functions
Mr. Graves' explanation of, 334, 443.
Babylon and Babel, on the non-iden-
tity of, 34.

Barlow (P.) on gradients on railroads,


Barytes and strontia, hydrates of, 87.
Beke (C. T.) on the Persian Gulf, and
on the non-identity of Babylon and
Babel, 34.

Bennett (E. T.) on several rodent ani-
mals, 68; remarks on the Indian an-
telope, 306, 310; on the brush-tailed
kangaroo, 388.

Berthier (M.) on the magnetic action
of manganese, 65.

Berzelius (Prof.) on meteoric stones,


Bibromide of mercury, 148.
Bimana, Quadrumana, and Pedimana,
on the natural affinities which sub-
sist between the, 302.

Bird (G.) on certain new combinations
of albumen, with an account of some
curious properties of that substance,


Birds, notes on various, 66, 139, 141,
142, 147, 227, 503, 511, 512, 552.

Birt (W. R.), meteorological observa-
tions made during the solar eclipse
of May 15, 393.
Bishop (J.) on the physiology of the
human voice, 201, 269, 342.
Bitumens, constitution of, 487.
Boase (Dr.) on Mr. Hopkins's "Re-
searches in Physical Geology," 4;
Mr. Hopkins's reply to, 171, 366.
Bonnet (G.) on the reducing powers of
arsenious acid, 230.

Botany, 17, 371, 372.

Brain of the negro, on the, 527.
Brewster (Sir D.) on the optical pro-
perties of chabasie, 170.
British Association, 228, 312; list of the
council appointed at Bristol, 312;
reports undertaken for the next meet-
ing, 312; grants for the advancement
of particular branches of science, 312.
Broderip (W. J.) on the genus Mitra,
Lam., 136.

Bromine, its action upon æther, 149.
Calcareous spar, artificial, 230.
Callan (Rev. N. J.) on a new galvanic
battery, 472.

Cambridge Philosophical Society, 71.
Caoutchouc, volatile liquid from, 321,

[blocks in formation]

Chimpanzee, dissection of the, 388.
Chironectes Yapock, Desm., 610.
Christie (S. H.) on Capt. Back's mag-
netical observations, 523, 529.
Chromium with fluorine and chlorine,
combinations of, 151.

Chronometers, glass a substitute for
metal balance-springs in, 381.
Clarke (E. M.), description of his mag-
netic electrical machine, 262.
Coal, in Coalbrook Dale, 383; at Dud-
ley and Wolverhampton, 383; in the
United States, 124; on the coast of
Cumberland, 501.

Coalbrook Dale, geology of, 382.
Colour, dependent on molecular ar-
rangement, 2; changes of colour in
iodide of mercury, 2.

Comet, Halley's, 292; ephemeris of,
296; Denmark royal medal for comet-
ary discoveries, 291.

Conchology, 32, 136, 224, 244, 350, 390,


Coordinates, on the relative signs of,249.
Copper, antimonial, 149; acetate of,
new species of, 395; sulphates of cop-
per and iron, action of oxalic acid on


Cornwall, geology of, 7.

Cowries, hitherto undescribed, 138.
Craig (Rev. E.) on microscopic chemis-
try, 10.

Cranchia scabra, Leach, 298.
Crosse (A.) on the production of arti-
ficial crystals and minerals, 229.
Crystallization, remarkable changes in
the character of, 13; on the water
of crystallization of soda-alum, 26.
Crystals, artificial, 229, 537; optical pha-
nomena of certain, 288.

Cumberland, on the coal-fields of, 501.
Cuming (Mr.) description of the shells
in his collection, 136.

Dalton (Dr.) on certain liquids obtained
from caoutchouc, 479.

Daniell (Prof.) on voltaic combinations,


Davidsonite, a new metal in, 156, 256.
Decrepitation, on, 316.

De la Rue (W.) on voltaic electricity,


Derbyshire, on the limestone and grit-
stone district of, 173.
Devonshire, geology of part of, 495.
Dew-point, on the, 187, 398.
Diamond, probability of being made, 230.
Diffraction, experiments on, 403.
Disjota, on the Rev. J. H. Pratt's de-
monstration of a proposition in the
Mécanique Celeste, 84.

Dispersion of light, on the formula for
the, 116.

Divergence of plants, 17.

Dæbereiner (M.) on several new com-
binations of platinum, 314, 544.
Dog, want of sagacity in a, 67.
Donium, a new metal, 156; experi

ments on, 255.

Dufresnoy (M.), analysis of plomb-
gomme, 75.

Eclipse, solar, of May 15, 1836, 73.
Egerton (Sir P. G.) on the peculiari-
ties of structure in the cervical re-
gion of the ichthyosaurus, 500.
Ehrenberg (Dr.), notice of his collec-
tions of dried Infusoria, and other
microscopic objects, 90; new disco-
verv in paleontology, 158, 392.
Electricity-on the conducting power

of certain flames and of heated air for,
176; difference between mechanical
and galvanic, 212; M. Nobili's dis-
coveries in, 234; electro-pulsations
and electro-momentum, 132; voltaic,
due to chemical action, and not to
contact, 60; on the construction of
voltaic batteries, 283; new electro-
chemical phænomena, 53; electro-
magnet, its feeble attraction for small
particles of iron, 72, 220, 287; elec-
tro-nagnet and permanent magnet,
certain differences between, 81; con-
ducting power of iodine for, 450; re-
markable results of electro-magnetic
experiments, 452, voltaic, 484.
Entomology:-harvest-bug, 15; Aphro-
phora Goudoti, 139; Iulus Seychella-
rum, Desj., 140; respiration of in-
sects, 532.

Equations of the fifth degree, 28.
Ethal, on, 154.

Ettrick (W.) on the solar eclipse of

May 15, 1836, and on the aurora bo-
realis of April 22, 73.

Falconer (Dr.) on the Sivatherium gi-
ganteum, 193, 277.

Faraday (Prof.) on a peculiar voltaic
condition of iron, 57, 122.
Fermentation, vinous, acetous, and pu-
trefactive, 535.

Fish, notes on various species of, 67,
139, 140, 352, 391, 490, 507; mode
of preservation peculiarly adapted
for travellers over land, 391.
Flames, chemical, spectra of, 3; galva-
nic, spectra of, 4; conducting power
of flames for electricity, 176.
Fluorine, on, 107, 149; fluorine and
chlorine, combinations of chromium
with, 151.

Forbes (Prof.) on the supposed origin
of the deficient rays in the solar
spectrum, 522.
Fossils:-genera Pseudammonites and
Ichthyosiagonites, 32; Sivatherium gi-
ganteum, 193, 277; fossil remaius,
244, 35, 354, 386, 490, 498; fossil
wood, 499; of the London clay, 462.
Fox (R. W.) on the change in the che-
mical character of minerals induced
by galvanisin, 228; on the formation
of mineral veins, 387.
Fractions, vanishing, theory of, 18, 92,


Functions, calculus of, on a paradex
in, 334, 443.
Galvanism:-spectra of galvanic flames,
3; galvanic pile, its application to
chemical substances under the mi-
croscope, 13; difference between gal-
vanic and mechanical electricity, 212;
change in the chemical character of
minerals by, 228; new galvanic bat-
tery, 472.

Garner (R.) on the anatomy of the la-
lamellibranchiate conchiferous ani-
mals, 224.

Gaseous interference, on, 324.

Gastric juiceof dogs, composition of, 148.
Glass-painting, on the art of, 456.
Geological Society, 382, 489.
Geology:- Mr. Hopkins's Researches
in Physical Geology, 4, 171, 366;
fossil genera Pseudammonites and Ich-
thyosiagonites, 32; carboniferous se-
ries of North America, 124, 407;
geology of Manchester, 157 Mr.
Hopkins's reply to Dr. Boase, 171;
the Sivatherium giganteum, 198, 277;
on the limestones found in the vici-
nity of Manchester, 241,348; grants
of money for the advancement of
geology, 312; on the beds immedi-
ately above the chalk near London,
356; geology of Coalbrook Dale, 382;
formation of mineral veins, 387; on
the silurian and other rocks of the
Dudley and Wolverhampton coal-
field, 489; on the part of Devonshire
between the Ex and Berry Head and
the coast and Dartmoor, 495; a no-
tice on Maria Island, 496; on the
occurrence of marine shells in a bed
of gravel at Narley Bank, 497; on
the upper lias and marlstone of York-
shire, 497; tooth of a mastodon,
499; remarks on fossil woods, 499;
peculiarities of structure in the cer-
vical region of the ichthyosaurus,
500; on the coal-fields on the N.W.

coast of Cumberland, 501; on the
fossils of the London clay, 462.
Gergonne's Annales de Mathématiques,
a theorem from, 100.

Germination, chemical changes in seed
during, 536.

Giraffe, account of the capture of the,
144, 512.

Gold, on the iodides, 266.

Gould (J.), descriptions of various birds
in the collection of the Zoological
Society, 66, 142, 227, 522.
Graham (Prof. T.) on the water of
crystallization of soda-alum, 26.
Graves (J. T.), explanation of a remark-
able paradox in the calculus of
functions, 334, 443.
Gravitation, simple method of proving
the law of, 333, 370.
Gray (Mr.) on the genus Moschus,
with descriptions of two new species,
515; remarks on the genus Cervus,


Gregory (Dr.) on a volatile liquid pro-

cured from caoutchouc by destruc-
tive distillation, 321.

Halley's comet, 292; ephemeris of, 296.
Hamilton (Prof. Sir W. R.), theorem

connected with the question of solv.
ing equations of the fifth degree, 28.
Hare (Dr.) on the difference between
mechanical and galvanic electricity,


Harvest-bug, description of the, 15.
Heart, safety-valve of the, 525.
Heat, has it weight? 396.

Henry (Dr. W. C.), experiments on ga-

seous interference, 324.

Hermann (R.) on some triple combina-

tions of chloride of osmium, iridium,

and platinum, with chloride of po-
tassium and muriate of ammonia, 232.
Heron (Sir R.), notes on the kangaroo,

67; on the want of sagacity in a dog,
67; on the breeding of curassows,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hygrometrical researches, 187, 398.
Ichthyology, 67, 139, 140, 352, 391,

490, 507.
Ichthyosaurus, peculiarities of structure
in the cervical region of, 500.
Ichthyosiagones, on the fossil genus, 32.
Infusoria, collections of dried, 90; tri-
poli wholly composed of infusorial
exuviæ, 158, 392.

Inglis (Dr.) on the conducting power of
iodine for electricity, 450.
Insects, respiration of, 532.
Interference, gaseous, 324; interference
of light, 401.

Jodide, of lead, remarkable property of,
405; of mercury, microscopical ex-
amination of, 1; iodides of gold,


Iodine, microscopic history of, 13; its
action on organic salifiable bases, 76;

electrical conducting power of, 450.
Iodous acid, method of preparing, 442.
Iridium, osmium, and platinum, some
triple combinations of, 232.

Iron, action of nitric acid upon, 53, 57,
122, 259; periodide of, 79.
Iron and copper, sulphates of, action of
oxalic action on, 155.

Ivory (J.) on such functions as can be
expressed by serieses of periodic
terms, 161.

J. J., new method of taking deep sound-
ings in the ocean, 185.

J. O. H., direct demonstration of the
rule for the multiplication of nega-
tive signs, 540.

Johnson (Dr. H.) on the divergence of
plants, 17.

Johnston (Prof.) on the cause of certain
optical properties of chabasie, 166;
on the iodides of gold, 206.
Kangaroo, notes on the, 67, 388.
King (J. W.) on the safety-valve of the
heart, 525.

King (Capt. P. P.), notes on several ro-
dent animals from the Straits of Ma-
galhaens, 68.

Knox (G. J., and the Rev. T.) on fluo-
rine, 107.

Lamellibranchiate conchiferous ani-
mals, anatomy of the, 224.

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