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On Monday last, at Highgate, Mr. Robert Brooke, law-bookseller, of Bell-yard, Lincoln's-inn, aged 54.

20.] Saturday morning, at his house, in Kennington-place, EdwardWetenhall, Esq. stock-broker,

Saturday, in Sackville-street, the Lady of Sir Charles Mitchell.

On Sunday last, at Sunbury, Middlesex, Roger Boehm, Esq. one, of the directors of the Bank of England.

21.] On Monday last, at her brother's house, at Brentford, Miss Elizabeth Anthoney, late of Beaconsfield.

On Sunday evening last, at his house, in Billiter-square, Philip Morshead, Esq. attorney at law, of a paralytic stroke, with which he was affected only a few hours before.

Thursday last, at Islington, Mr. Ives, aged 47,

On Tuesday last, at Low Leyton, Essex, aged 74, Bryan Troughton, Esq. banker, in Lombard-street.

26.] Yesterday morning, at his house, after a week's illness, Mr. Sisson, surgeon and apothecary, of Brydges-street, Covent Garden. Yesterday morning," in Lincoln-inn-fields, the infant daughter of G. B. Tyndale, Esq.

Yesterday morning Alexander Hope, Esq. of Queen-street, West, minster, aged 64.

On Thursday evening, Mr. John Hart, sen. of Newington, Surrey, insurance and stock broker.

On Tuesday morning, at the house of her father, Mr. Butcher, in St. Andrew's-street, Cambridge, Mrs. Porteus, relict of the Rev. Robert Porteus, late rector of Wykham in Essex.

On Tuesday evening, aged 84, Mrs. Day, wife of Mr. Charles Day, of Cambridge.

Lately, Miss Elizabeth Wedd, aged 16, eldest daughter of William Wedd, Esq. of Foulmire, in the county of Oxford.

Yesterday se'nnight, the Rev. Charles Greene, rector of Hemingford Abbots in Huntingdonshire, and grandson of Dr. Thomas Greene, for. merly bishop of Ely.

On Friday se'nnight, at North Walsham in Norfolk, aged 56, the Rev. Joseph Hepworth, rector of Gunton, with the vicarage of Hanworth annexed, rector of Suffield, and vicar of the mediety of Felmingham, all in Norfolk, and formerly of Queen's college, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. 1769, and M. A. 1787.

Saturday se'nnight, aged 72, the Rev. Thomas Johnson, M. A. nearly 48 years vicar of Wickham-market, formerly of St. John's college, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. 1752, M. A. 1755. Simplicity of manners, strict integrity, and benevolence of heart, were the most striking traits in the character of the deceased. The living is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor.

Friday last died, in an advanced age, John Halsted Deere, gent. formerly an eminent grocer in Norwich.


On Sunday fast died, Mrs. Brewster, of Thetford.


A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, at the
Triennial Visitation of that Diocese, in May and June, 1803. By
George Prettyman, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of Lincoln, 4to..
The Duty of Loving the Brotherhood, Fearing God, and Honouring
the King, illustrated and enforced in a Sermon, preached before two
Friendly Societies. By Thomas Skurraz. M. A.


The Evidence of Relation between our present Existence and Future State, with References to Dr. Paley's Natural Theology, 8vo.

Observations upon some Passages in Scripture, which the Enemies to Religion have thought most obnoxious, and attended with Difficulties not to be surmounted. By Jacob Porgant.

A Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Clergy of the Archdea. conry of Northumberland, held in May 1803. By Robert Thorpe, D. D.


The Book of Isaiah in Hebrew and English; the Hebrew Text materially arranged, the Translation altered from that of Bishop Louth, with Notes, critical and explanatory. By Joseph Stocke, D. D. Bishop of Killala. 4to.

Methodism inspected (Part I.) with an Appendix on the Evi dences of a State of Salvation. By William Hales, D. D, Rector of Killesandra.

For though ye may have ten thousand SCHOOLMASTERS in CHRIST, yet have yet not many FATHERS." i Cor. iv. 15. 8vo. pp. 94. Colbert, Dublin; Spragg, London.

A Dialogue between á Country Gentleman and one of his poor Neigh bours, who had been led away from the Church under the Pretext of Hearing the Gospel, and attending Evangelical Preachers. A New Edition, 12mo. pp. 56.

A Sermon preached at the Ordination, holden by the Right Rev. John,' Lord Bishop of Oxford, at Christ Church, on Sunday, June 5, 1803. By Charles Barton, B. D. Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford,


An Illustration of the Hypothesis proposed in the Dissertation on the Origin and Composition of our three first Canonical Gospels. With a Preface and an Appendix, containing Miscellaneous matters; the Whole being a Rejoinder to the anonymous Author of the Remarks on Michaelis, and his Commentator. By Herbert Marsh, B. B. F. R. S. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo.



Cambridge, July 1.

HE annual meeting of the Governors and Contributors to Addenbrooke's Hospital, was yesterday held in great St. Mary's Church, when an excellent Sermon on the occasion was preached by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, rector of Stretham in this county, from St. Matth. xi. 4, 5. "Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see. The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them." In the course of the service, the old 100th Psalm, an Anthem from the 137th Psalm, composed for the occasion by Dr. Hague, and the Coronation Anthem, were performed by a very full band. The collection at the church doors amounted to 1197. 148, 5d.

In the evening there was a grand Miscellaneous Concert at the Town Hall, by an excellent and full band; and this evening there will be another grand Miscellaneous Concert at the same place, both under the direction of Professor Hague.


Cambridge, July 12...

The Colossal Statue of Ceres, presented to our University by Messrs. Clarke and Cripps, of Jesus College, now graces the Vestibule of the Public Library. The Pedestal, after a design of Flaxman, from the original in the Temple of Minerva Polias at Athens, does great credit to Messrs. Tomsons of this town, by whom it was executed. Near the Statue is placed a Relic, particularly interesting to this University : The Cippus originally on the Tomb of Euclid, the Mathematician. It seems by this Monument that he was a native of Hermione, in Argolide.-Hitherto the place of his birth was unknown. Euclid, the difciple of Socrates, being of Megara, it cannot be attributed to him. The Bas Relief exhibits a Philosopher, in the long Robe, with a Scroll in his left hand. The right is gathered up in the Drapery. The inscription is Euclid, the Son of Euclid, of Hermione."

The Sermon, at Great St. Mary's church, on Sunday morning, was preached by the Rev. the Dean of Bristol, from rst Pet. iii. 15. The afternoon sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Michell, Vice-Provost of King's College, from Philip. i. 27.

Sir Henry Smyth, Bart. of Trinity Hall, presided as Steward at the Commencement Ball.


GLAD LAD are we to receive, though too late for the present number, a valuable article from our old friend INSPECTOR, which shall appear in our next.

Our esteemed friend who signs M. H. is desired to accept our thanks for the memoir of the excellent SKELTON, which shall follow that of Dr. Townson.


Discourse on the Intermediate State" in our next, together with several other favours and articles of review, which were too late for the present number.

We entreat the attention of our readers to that part of our work de voted to the record of eminent persons deceased, and solicit anecdotes, &c, that we may be enabled to render the Obituary peculiarly interesting.

Archbishop Sancroft published, in 1651, a small tract entituled “ Fur "Predestinatus, sive Dialogismus inter quendam ordinis Prædicentium "Calvinistam et Furem ad laqueum damnatum habitus, &c." which would be highly serviceable at this period, if translated into English. We should be glad to insert such a translation in our Magazine, or to encourage the publication in a separate form.

JUVENIS on certain fanatical practices shall certainly appear in our next Number; also several other Letters and Articles of Review, some of which came to hand too late for the present month.





THE HE author of "Unity the Bond of Peace, &c." has too much reason to be gratified by the handsome compliments which your Reviewer has paid to his work, even if he were disposed to complain of any part of the criticism contained in your last number. He is gratified the more in finding that there is at least one of the periodical publications to which an author can look for protection on the side of Orthodoxy, and attachment to the establishment; with whose friendly reproof, if it had been thought necessary, he would have been better pleased than the silent indifference of those Reviewers, to whom the public have been accustomed to look as the especial guardians of those publications which are directed to the defence of our Constitution, both civil and religious. If he had been less strongly attached to the Church, by law established, and not an enemy to every deviation from its discipline or Orthodoxy, he would even have felt it some consolation to that honest pride which must be wounded by the indifference and neglect of those who ought to be alive to every danger that affects its interests, to be noticed by the Christian Observer, and to be distinguished with so conspicuous a place and portion in two successive numbers of that Review, while no other had deigned to give him a place even in the monthly catalogue of one. But mixed with a good deal of praise, beyond any thing that could have been expected from that quarter, there was too evident an appearance of dislike to the main design and tendency of the work, and the author would have sought some channel to point out the mis-statements of his Reviewers, the partiality of their selections, and the strict authenticity of those facts which they affect to call in question, but that he conceived it to be almost as inconsistent with delicacy for an author to review his reviewers, as to be the reviewer of his own publication. It gave him pleasure to observe, that that office was intended by your own reviewer; and he hopes that by him, or by some of your correspondents, it will still be done. A few hints he is not unwilling to furnish; after he shall have taken the liberty, in the spirit of love and of a right mind as he hopes, to make one or two remarks on your own.

The little that he has to observe upon it, relates to "concessions which your Reviewer thinks him to have made," and "the tone of de spondence in which he has spoken of the dangers which he sees." With respect to the former, the author is not aware that he has conceded any thing of which our adversaries can take advantage; and if they 66 are exalted into malignant triumph at every melancholy presage which suppresses the friends of the Church, he is sure that the facts on which his fears are founded are too real, and such as it is highly necessary that the friends of the Church should well consider, in order that they may put themselves into a position to avert the actual accomplishment of those events which will, whenever they come to pass, be the subjects of


much more malignant triumph to them, and abject humiliation to ourselves.

In allowing that they have more zeal and industry to serve their cause; that in point of piety, and strictness in the observation of the Sabbath, they surpass us; and in some other respects which relate to the "form of godliness" they may have the advantage of those from whose communion they separate, the author has not admitted, and he is sure he never-shall admit that they excel their brethren whom they despise in other parts, of a holy and religious life. In sound morality the Orthodox Churchman will not shrink from comparison with the most zealous Christian Observer; but if in zeal, or any of the duties of piety, they go beyond us, it is surely conceding nothing that a candid mind can hesitate to acknowledge that "these things ought we to have done, and not to leave the others undone." If it be in allowing them the praise of greater industry and readiness to expend their substance or their time in diffusing their principles, circulating tracts, and other means of serving and making converts to their cause, that he has conceded too much, he has only to say with deep concern,

Pudet hæc opprobria dici

Et non potuisse refelli.

But perhaps the idea of concession may be taken rather from what the Christian Observer has thought proper to make him say, than from any thing which the author himself hath said. In their review of the work, they say, indeed, that "while his general reverence for the Clergy and earnest zeal for the Church are unquestionable, he does not deem it inconsistent with that reverence and that zeal to charge the Clergy in unreserved terms with a very censurable and injurious neglect, of which they shall have occasion to speak at large in their consideration of a future chapter." Now as they have not produced any instance in proof of this, but the omitting to "introduce the subject of Church Unity into the pulpit," and leaving their hearers "unacquainted with the grounds of their connection with the Church, and uninformed of the sin and consequences of schism," the Author must conclude, that this is that "very censurable and injurious neglect," which they allude to. And if this be the case, though he should not have expected the Christian Observer to attach much blame to such an omission, he thinks it a concession which can afford little ground of malignant triumph. But whatever might be the feeling, that it should produce in the minds of others, it surely is a circumstance that ought not to be concealed from ourselves. In all other respects, the Author has allowed to the Clergy the praise to which they are so justly entitled. He has most unreservedly admitted that there never was a time in which the Clergy were more respectable in learning or character than at present; and if it were in the power of words to convey a higher testimony to their meritorious talents and services, he would be very ready to substitute them as his own. To those of your Reviewer he most cordially subscribes, that "we have a clergy as replete with talent, and as eminent for their piety as England ever knew." And, indeed, so far was the Author from conceding any thing in this respect to our adversaries, that he is blamed, by the Christian Observer, for his too "warm eulogy on Vol. V. Churchm. Mag. July 1803.



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