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except the Spirit of God makes them effectual, we have every reason to look for this blessing upon using the means. We have precept and promise united to this purport upon divine authority; "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it." This young person in the bloom of life met death with the greatest composure; nay, when she was questioned, whether she would wish to return to the world, if perfect health could be ensured, her answer repeatedly was in the negative. She viewed death as she had been taught to view him; disarmed of his sting, by that Almighty Conqueror who overcame death, and the grave-and she committed her soul to him, assured that he only was able to make her passage safe and easy, and put her into possession of the inheritance he had purchased for her. A very short time before she expired she said, "Is this death?" How delightful! If this testimonial is consistent with your plan, you will do me the favour to insert it; and with every good wish for the success of it, I am, with much respect,

Your constant reader,

A. M.'

The death of the above mentioned young lady was, a few days after, succeeded by that of her mother, who had borne so considerable a part in her education, and whose principal endeavour it was to instil religious instruction into the minds of her family. "If I can see my children Christians," she would often say, "it should seem that I ardently desire nothing more." She was the first to plan schemes for their rational and innocent amusements; but carefully withheld them from what are called the pleasures of the world and being naturally of a very lively and amiable disposition, there appeared nothing of sourness, in this disapprobation of what parents in general lead their children into; namely, scenes of dissipation and trifling, wholly unbecoming immortal beings. It was her pleasure to be in a large circle of young people (composed of her own family, and such acquaintance as they had formed under her inspection) contributing to enliven conversation by some sprightly sallies, or directing them to such reading as would unite amusement and profit. But in this employment, the word of God was never neglected; the portion appointed by our most excellent Church, was a part of the daily exercise, and sometimes such expositions added to it, as were esteemed useful and profitable. It was not in such a family, that religion wore a melancholy garb. She was clothed in her genuine robe of chearfulness and peace. In her last illness, this valuable woman, manifested the peculiar graces of a Christian; humility, patience, piety, and resignation. Her greatest satisfaction seemed derived from hearing such pas sages from the word of God, as were calculated to exhort, animate, and console, It was no small trial to an affectionate mother, to be separated from her child under the same roof, whom she could hope to see no more in this world: When she was first told that this was the case, she expressed a great desire to be carried to the apartment of her daughter; but as, from her own state it was almost impracticable, and it was the opinion of her best earthly counsellor, that the agitation it might occasion would be unfavourable to the frames both of body and mind, of each party; the ardent desire of the mother yielded to the order of divine, and unerring Providence: When she was told of her death, the sluices of maternal tenderness burst forth; but with the heroism of a Christian, she said, "I hope no one thinks I am weeping for my dear for I rejoice in her deliverance: but the feelings of nature cannot be suppressed." She had afterwards the lid of the coffin brought to her, and the last attire of her beloved child, which she viewed with com,



posure in sure and certain hope of her being clothed with life and immortality. Here was nothing of the sullen acquiescence of Modern Philosophy, but the fine feelings of the tenderest connection, corrected and sanctified by the power of Divine Grace. Such characters appear to realize the Wise Man's Description of Religion, and give a living proof, that "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."


Extract of a private Letter from Rome, July 9, 1803.

"The Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry in Ireland, died here yesterday. As an amateur, connoisseur, and protector of the Fine Arts, he died at his post, surrounded by artists, whose talents his judgment had directed, and whose wants his liberality had relieved. His love of the sciences was only surpassed by his love to his country, and by his generosity to the unfortunate of every counfry; neither rank nor power escaped his resentment when any illiberal opinion was thrown out against England. At a dinner with the late King of Prussia, and the Prince Royal of Denmark, at Pyrmont, in 1797, he boldly said, after the conversation about the active ambition of England had been changed into enquiries about the delicacy of a roasted capon, that he did not like NEUTRAL animals, let them be ever so delicate. In 1798, he was ar rested by the French in Italy, and confined in the castle of Milan; he` was plundered by the Republicans of a valuable and well-chosen collection of antiquities, and betrayed and cheated by many Italians, whose benefactor he had been; but neither the injustice nor the ingratitude of mankind changed his liberal disposition: he no sooner recovered his liberty, than new benefactions forced even the ungrateful to repent, and the unjust to acknowledge his elevated mind.

"The Earl of Bristol was one of the greatest English travellers, and there is not a country in Europe, where the distressed has not obtained his succour, and the oppressed his protection. He may truly be said to have cloathed the naked and fed the hungry; and as ostentation never constituted real charity, his left hand did not know what his right hand distributed. The tears and lamentations of widows and orphans have discovered his philanthropy when he is no more, and letters from Swiss Patriots and French Emigrants, from Italian Catholics and German Protestants, prove the noble use his Lordship made of his fortune, indiscriminately, to the poor, destitute, and unprotected of all countries, of all parties, and of all religions.

"But as no man is without his enemies, and envy is most busy about the most deserving, some of his Lordship's singularities have been the object of calumny, and his particularities ridiculed as affected, when the former were only the effect of pure conduct, unrestrained by ceremony, because it meant no harm, and the latter the consequence of an entire independence, long enjoyed, serviceable to many, but hurtful to


"His death was occasioned by an attack of the gout, to which, of late years, he had been extremely subject. He is succeeded in his title and estates by his only surviving son, Lord Hervey. The deceased was among the leaders of the Irish Patriots during the American war, and was a member of the famous Covention of Volunteer Delegates held in Dublin about the year 1782. On that occasion he was escorted from Derry to Dublin by a regiment of Volunteer Cavalry, and received military ho nours in every town through which he passed on that long journey."

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British Press.

JULY 1.] At Belton, co. Leicester, the Rev. James Glazebrook, vicar of that parish, and minister of St. James's, Latchford, near Warrington, co. Lancaster. He was zealous in the ministry, and a sincere friend to the Establishment; in the support of which he more than once publicly employed his pen. His "Defence of Infant Baptism," in answer to Gilbert Wakefield, will ever be esteemed by all true members of the Church and his death greatly lamented by all who knew the value of his friendship.

15.] At his seat at Broome, in Kent, in his 81st year, Sir Henry Oxenden, bart. He is succeeded by his only son, now Sir Henry.

At Raith, the wife of Col. Ferguson, and daughter of Sir Hector Monro, K. B.


18.] Dr. James Beattie, at Aberdeen, in the 68th year of his age, was a man of great distinction among the Poets, the Philosophers, and the Academical Teachers of the age, which his genius and virtues adorned. He was educated under the learned Dr. T. Blackwell. He became Master of the Latin School in Aberdeen. The elegance and the philosophical cast of his genius recommended him to a patronage by which he was promoted to a chair in the University. His first productions which obtained distinction in the judgment of his friends were in poetry; original odes, and translations from the Roman Classics. He was a sincere believer in the doctrines of the Christian Religion, and there entered into his piety an unusual tenderness and ardour of sensibility. His whole faculties rose therefore in arms within him against the sceptical philosophy of David Hume. He opposed that scepticism in an Essay on Truth, in which the pathos of Rousseau was happily associated with the ratiocination of Locke. He relieved the misery of many whom Hume had driven to doubt, against all their dearest hopes and wishes. It convinced almost every understanding, and it interested every heart. Its author was from that time honoured and caressed by many of the worthiest and most eminent persons, in both Scotland and England. He published, in 1771 and 1774, the two Cantoes of the Minstrel, by which he gained an high rank in the public estimation, as a poet. He was esteemed by Gray, by Johnson, by Porteaus. He added various other publications to those which we have named. Though weighed by sorrow, for the distresses in the health of his dearest relations, he has lived to a good old age. His memory will long be cherished by men of piety · and true taste.

At Newmarket, after a long and painful illness, the Rev. Thomas Frampton, D. D. rector of Ouston and Starston, Norfolk, 1769, and of the Sinecure of St. Florence, county of Pembroke, in the commission of the peace for the counties of Cambridge and Suffolk, and many years one of the principal tutors of St. John's-college, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. 1747, M. A. 1751, S. T. B. 1759, S. T. P. 1769. Starston is in the gift of Sir Richard Hill, bart. and St. Florence in that of St. John's college, by purchase of the Duke of Norfolk, being obliged to present a fellow of St. John's, who presented him 1747.

At Cheltenham, in the 44th year of her age, after a long and severe illness, Miss Elizabeth Bentham, only daughter of the late Rev. Edward Bentham, D. D. canon of Christ Church, Oxford, and Regius Professor of Divinity in that University. This lady has left by her Will 100l. 3 per cent. Consols, to the society for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of Cambridgeshire, and the like Stock to Addenbrooke's Hos pital in Cambridge.

20.] At Boddicott in Oxfordshire, Nanny Newton, who was so violently alarmed by the thunder, that she ran into the house, and sat herself in a chair, exclaiming she should die, and expired in the space of two minutes.


James Moyle, who was mowing in a field at Avon, near Ringwood, when a heavy thunder-storm coming on, sought shelter by the side of a waggon load of hay; and whilst leaning on the wheels of the waggon, was suddenly struck down by a flash of lightning, and instantly expired.

At Steyning, in Sussex, Miss Catharine Pinfold..

At his house in the Close, Salisbury, the Rev. Walter Kerrich, a canon residentary of that cathedral, formerly of Catharine-hall, B. A. 1758, M. A. 1761. Cambridge.

21.] The Rev. N. Cross, of Trowbridge, aged 72.

On Friday, July 22, died in Castle-street, Canterbury, in the 85th year of her age, after a long illness, which she bore with a resignation truly Christian, Mrs. Carter, much endeared to her family and friends, by her affectionate and exemplary conduct. She was only child of Wm. Buck, of Yorkshire, gent. long since deceased, and relict of the late Wm. Carter, M. B. formerly fellow of Oriel college, Oxford, and many years resident in Canterbury; where he was well known in his liberal and extensive practice as a physician in that neighbourhood. He resigned his breath, March 13, 1799, in the 88th year of his age, having lived a disciple of the old Christian school, untainted with the modern false-philosophic opinions.

23.] The Right Hon. Arthur Wolfe, Lord Kilwarden, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench in Ireland. His Lordship, with his nephew the Rev. Richard Wolfe, fell a victim to a sanguinary horde of rebels at Dublin in the following manner;-Many suspicious persons having been observed in the most retired streets and avenues leading to the castle, a party of the police was called out about seven o'clock in the evening; but being resisted and finding a disposition to riot, which they were unable to quell, they returned for assistance. Lord Kilwarden had, a few hours before, set out for his country-seat; but was recalled while on the road, as it is said, by a false message, purposely sent by the rebels. On entering Thomas-street, the coach, in which were his Lordship, his daughter and nephew, was surrounded by the rebels, who dragged the gentlemen out and murdered them with pikes. Miss Wolfe jumped out, and was caught by one of the ruffians, and conveyed to a house, from whence she afterwards obtained leave to retire. party of soldiers was detached from the castle, and after some skirmishing, in which the military suffered severely, the rebels were routed. The unfortunate Lord Kilwarden and his nephew being discovered were conveyed to the watch-house, where his Lordship so far recovered his senses and speech, as to recognize his assassins in the persons of some of the rebel prisoners who were brought in. On this the military were so exasperated against those inhuman wretches, that they were about to put them instantly to death; but were prevented by his Lordship who insisted that they should have the advantages of a legal trial. He expired shortly after, greatly regretted.


Lord Kilwarden was a native of Ireland, and received his education at Trinity college, Dublin. In 1766, he was called to the bar, and soon after was appointed King's counsel, and brought by Lord Tyrone into. parliament. In 1787, he was made solicitor-general; and, in 1789,' attorney-general. On the death of Lord Clonmel, he was advanced to the peerage and to the chief-justiceship of the Court of King's Bench. He was an upright judge, remarkable for his candour and moderation, and in private life particularly estimable; so that it is the more unac-> countable that he should have been marked in so outrageous a manner. by his ferocious countrymen. A special commission was opened for thei trials of the murderers at Dublin, Aug. 24th.

23.] At:


23.] At Clifton, Edward Hamilton Lambert, Esq. Major of the Middlesex Militia.

Suddenly, at Woodbridge, in an advanced age, the Rev. John Lumpkin, rector of Monewden.

24.] At Coombe-Florey, near Taunton, Mrs. Manning, relict of the Rev. Thomas Manning.

26.] After a severe illness, which he bore with the most heroic forti'tude, Mr. Jas. Harwood, surgeon, of Lynn, aged 22 years.

27.] At his house of Murdostoun, General James Inglis Hamilton, Colonel of his Majesty's 21st regiment of foot, or Royal North British Fusileers.

30.] At Brent Ely, much regretted, the Rev. Arthur Clark, rector of that place and Gosbeck.

AUGUST 1. In the 68th year of his age, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Joseph Fetch, sen. of Wisbech.

Last week, at Kendal, in Westmoreland, the Rev. Heblethwaite Lambert, rector of Fersfield, in Norfolk.

4.] At Kensington, D. Addison Hemsworth, late Purser of his Majesty's ship Formidable.

6.] Aged 81, Mr. Samuel Norman, farmer, at Kentford, who had occupied a farm in the above parish thirty-six years, as tenant to Sir Charles Davers, Bart.

7.] At Newington in Surrey, in his 61st year, the Rev. William Collier, B.D. senior Fellow and for many years Tutor of Trinity College, Rector of Orwell in that county, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty.

19.] On Wednesday last, at an advanced age, at her house in Park-place, Mrs. Margaret Pocock, sister to the late Sir George Pocock, K. B.

11.] On his return from Birmingham to Walsall, by a fall from his horse, Mr. Chavasse, an eminent Surgeon of the latter place. Society has long to regret a valuable member, and a widow and seven young children an inestimable husband and parent.

15.] At Waltham-Cross, Herts, Mrs. Wilson, aged 59, wife of S. Wilson, Esq. of the above place.

18.] Mr. George Fox, Usher and Court-keeper of his Majesty's Exchequer.

20.] At Haddenham, in the isle of Ely, the Rev. Mr. Wray, upwards of thirty years vicar of that parish. The living is in the gift of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Llandaff, as Archdeacon of Ely.

After an illness of only three days, Mr. John Kaye, butler of King's College, in the 63d year of his age.



reasoning with a Deist we should confine ourselves simply to the question of Revelation, and not introduce such points as the Atonement and Schism, till he is brought to believe the divine mission of Christ! We mention this as an insuperable objection to the admission of the Letters offered us by PHILOTHEUS.

The articles signed THOMAS are too inaccurate for publication.

The LONDON CURATE, in answer to 'A Soul-sleeper;' Mr. PEARSON on the Satisfaction;' T. on the Intermediate State;' The Life of SKELTON; JUVENIS on Prophecy; Bishop TANNER'S Letter on Tom Hearne, &c. &c. in our next.

Magazine Poetry has generally, been proverbial for mere rhymes: we are therefore under the necessity of rejectiug many well-intentioned com munications. 'An Evening Walk in August,' is in this predicament.

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