TRANSLATION OF DANIEL. TO THE EDITORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. GENTLEMEN, THE THE viiith. and xith. chapters of Daniel, are very closely connected with Matt. xxiv. which circumstance induces me to send you a few remarks upon these visions, as a supplement to my commentary on Matt, xxiv. The following emendations of the version, are principally taken from Mr. Wintle's admirable translation of Daniel, and will be found of considerable importance. Chap. viii. 13. read "until how long shall be the vision." v. 14. read "until two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings," v. 17. read "for until the time of the end," v. 19. read, "for it is until the appointed time of the end," v. 23. read "of impudent countenance, and understanding mysterious craft," v. 25. read, also the yoke of his policy shall cause even fraud to prosper in his hand," chap. xi. 21. read, "and in his seat shall stand up a despised person," v. 23. read, "and through the covenant made with him he shall work deceitfully, and grow up and become strong with a small people by peace, v. 24. he shall enter even upon.' Verse 27. read, "hearts shall be to act treacherously," v. 31. the word "arms" may be changed for "children," this seems a secondary sense. Verse 31. Instead of "stand on his part" the passage has the secondary sense of "prevail against him." Verse 36. read, "because that which shall be done is limited” v. 38. read, "But in his seat shall he honour the God of fortresses, even a God whom his fathers knew not," v. 39. read, "And he shall serve the guardians of fortresses together with the strange God." Verse 40. read, " And at the time of the end shall a king of the south push at him, and a king of the north shall come against him like a hail storm," v. 42. read, "Egypt shall not be for a refuge." Chapter xii. 4. read, "When many shall have searched diligently and knowledge shall be increased." Verse 6. read, "Until how long shall it be." Verse 11. read. "To set up the abomination that maketh desolate." The prophecy before us in its primary sense relates to Antiochus, Epiphanes, and to Judas Maccabæus, typified by Michael (comp. the derivation of the two names) and terminates, with a spiritual and political resurrection of the Jews. Secondly, the crucifiers of Christ are designed to be typified by Antiochus, and Christ raised from the dead by Michael. Thirdly, the Jewish apostacy, and destruction of Jerusalem by Christ. Fourthly the Heathen Roman Empire is typified, and its fall foretold. Fifthly, the Papal power, the reformations and subsequent judgments are predicted. Sixthly, the Mahomedan Antichrist is alluded to. Seventhly, Infidel Antichrist is most clearly pointed out. It would be presumptuous in me to say that these prophecies had been in the main fulfilled in the chief Consul of France; but let any one compare his history with the prophecy, and he will allow that the following parallel is just, whether it be considered as a prediction or not. Ch. xi. v. 21. to 28. accord with the first conquest of Italy and of the Pope assisted by the Austrians. V. 29. to 31. accord with the conquest of Egypt. The res toration of the Popish communion, (table) or the worship of fortune (Aaa) or Mars may be the next parallel character. The king of the south at v. 40. may be compared to the king of England, who rescu ed Egypt from him, and possesses Malta. It is further observable that from the beginning of the reign of the Chief Consul until the commencement of this war were three and a half years. Observe too that the Chief Consul seems a connecting bond of every kind of Antichristianism. Like Christ from a despised state he has grown up to greatness. (comp. Isa. 53.) 2300 evenings and mornings may signify but half that number of days, or 1134 Julian years, which if they be reckoned from the year in which the Pope took away the daily service in the vulgar tongue (A., D. 666) terminate in about the year 1800, or the time of the end, when Antichrist should be discovered and thereby judged. If we date the 1290 and 1335 years from A. D. 455, they will point at remarkable discoveries of infidel Antichrist, and judgements of papal Antichrist, by the means of infidelity. If these conjectures, gentlemen, are worthy your attention, I shall with pleasure enlarge upon them, and confirm them at a future period. I am, Your obedient humble servant, JUVENIS. BISHOP HORSLEY'S CHARGE OF 1800. TO THE EDITORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. GENTLEMEN, I AM one of those, who like to hear both sides of a question. I therefore read the Christian Observer, as well as the Orthodox Churchman's Magazine; though, as I neither like Calvinism, nor the underhand mode, in which it is defended in the Christian Observer, I need not say to which publication I give the decided preference. The Editors of the Christian Observer do not seem willing to be considered as Calvinists, and yet scarcely a number of their work comes out, in which they do not transcribe, or refer to, the unfortunate passage in Bishop Horsley's Charge of 1800, in which he speaks of "Calvinism, such as the venerable Calvin would himself have owned, as capable of uniting with Arminianism in the communion of the Church of England." This they do with the evident view of causing it to be understood, that they have the authority of that eminent prelate in favour of Calvinism, and in favour of the opinion, that the Church of England is Calvinistic. One of your correspondents, whose signature is E. P. (vol. II. p. 415) and another, whose signature is a Country Curate (vol. IV. p. 415) have remarked upon this passage in the Bishop's Charge, and shown, that many many of the opinions of Calvin are utterly incompatible with the doctrines of the Church of England; and it is clear, that no authority, however respectable, can have any weight against a plain matter of fact. For my own part, I am inclined to think, that the passage in question is a mere slip of the Bishop's pen, a thing likely enough to happen in the course of so eloquent a composition; and that it does not convey his cool and deliberate sentiments on the subject. I take for granted, that the Bishop is not in the habit of reading the Christian Observer, and does not know the use, which has been made of this passage; otherwise, I am persuaded, his love of truth would have prevailed on him, long before this, either to retract the obnoxious passage itself, or to give such an explanation of it, as would prevent it from being applied to so pernicious a purpose. For though, strictly speaking, litera scripta manet, and nescit vox missa reverti; yet, with respect to many of their ill effects, when wrong in themselves, they may, by retractation or explanation, be in a great measure divested of their powers of mischief. The following Address is so very seasonable, and holds out an Example which is only to be known to be generally followed, that to aid the Views of the excellent Society from whom it comes, we cheerfully give it a place in our Magazine. EDITORS. THE SOCIETY for the SUPPRESSION of VICE have observed, with inexpressible satisfaction, the salutary admonition which the Rev. Mr. RUSH, the MINISTER, and Messrs. STIDDER and FELTHAM, the CHURCHWARDENS, of the PARISH of CHELSEA, have addressed to their Parishioners respecting the PROFANATION of the LORD's Day; and they think it incumbent upon them to return their thanks, in this public manner, to those Gentlemen, for the very laudable zeal which they have thus manifested in the cause of Religion and virtue. THE SOCIETY are willing to hope that such an example will be deemed worthy of imitation, by the Ministers and Officers of every Parish in the United Kingdom. They cannot reflect upon the present awful state of the country, without earnestly exhorting their fellow subjects, of all ranks and conditions, to consider that the Divine favour alone can afford them effectual security in the hour of danger; and that this nation, on account of its irreligion and vices, has just reason, rather to dread the displeasure, than to rely on the favour of the Almighty. But among the many crying sins which may now be laid to our charge, the CENERAL AND INCREASING PROFANATION OF THE LORD'S DAY is one, which may justly be considered as an awful proof of deep corruption, and as a most alarming alarming symptom of impending calamity. This sin, far from being confined to any one class, prevails, in a dreadful degree, among all classes; and, alas! many of those, whose high rank gives to their example an universal influence, not only disregard the solemn duties of the Sabbath, but openly profune it, by making it a day of amusement and dissipation. Such conduct; being a direct violation of the Divine commands, and tending utterly to destroy all sense of religion, greatly increases the danger of the country, by exposing it to the loss of that aid, without which there can be no safety. But the SOCIETY still hope that the feel- · ings which such important considerations, particularly at a crisis like the present, are calculated to excite, will induce their countrymen seriously and instantly to set about the great and necessary work of general Refor mation; and, as the first step towards so desirable a change, to remember and obey the great Command-TO KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH DAY :and, aware that human laws are necessary to promote the observance of those which come from Divine authority, the Society will continue those exertions, FOR ENFORCING THE LAWS AGAINST THE PROFANATION OF THE SABBATH, which have already been attended with considerable effect; and they will be ever ready to co-operate, for that purpose, with Ministers and Parish Officers, and all other Religious and welldisposed persons, where the mild endeavours of persuasion may prove ineffectual. I KNOW not whether it be owing to the notice taken of Briefs for the repairing of Churches, by your correspondent Jonathan Drapier, in your Magazine for June last; but the fact is, that a circular letter has been sent to the Ministers and Churchwardens of all parishes, signed by the Secretary of Briefs, conceived in the following terms: (CIRCULAR.) To the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish of GENTLEMEN, MANY complaints having been made by persons who have been under the necessity of applying for Briefs, I have endeavoured to ascer tain the cause of the delay, and also the reason the collections are so small, and find that it is owing to the neglect of some of the Churchwardens in returning the Briefs, and the omission of some Clergymen either to read them, or frequently to read them all at once. I have examined the undertaker's accounts, and can safely assure you, they are kept in the Vol. V. Churchm. Mag. for Oct. 1803. Hh most most regular manner. I have therefore the Lord Chancellor's directions to express his wish, that the following requisitions may be strictly complied with. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient humble servant, September 1st, 1803. JOHN NARES, Secretary of Briefs to the Lord Chancellor. "Churchwardens or Chapelwardens, Teachers and Preachers of every "separate congregation, or persons who have taught or preached among "Quakers, shall immediately after receiving Briefs from the under"taker, endorse the time of receiving, and set their names. "Then the Churchwardens or Chapelwardens shall forthwith deliver them to the Minister. "And the Ministers on receipt shall endorse the time, and set their "names. "Then the Ministers, (and Teachers respectively,) in two months "after receipt, shall on some Sunday immediately before sermon, openly "read or cause them to be read to the congregation. "Then the Churchwardens and Chapelwardens (and Teachers and "others to whom they were delivered) shall collect the money that shall "be freely given, either in the assembly or by going from house to "house, as the Briefs require. "Next the sum collected, the place where, and time when, shall be "endorsed, fairly written in words at length, according to the form to "be printed on the back of each Brief, and signed by the Minister and "Churchwardens, or by the Teacher and two Elders, or two other "substantial persons of such separate congregation. ་་ Afterwards, on request of the undertaker, (or other person by him lawfully authorised,) the Churchwardens and Teachers shall deliver "to him the Briefs so endorsed, and the money thereon collected. "Every Minister, Curate, Teacher, Preacher, Churchwarden, Chapel"warden, and Quaker, refusing or neglecting to do any thing above required, shall forfeit £.20, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information. " And in every parish or chapelry, and separate congregation, a register shall be kept by the Minister or Teacher, of all monies collected by virtue of such Briefs therein; also, inserting the occasion of "the Brief, and the time when collected, to which all persons at all " times may resort without fee." These requisitions, are framed out of the provisions in the act of the 4th of Anne, ch. 14th, and ought to be complied with by every Minister and every Churchwarden; but if Jonathan Drapier's statement, (founded on the account kept of disbursements and receipts on the Briefs in behalf of the Church of Ravenstondale) be correct, something more seems necessary to be done;-something, which, lowering the expences of obtaining and collecting Briefs, and bringing a larger proportion of the donations |