TO THE EDITORS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. I GENTLEMEN, Send you the following under the supposition that it may be new to many of your readers, as it is to me. It is annexed to a pamphlet entitled "A Dialogue between a Counsell our of State, and a Justice of the Peace," written by Sir Walter Raleigh. Address to the Inhabitants of Great Britain from the Society for establishing an Asylum for Male and Female Outcasts. N UMEROUS as are the public charities of this country, there is yet one of which the sad experience of every day proves the lamentable want; a place of refuge, where those unhappy wretches, who have by their misconduct justly forfeited their characters, may have a chance of either recovering or acquiring, by a course of labour, and with due instruction, habits of industry and sobriety, and of learning some means of gaining their support by honest exertion. A proposal for forming an establishment of this kind in the metropolis, was some years ago made in a well-known publication, by a worthy magistrate there resident. Why that proposal has since lain dormant, the authors of this address know not; but being themselves sensible of the existence of numerous objects who, through such an institution, in a spot where means of constantly employing them may more certainly be found, might be converted from nuisances to useful members of society, and become indebted to it for their introduction to salvation of both body and soul; whereas they are now coldly abandoned to destruction, as past hope, and almost below compassion, resolved to form themselves into a society for accomplishing the work: and however difficult a task it might appear to raise a subscription adequate to such an undertaking, they determined to make one effort towards it, by by thus publicly calling upon those who are really disposed to support a design so merciful in itself, and which, if successful, would be so extensive in its benefits, to send their names and donations, that a beginning may at least be given to the work. As money sufficient to proceed to the purchases necessary for the establishment may not quickly be raised, it is proposed to invest what shall immediately be so in the public funds, in the names of trustees to be appointed by the majority of the subscribers: that it may there accumulate, while the friends of the institution, never losing sight of their object, continue to solicit subscriptions, until they have procured so much as, with the original capital and the interest which shall have accrued on it, shall be enough to carry the plan into execution. And as soon as any sum large enough to be invested in the funds shall be subscribed, a meeting of the subscribers will be called for the appointment of trustees, and the necessary officers for proceeding in the purposes of the subscription. Books for subscription are opened at Messrs. DEVAYNES, DAWES, NOBLE and Co's. No. 39, Pall-mall; Messrs. GoSLINGS' and SHARP, No. 19, Fleet-street; and Messrs. VERES, LUCADOU, and SMART's, No. 77, Lombard-street. THE PLAN PROPOSED. The proposed objects of this charity are discharged criminals---Indigent prostitutes, who cannot gain admission into the Magdalen Hospital---All those poor, who from absolute want of employment, or from not knowing how to execute work if they could get it, are under little less than a necessity to resort to robbery for their support--and destitute persons who have no parish to which they can apply for relief. Among the multitudes who come under one or other of these descriptions, it is not to be supposed, but that there is a certain proportion who are inclined to reformation: yet when this bias has, by their punishments or misfortunes, been given to their minds, having no means of subsistence, and deprived, by loss of character, of all hope of countenance, they are reduced by despair of procuring even food by any other means, to engage in, or return to, criminal pursuits. To provide an asylum for wretches thus helpless, and give them a chance of escaping final destruction in the next state, as well as continued misery in this to diminish that multitude of desperate offenders, who by their very numbers encourage others to unite with them; and to reclaim to society, members who, like lost sheep, are really wandering, because no kind hand is stretched out to guide them back to the fold, are the purposes of the institution proposed. The method by which it is hoped these purposes may be carried into execution, is to purchase two pieces of waste land, whereon the necessary buildings may be erected, separately to lodge and employ the male and female objects of the charity. No small portion of the former, who are not skilled in any art or manufacture, will be provided with employment in the cultivation of the ground that will be inclosed round the house; on which, perhaps, it may be thought pro per Per to employ no horses, but raise all the crops as by horticulture. The females will first have to spin and make up all the linen requisite for both establishments, and manufacture too the woollen thread from the sheep's back, until fit for the loom-and then to spin for sale whatever shall be found most marketable; but particularly one kind of thread, for the purchase of which, in its woven state, large sums of money annually go from this country, viz. sail cloth. It is hoped, that by thus setting all hands to work, not only all the food and raiment of the objects will be raised and manufactured within the establishment, but sufficient articles of various kinds be produced for sale to nearly, if not entirely, cover the permanent expence of it. While on the other hand, the constant employment in which they will be kept, the harder work to which they will be put, and the stricter discipline observed, will yield good ground to hope for these several particulars conjoined availing to the reformation of females who might prove too refractory for the Magdalen. To the objects themselves it is intended to allow a proportion of their earnings, towards providing themselves with necessaries either for service or for trade, when they leave the, Asylum; a provision which will both tend to make them more industrious, and chear them during the period of their probation. These establishments will be under the care of a governor, and other proper officers for the males; and for the females, matrons, and other assistants; to be appointed by a standing committee of the subscribers, in the manner which is found by experience to have succeeded best in the charitable institutions already established, which are most similar in their nature to those now proposed. January 5, 1804. N. B. Notice of the first meeting (which it is hoped the public benevolence will accelerate) will be sent personally to the several subscribers. ERRATA. P. 408, for peruse read pause. 429, for which latter, meaning read which latter meaning. for wretchedness read wretchlessness, restlessness read recklessness. |