I Most thankfully acknowledge the condescension of
your Royal Highness in allowing me the honour of
laying this work at your feet, and committing it to so
august a protection; and humbly beg your favourable
acceptance of it, as a most sincere, though inconsider-
able, expression of the profoundest duty, and most
cordial esteem.
Could I lay open to your Royal Highness all the
secret sentiments of my heart, you would read there the
most affectionate sense of that gracious Providence
which conducted you hither, to instruct and adorn
Great Britain by so amiable an example, as well as to
bless it with a race of princes descended from the
illustrious houses of Brunswick and Saxe-Gotha in so
happy an union! Joyfully have I, long since, taken
my part with thousands, in congratulating my country
and your Royal Highness on this occasion, and acknow-
ledging that wise and paternal care his Majesty hath
therein expressed for the happiness of succeeding gene-
rations but permit me, Madam, freely to add, that
with regard to yourself, I rejoice not so much in this
accession to your grandeur, as in the persuasion I have,
that you are possessed of a mind so superior to it, as to
render it in all its remotest consequences, what great-
ness is not always to its possessors, safe, honourable,
and advantageous. Universal report leaves me no room
to doubt, that even in this blooming age you are ten-
derly sensible of the shining dangers inseparable from