Sermon brand of the Beast, as we find him described, Revel. 13. 13, 14, And XIII. he doth great wonders, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do. : And now the Church of Rome may be allowed to work Miracles; and yet Divine Miracles, such as were wrought for the first Confirmation of Chriftianity, may be ceafed in the Church: which is a fufficient anfwer to the Objection, and upon the whole matter shews, that the Miracles pretended to in the Church of Rome, are so far from giving any confirmation to her Doctrines, that they are rather an evident proof that she is the Apostate and Anti-Christian Church. I might now draw two or thres Inferences from this whole Difcourse. As, ! I. We have great reason to admire the Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Difpenfation of the Go spel, spel, that by the sending down of Volume his holy Spirit to endow the first XII. Publishers of this Heavenly Doctrine with fuch Miraculous Gifts and Pow- II. The confideration of what hath. III. and lastly, They who believe the Gofpel are utterly inexcusable, if they do not obey it, and live according to it: for this is the great end of all the Miracles, which God hath wrought for the confirmation of Chriftianity, that by the belief of the Gospel men might be brought to the Obedience of Faith, and live conformably to the Precepts of that Holy Religion, which the Son of God by fo many Miracles hath planted planted and preserved in the World. But these I have * discours'd of on a- Sermon nother occafion, and therefore shall XIII. insist upon them no farther at thisee Vol time, 10. Serm, A SER ) SERMON XIV. The Advantages of Truth, in The first Sermon on this Text. 1 JOHN IV. 4, 5. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world : therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. I N the beginning of this Chapter the Apostle cautions Chriftians againft the false Teachers, and false Prophets, intending more especially those of the Gnostick Sect, as is plain ; Sermon |