T For a Licence to a LECTURE. O bring to the Bishop a Certificate from the Minifter and Church-wardens, of his having been duly Elected, or an Appointment under Hand and Seal of the Person or Persons who have Power to Appoint. To exhibit his Orders of Deacon and Prieft.. To bring Testimonials of his sober and regular Behaviour. : FINIS Contents No. Luke - 22:36-1682. Bhipre B. 1. Simothy 9 Pachwerte 3: Deuteronomy 33:29 1786 147. Stanhomes. 1. Acts. 22: 2004530 57 Beveridged.d. Luke... 1.28 96 Stanhomdd. N. Brady S.S. 18: 27 Psalm : |