There is no harm intended to your person, Nor to no Roman else': so tell them, Publius. Cas. And leave us, Publius; lest that the people, Rushing on us, should do your agesome mischief. Bru. Do so; and let no man abide this deed, 10 Cas. I wish we may: but yet have I a mind, But we the doers. Re-enter Trebonius. Cas. Where is Antony? Tre. Fled to his house amaz'd: Men, wives, and children, stare, cry out, and run, 15 Bru. Fates! we will know your pleasures: That fears him much; and my misgiving still Re-enter Antony. Bru. But here comes Antony. - Welcome, Ant. O mighty Cæsar! Dost thou lie so low ? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, Shrunk to this little measure?-Fare thee well.I know not, gentlemen, what you intend, Cas. Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life, 20 Who else must be let blood, who else is rank': Cuts off so many years of fearing death. Bru. Grant that, and then is death a benefit: If I myself, there is no hour so fit Of half that worth, as those your swords, made rich 25 With the most noble blood of all this world. Cas. Stoop then, and wash.-How many ages 30 No place will please me so, no mean of death, hence, Shall this our lofty scene be acted over, Cas. So oft as that shall be, So often shall the knot of us be call'd The men that gave their country liberty. Dec. What, shall we forth? Cas. Ay, every man away: Brutus shall lead; and we will grace his heels Enter a Servant. As here by Cæsar, and by you cut off, Bru. O Antony! beg not your death of us. Antony: Our arms, in strength of malice, and our hearts, Bru. Only be patient, 'till we have appeas'd 50 The multitude, beside themselves with fear, Bru. Soft, who comes here? A friend of An-45 Ant. I doubt not of your wisdom. tellus; 60 Yours, Cinna;-and, my valiant Casca, yours ; This use of two negatives, not to make an affirmative, but to deny more strongly, is common to our ancient writers. * i. e. who else is grown too high for the public safety. Brutus' meaning is, Antony, our arms, strong in the deed of malice they have just perform'd, and our hearts, united like those of brothers in the action, are yet open to receive you with all possible affection. Though 3C Though last, not least in love, yours, good Tre-f You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, bonius. Gentlemen, all, alas! what shall I say? My credit now stands on such slippery ground, But speak all good you can devise of Cæsar; Either a coward, or a flatterer. That I did love thee, Cæsar, O, 'tis true: In the same pulpit whereto I am going, If then thy spirit look upon us now, That one of two bad ways you must conceit me, 5 About his funeral: And you shall speak. Shall it not grieve thee, dearer than thy death, To see thy Antony making his peace, hart; Ant. Be it so; I do desire no more. Ant. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, 15 Thou art the ruins of the noblest man, Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! Here didst thou fall; and here thy hunters stand, O world! thou wast the forest to this hart; And, this, indeed, O world, the heart of thee.- Cas. Mark Antony, - Cus. I blame you not for praising Cæsar so; Bru. Or else were this a savage age spectacle: spect Ant. That's all I seek: And am moreover suitor, that I may Bru. You shall, Mark Antony. Bru. By your pardon;- A curse shall light upon the limbs of men; 25 And dreadful objects so familiar, 35 Enter a Servant. You serve Octavius Cæsar, do you not? Ant. Cæsar did write for him, to come to Rome. 40 And bid me say to you by word of mouth,- O Cæsar! Ant. Thy heart is big; get thee apart and weep. Rome, Serv. He lies to-night within seven leagues of [hath chane'd: Ant. Post back with speed, and tell him what Here is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, 50 No Rome of safety for Octavius yet; Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet, stay a while; 55 The cruel issue of these bloody men; Lethe was a common French word, signifying death or destruction, from the Latin lethum, and used in that sense by many of the old translators of novels. 2 i. e. the course of times. 3 D. Johnson proposes to read, "these lymus of men;" that is, these bloodhounds of men. * See note 1, p. 722. Bru. Cassius, go you into the other street, And part the numbers. Those that will hear me speak, let them stay here; 1 Pleb. I will hear Brutus speak. [Exit Cassius, with some of the Plebeians: 3 Pleb. The noble Brutus is ascended: Silence! Romans, countrymen, and lovers! hear me for my cause; and be silent, that you may hear: believe me for mine honour; and have respect to mine honour, that you may believe: censure me 15 2 Pleb. Peace; silence! Brutus speaks. Bru. Good countrymen, let me depart alone, And, for my sake, stay here with Antony: Save I alone, 'till Antony have spoke. [Exit. in your wisdom; and awake your senses, that you 20 We are blest, that Rome is rid of him. [here. 3 Pleb. Nay, that's certain: may the better judge. If there be any in this as 2 Pleb. Peace; let us hear what Antony can say. sembly, any dear friend of Cæsar's, to him I say, that Brutus' love to Cæsar was no less than his. If then that friend demand, why Brutus rose against Ant. You gentle Romans, - [your ears; Cæsar, this is my answer,-Not that I lov'd Cæsar 25 I come to bury Cæsar, not to praise him. less, but that I lov'd Rome more. Had you rather Cæsar were living, and die all slaves; than that Cæsar were dead, to live all free men? As Casar lov'd me, Lweep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I ho-30 nour him: but, as he was ambitious, I slew him: There are tears, for his love; joy, for his fortune; honour, for his valour; and death, for his ambition. Who is here so base, that would be a bond The evil, that men do, lives after them; man? If any, speak; for him have I offended. 35 Come I to speak in Cæsar's funeral. Who is here so rude, that would not be a Roman? He was my friend, faithful and just to me: If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile, that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I offended. I pause for a reply. And Brutus is an honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, All. None, Brutus, none. 40 Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill: Bru. Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Cæsar, than you shall do to Brutus. When that the poor have cry'd, Cæsar hath wept; Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious; The question of his death is enroll'd in the Capi- Enter Mark Antony, &c. with Cæsar's body. Here comes his body, mourn'd by Mark Antony: who, though he had no hand in his death, shall 50 receive the benefit of his dying, a place in the commonwealth; As which of you shall not? With this I depart; That, as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to 55 need my death. All. Live, Brutus, live! live! 3 Pleb. Let him be Cæsar. 4 Pleb. Cæsar's better parts Shall be crowned in Brutus. 60 You all did see, that, on the Lupercal, O judgement, thou art fled to brutish beasts, 1 Pleb, We'll bring him to his house with Cæsar has had great wrong. shouts and clamours. Bru. My countrymen, 3 Pleb. Has he, masters? 65H fear, there will a worse come in his place. 3C2 4 Pleb. 4 Pleb. Mark'd ye his words? He would not take the crown: Therefore, 'tis certain, he was not ambitious. You all do know this mantle: I remember Through this, the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd; If Brutus so unkindly knock'd, or no; 1 Pleb. If it be found so, some will dear abide it. 2 Pleb. Poor soul! his eyes are red as fire with 5 Look! in this place, ran Cassius' dagger through: weeping. 3 Pleb. There's not a nobler man in Rome, than [Antony. 4 Pleb. Now mark him, he begins again to speak. Ant. But yesterday the word of Cæsar might Have stood against the world: now lies he there, 10 As rushing out of doors, to be resolv'd And none so poor to do him reverence. O masters! if I were dispos'd to stir Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, and you, Who, you all know, are honourable men: Let but the commons hear this testament, (Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read) And they would goand kiss dead Cæsar's wounds, And, dying, mention it within their wills, Unto their issue. [tony. For Brutus, as you know, was Cæsar's angel: 15 For when the noble Cæsar saw him stab, 20 Which all the while ran blood, great Cæsar fell. 4 Pieb. We'll hear the will: Read it, Mark An- Ant. Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it; It is not meet you know how Cæsar lov'd you. 4 Pleb. Read the will; we will hear it, Antony; You shall read us the will; Cæsar's will. Ant. Will you be patient? Will you stay awhile? 3 Pleb. O woeful day! 1 Pleb. O most bloody sight! 2 Pleb. We will bereveng'd: Revenge: About,35 Seck, burn, fire, -kill, slay!-let not a trai tor live. Ant. Stay, countrymen. 1 Pleb. Peace there :-Hear the noble Antony. 2 Pleb. We'll hear him, we'll follow him, we'll 40 die with hun. Ant. Good friends, sweet friends, let me not Whose daggers have stabb'd Casar: I do fear it. 2 Pleb. They were villains, murderers: The will! read the will! [will? Ant. You will compel me then to read the Then make a ring about the corpse of Cæsar, And let me shew you him that made the will. Shall I descend? And will you give me leave? All. Come down. 2 Pleb. Descend. [He comes down from the pulpit. 3 Pleb. You shall have leave. [body. 4 Pleb. A ring; stand round. Ant. If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you. [able, 50 But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man, And bid them speak for me: But were I Brutus, 1i. e. their handkerchiefs.--Napery was the ancient term for all kinds of linen. i. e. the impression of pity. Wherein hath Cæsar thus deserv'd your loves? All. Most true; - the will; -let's stay, and Ant. Here is the will, and under Cæsar's seal. Ant. Hear me with patience. Ant. Belike, they had some notice of the people, How I had mov'd them. Bring me to Octavius. [Exeunt. SCENE III. A Street. Enter Cinna the Poet, and after him the Plebeians. 15 1 Pleb. What is your name? 2 Pleb. Whither are you going? 3 Pleb. Where do you dwell? 4 Pleb. Are you a married man, or a bachelor? 2 Pleb. Answer every man directly. 1 Pleb. Ay, and briefly. 4 Pleb. Ay, and wisely. 3 Pleb. Ay, and truly, you were best. [death. 20 Cin. What is my name? Whither am I going? Where do I dwell? Am I a married man, or a bachelor? Then to answer every man directly, and briefly, wisely, and truly. Wisely I say, I am a bachelor. Ant. Moreover, he hath left you all his walks, 1 Pleb. Never, never:-Come, away, away: 3 Pleb. Your name, sir, truly. 1 Pleb. Tear him to pieces, he's a conspirator. Cin. I am Cinnathe poet, I am Cinna the poet. 4 Pleb. Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses. 4 Pleb. Pluck down forins, windows, any thing. 35 Cin. Truly, my name is Cinna. [Exeunt Plebeians, with the body. Ant. Now let it work: Mischief, thou art afoot. Take thou what course thou wilt!-How now, fellow? are prick'd. Lep. I do consent. Octa. Prick him down, Antony. [Lepidus? 60 Ant. He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn Octa. Your brother too must die; Consent you, A drachma was a Greek coin of the value of seven-pence farthing. little river Rhenus near Bononia, according to Hanmer. meant, who was uncle by the mother's side to Mark Antony. 3C3 2 A small island in the Lucius, not Publius, was the person i. e. condemn him. Fetch |