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Laplace's analytical theory for the at-
traction of spheroids, 161.
Lardner (Dr.) on the theory of railways,


Lawson (H.) on the solar spots as seen

May 15 and 16, 527.

Lead, iodide of, remarkable property of,


Life, on the powers on which its func-

tions depend, 530.

Light, on the formula for the dispersion
of, 116; experiments on the interfe-
rence of, 401; undulatory theory of,


Locomotive engines upon railways, 135.
Logarithms of unity, 252.

Loligo, a small nondescript, 299.
Lubbock (J. W.) on a property of the
parabola, 100; on the tides at the
Port of London, 528.

M. F. Aurora borealis of Aug. 10, 230.
MacGauley (Rev. J. W.) on some re-
markable results of electro-magnetic
experiments, 452.

Magnetic Pole, South, on the position
of the, 104.

Magnetism :-magnetic stations, esta-
blishment of, 45; terrestrial, on ad-
vancing the knowledge of, 42; mag-
netic action of manganese, 65; mag-
netic reaction, 220, 287, 469; on
Capt. Back's magnetical observations,
523, 529.
Magneto-electrical machine, improved,
120, 180, 222, 262, 360, 452.
Magnets, attractive power of, 72, 220.
Manchester, geology of the vicinity of,
157, 241, 348.

Manganese, magnetic action of, 65.
Martin (Mr.) on the osteology of the
sea otter, 512.

Mathematics :-vanishing fractions, 18,
92, 209; algebraic elimination, 28;
a property of the parabola, 100; on
such functions as can be expressed
by serieses of periodic terms, 161; on
the relative signs of coordinates, 249;
method of proving the law of gravi.
tation, 339, 370; remarkable para-
dox in the calculus of functions, 334,
443; logarithms, 252, 348; multipli-
cation of negative signs, 540.
Matteucci (M.), notice of the late M.
Nobili, 234.

Medical science, grants of money for

the advancement of, 314.
Mercury, bibromide of, 148; iodide of,
optical properties of, 1; native, lo-
cality of, 155.
Meteoric stones, on, 429.

Meteorological observations, 79, 159,
239, 319, 399, 544.

Meteorological table:-for May, so;
June, 160; July, 240; August, 320 ;
Sept., 400; Oct., 545.

Meteors observed in India, 74.
Methylene, new combinations of, 77.
Microscope, polarizing, 288.
Microscopic chemistry, on, 2, 10.
objects, dried, 90.

Mineral veins, 8, 387; method of imi-
tating, 229.

Mineralogy :-antimonial copper, 149 ;
donium,a new metal, 156, 255; change
in the chemical character of minerals
induced by galvanism, 228; artificial
crystals and minerals, 229, 537; com-
position of plagionite, 232;
mode of analysis of closely aggregated
minerals, 76.


Mitchell (Dr.) on the beds immediately
above the chalk near London, 356.
Mitrana, observations on the different
species of, 137.

Monkeys, some remarks on, 303.
Morgan (A. De) on the relative signs of
coordinates, 249.

Moschus, Linn., two new species,

Mullins (F. W.) on an improved mag-
neto-electrical machine, 120; on the
construction of voltaic batteries, 382.
Murchison (R. 1.) on the fossil genera
Pseudammonites and Ichthyosiagonites
of the Solenhofen limestone, 32; oa
the silurian and other rocks of the
Dudley and Wolverhampton coal-
field, 489.

Myrmecobius, a new genus of mammi-
ferous animals, 520.

Negro, on the brain of the, 527.
Newport (G.) on the respiration of
insects, 532.

Nitric acid, its action upon irou, 53,


Nixon (J.), heights of Whernside, Great

Whernside, Rumbles Moor, Pendles
Hill, and Boulsworth, 96.
Nobili (M.), notice of the life and con-
tributions to science of, 234.
Ocean, new method of taking deep
soundings in the, 185.
Octopus, nondescript species of, 301.
Ogilby (Mr.), remarks on several Mar-

supialia, 70; on the opposable power
of the thumb in certain mammals,
and on the natural affinities which
subsist between the Bimana, Quadru-
mana and Pedimana, 302; remarks on
the Chironectes Yapock, 510.

Oil, volatile, 155; of caoutchouc, 321,


Oils, action of sulphuric acid on, 153.
Optical science, facts relating to, 1, 401;
optical properties of chabasie, 166;
optical phænomena of certain crystals,

Organic remains, 349,386,490, 496,462.
Ornithology, 66, 138, 139, 141, 142,

143, 147, 227, 503, 511, 512.
Osmium, iridium, and platinum, some
triple combinations of, 232.
Otter, osteology of the, 512.
Owen (R.) on some new or rare Cepha-
lopoda, 298; notes on the morbid ap-
pearances observed in dissecting the
chimpanzee, 388; on the anatomy
of the wombat, 504.

Oxalic acid, its action on the sulphates
of iron and copper, 155.
Painting on glass, on the art of, 456.
Paleontology, new discovery in, 1 58,392.
Parabola, on a property of the, 100.
Pelletier (M.) on the action of iodine
on organic salifiable bases, 76.
Periodide of iron, 79.
Persian Gulf, former extent of, 34.
Philip (Dr.W.) on the powers on which

the functions of life depend, 430.
Phillips (Prof.) on the geology of Man-
chester, 157.

Physiology, of the voice, 201, 269, 342;

- on the motion of the arm. 411; ve-
getable, 372; of respiration in in-
sects, 533.

Plagionite, composition of, 232.
Plants, on the divergence of, 17; deve-

lopment and growth of the stems and
leaves of, 372.

Platina, on, 544; new combinations of,
232, 314.

Plombgomme, analysis of, 75.
Polarizing microscope, 288.
Potash, crystallized hydrate of, 151.
Potassium, chloride of, 232.

Powell (Prof.) on the formula for the
dispersion of light, 116.
Pratt (Rev. J. H.), demonstration of a
proposition in the Mécanique Cé-
leste, remarks on, 84; reply to, 254.
Prestwich (J.), on the geology of Coal-

brook Dale, 382.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rocks, on the jointed structure of, 6,

172; carboniferous, of North Ame-
rica, 127; Silurian, 489.
Rodent animals, notes on several, 68.
Royal Institution, 71.

Royal Society, 376, 522.

Rudge (E.) on the position of the south
magnetic pole, 104.

Rüppell (Dr.) on the fossil genera Pseu-
dammonites and Ichthyosiagonites of
the Solenhofen limestone, 32; on a
new species of sword-fish, 67; on the
existence of canine teeth in an Abys-
sinian antelope, 141.

Saurian reptile, description of a, 514.
Saxton (J.) on his magneto-electrical
machine, 360.

Schoenbein (Prof.) on the action of
nitric acid upon iron, 53, 259.
Scolopacida of Nipâl, notice of, 143.
Sedgwick (Prof.) on the coal-fields on
the N. W. coast of Cumberland, 501.
Sivatherium giganteum, 193, 277.
Smith (J. D.) on the hydrates of barytes

and strontia, 87; on the supposed
new metal donium, 255; on the so-
lubility of carbonate of lime in hy-
drochlorate of ammonia, 540.

Snipes of Nipâl, several kinds of, 143.
Soda-alum, on the water of crystalliza-
tion of, 26.

Solar eclipse of May 15, 1836, 73;
meteorological observations made
during the, 393.

Solly (S.) on the connexion of the an-
terior columns of the spinal cord with
the cerebellum, 523.

Soundings in the ocean, new method of
taking, 185.

Spectra, prismatic, on, 3; spectra of
chemical flames, 3; spectra of gal-
vanic flames, 4; on the supposed
origin of the deficient rays in the
solar spectrum, 522.

Squire (P.) on the periodide of iron, 79.

[blocks in formation]

Swainson (W.) on the genus Mitra, 136.
Talbot (H. F.), facts relating to optical

science, 1, 401; on the optical phæ
nomena of certain crystals, 288.
Taylor (R. C.) on the carboniferous se-
ries of the United States, 407.
Thibaut (M), some particulars relative
to the giraffe, 144.

Thompson (L.), method of preparing
iodous acid, 442.

Tides, results of extensive observations,

528; at the Port of London, 528.
Tiedemann (Dr.) on the brain of the
negro, 527.

Tovey (J.) on the undulatory theory of
light, 420.

Trigonometrical measurements, 96.
Tripoli, composed wholly of infusorial
exuviæ, 158, 392.

Tubularia, on several specimens of, 507.
Undulatory theory, 401, 420.

Veins, mineral, 8, 387; method of imi-
tating, 229.

Voice, physiology of the, 201, 269, 342.
Volatile oil, 155; from caoutchouc, 321.
Voltaic batteries, use of caoutchouc for

insulation in, 120; construction of,
283; employed in producing artificial
crystals and minerals, 229.

combinations, on, 376; peculiar
voltaic condition of iron, 53, 122;
voltaic electricity due to chemical
action, and not to contact, 60; vol-
taic electricity, 484.

Ward (F. O.), physiological remarks on
the motion of the arm, 411, 534.
Waterhouse (Mr.) on a new genus of
mammiferous animals, 520.

[blocks in formation]
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tides, 528; on the artificial produc-
tion of minerals, 537.
Williamson (W. C.) on the limestones
in vicinity of Manchester, 241, 348.
Wombat, anatomy of the, 504.
Woolhouse (W. S. B.) on the theory
of vanishing fractions, in reply to
Prof. Young, 18, 209.

Yarrell (W.) on a mode of preserving
fish peculiarly adapted for travellers
over land, 391.

Yorkshire, on the upper lias and marl-
stone of, 497.

Young (Prof.) on the theory of vanish-
ing fractions, in reply to Mr. Wool-
house, 92; simple method of proving
the law of gravitation, 333, 370.
Zach (Baron), portrait of.
Zoological Society, 66, 136, 224, 298,
388, 503.

Zoology:-notes on various birds, 66,

139, 141, 142, 147, 227; notes on
various species of fish, 67, 139, 140,
352, 391; on the kangaroo, 67, 388;
want of sagacity in a dog, 67; notes
on several rodent animals, 68; re-
marks on several Marsupialia, 70;
notes on the different species of Mi-
tranæ, 137; undescribed cowries,
138; on the breeding of curassows,
141; notice of the Abyssinian ante-
lope, 141; on the Scolopacidae of
Nipâl, 143; snipe of Nipâl, 143 ; no-
tice of the giraffe, 144, 512; ana-
tomy of the lamellibranchiate con-
chiferous animals, 224; new or rare
Cephalopoda, 298; new species of
Loligo, 299; on the opposable power
of the thumb in certain mammals,
302; on the natural affinities which
subsist between the Bimana, Quadru-
mana, and Pedimana, 202; notice of
the Indian antelope, 306; the Chiru
antelope, $11; dissection of the
chimpanzee, 388; new species of
Cervus, 391; anatomy of the wom-
bat, 504; notice of a Tubularia, 507;
a new species of Cynictis, 509; re-
marks on the Chironectes Yapock;
510; osteology of the sea otter, 512,
description of a saurian reptile, 514;
on the genus Moschus of Linnæus,
and two new species, 515; on the
genus Cervus, 518; new genus of
mammiferous animals from New Hol-
land, 520.



Stephenson (J.), meteors observed in
India in 1832, 74.

Strontia and barytes, hydrates of, 87.
Stokes (C.) on a piece of wood partly
petrified by carbonate of lime, with
remarks on fossil woods, 499.
Sturgeon (W.) on electro-pulsations and
electro-momentum, 132.

Sulphates of iron and copper, action of
oxalic acid on, 155.

Sulphuric acid, its action on oils, 153.
Sulphurous acid, its detection in hydro-

chloric acid, 543.

Swainson (W.) on the genus Mitra, 136.
Talbot (H. F.), facts relating to optical

science, 1, 401; on the optical phæ
nomena of certain crystals, 288.
Taylor (R. C.) on the carboniferous se-
ries of the United States, 407.
Thibaut (M), some particulars relative
to the giraffe, 144.

Thompson (L.), method of preparing
iodous acid, 442.

Tides, results of extensive observations,

528; at the Port of London, 528.
Tiedemann (Dr.) on the brain of the
negro, 527.

Tovey (J.) on the undulatory theory of
light, 420.

Trigonometrical measurements, 96.
Tripoli, composed wholly of infusorial
exuviæ, 158, 392.

Tubularia, on several specimens of, 507.
Undulatory theory, 401, 420.

Veins, mineral, 8, 387; method of imi-
tating, 229.

Voice, physiology of the, 201, 269, 342.
Volatile oil, 155; from caoutchouc, 321.
Voltaic batteries, use of caoutchouc for

insulation in, 120; construction of,
283; employed in producing artificial
crystals and minerals, 229.

combinations, on, 376; peculiar
voltaic condition of iron, 53, 122;
voltaic electricity due to chemical
action, and not to contact, 60; vol-
taic electricity, 484.

Ward (F. O.), physiological remarks on
the motion of the arm, 411, 534.
Waterhouse (Mr.) on a new genus of
mammiferous animals, 520.
Wen T.) on the carboniferous series
of North America, 124.
Wetherell (N. T.) on the fossils of the
London clay, 462.

Whewell (Rev. W.) researches on the

[ocr errors]

tides, 528; on the artificial produc-
tion of minerals, 537.

Williamson (W. C.) on the limestones
in vicinity of Manchester, 241, 348.
Wombat, anatomy of the, 5Q4.
Woolhouse (W. S. B.) on the theory
of vanishing fractions, in reply to
Prof. Young, 18, 209.

Yarrell (W.) on a mode of preserving
fish peculiarly adapted for travellers
over land, 391.

Yorkshire, on the upper lias and marl-
stone of, 497.

Young (Prof.) on the theory of vanish-
ing fractions, in reply to Mr. Wool-
house, 92; simple method of proving
the law of gravitation, 333, 370.
Zach (Baron), portrait of.
Zoological Society, 66, 136, 224, 298,
388, 503.

Zoology:-notes on various birds, 66,

139, 141, 142, 147, 227; notes on

various species of fish, 67, 139, 140,
352, 391; on the kangaroo, 67, 388;
want of sagacity in a dog, 67; notes
on several rodent animals, 68; re-
marks on several Marsupialia, 70;
notes on the different species of Mi-
trance, 137; undescribed cowries,
138; on the breeding of curassows,
141; notice of the Abyssinian ante-
lope, 141; on the Scolopacide of
Nipâl, 143; snipe of Nipal, 143; no-
tice of the giraffe, 144, 512; ana-
tomy of the lamellibranchiate con-
chiferous animals, 224; new or rare
Cephalopoda, 298; new species of
Loligo, 299; on the opposable power
of the thumb in certain mammals,
302; on the natural affinities which
subsist between the Bimana, Quadru-
mana, and Pedimana, 302; notice of
the Indian antelope, 306; the Chiru
antelope, 311; dissection of the
chimpanzee, 388; new species of
Cervus, 391; anatomy of the wom-
bat, 504; notice of a Tubularia, 507;
a new species of Cynictis, 509; re-
marks on the Chironectes Yapock;
510; osteology of the sea otter, 512,
description of a saurian reptile, 514;
on the genus Moschus of Linnæus,
and two new species, 515; on the
genus Cervus, 518; new genus of
mammiferous animals from New Hol-
land, 520.



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