THE COLUMBIAN CYCLOPEDIA THIRTY-TWO VOLUMES VOL. 4 BEN NEVIS-BRAVE WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BUFFALO, N. Y. 1897 FOR THE PRONUNCIATION OF WORDS. Note.-(-) is the mark dividing words respelt phonetically into syllables; ('), the accent indicating on which syllable or syllables the accent or stress of the voice is to be placed. Sound-sym bols em Representing the Sounds as ployed in exemplified in the Words. Respelling. a...mate, fate, fail, aye...... aw. fall, laud, law ...mete, meat, feet, free ě...met, bed.. é...her, stir, heard, cur pine, ply, height, nymph, ability. ō...note, toll, soul. ...not, plot.... 6...move, smooth. hér, stér, herd, kér. pin, pli, hit. pin, nimf, a-bil'i-ti. not, tol, sol. .not, plot. .mov, smoth. 0... Goethe (similar to e in her)...göteh. ch...chair, match... chär, măch. sh...shun, ambition th...thing, breath ch... German buch, Heidelberg, Scotch loch (guttural)......bóch, hì' dél-běrch, loch. k...king, cat, cot, cut... 8....sit, scene, cell. city, cypress..sit, sën, sěl, sit'i, si'prěs, th... though, breathe........... gām, gỗ, gun. jůj, jěm, jín. king, kat, köt, kut. shún, ăm-bish'un. cap .capital Capt. Captain Card Cardinal carp. .carpentry Cath. Catholic caus. causativc cav. .cavalry Cd.... Cadmium Ce... Cerium Celt. ef ..Celtic cent........central [confer] art.. .article artil.. artillery AS. As. Assoc asst astrol......astrology astron ..astronomy attrib......attributive Anglo-Saxon Arsenic Association ..assistant ch or |