THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS O F JOHN HILDROP, D.D. Rector of WATH, in YORKSHIRE. LONDON: Printed by Charles Rivington, For JOHN and JAMES RIVINGTON, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. M DCC LIV. BY the Importunity of my Friends, I have been prevailed upon to publish in this Form fome loofe Pieces, which at Several Times I had offered to the Public, and generally without any Name of the Author; by which I had often the Pleasure of hearing them afcribed to Perfons, whofe very Names do me greater Honour than I could ever expect to receive or deferve. Thus the Letter to a Member of Parliament was generally afcribed to Dean SwiFT ; and I was affured by a great Dignitary in the Church, that my Reflections upon Reason were writ by the A 2 late |