THE SCOTS MAGAZINE. MDCCLXXXIII. VOLUME XLV Ne quid falfi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat. C EDINBURGH: Printed by MURRAY and COCHRAN : 2 A CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES of Events, continued from our preceding volume. To each article is annexed the number of the page of this volume in which it is to be found. 1782 April 4. Cuddalore in the East-Indies surrenders to the French 212. Maj 22. A prodigious whirlwind and inundation in the island of Formosa 493. June 2. Hyder Ally attacks Sir Eyre Coote's army, near Arnee, in the Carnatic, and is repulfed 214. 8. Sir Eyre Coote's grand guard drawn into an ambuscade, and totally cut off, by 6000 of Hyder Ally's chofen horse 214. 23. The Earl of Dartmouth East Indiaman, having on board a cargo worth 200,০০০ 1. lost on one of the Nicobar islands in the Bay of Bengal, and a great many of the crew drowned 155. T July 6. An obstinate engagement between the French and British fleets, near Negapatnam in the East Indies, in which 77 British were killed and 233 wounded, p. 215. The French loss was 178 killed, and 601 wounded, p. 224, Aug. 4. The Grosvenor East Indiaman lost on the coast of Africa 453. SAF. 31. Trincomale in the ifland of Ceylon furrenders to the French forces 215 Sept. 3. Another obstinate engagement between the British and French fleets in the EastIndies, in which the British had st killed and 283 wounded, but no ships were taken on either fide 219. 8. A dreadful famine rages in the Carnatic 221.. Det. 19. Charlestown evacuated by the British troops 106. 20. Peace finally ratified with the Marattas 492. 1983. Jan. 27. Hyder-Nagur and the Bedanure country in the East Indies taken by Gen. Matthews 492. 20. The preliminary articles of peace between Great Britain, France, and Spain, figned at Versailles I The officers of the Scots Brigade who refused to take the oaths to the States-General difmissed their service, and receive half pay from Great Britain, vol. 44. p. 702. vol. 45. p. 107. 27. The 17th regiment of foot mutiny at Portsmouth, and refuse to imbark for the Eaft-Indies 46. Feb. Lt-Gen. James Murray tried for the furrender of Fort St Philip in Minorca 88. 125. 180. March 11. The Knights of St Patrick invested with the dignity of their order, and inMalted on the 19th 160.11. 29. Lord Shelburne resigns his office of First Lord of the Treasury, and is succeeded by the Duke of Portland 223. 29. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland obtain a Royal Charter 445. During this month and February, the city of Messina and Calabria Ulterior were destroy. ed by earthquakes, and lives loft to the amount of 40,000. p. 113.209.393.466.525. April 7. An elegant monument erected in the church-yard of Portfea, Portsmouth, to the memory of Adm. Kempenfelt and the crew who perished in the Royal George 277. 8. The Empress of Russia publishes a manifesto upon her troops entering the Crimea 435. 8. The Ranger, Lieut. Pruen, taken by the Maratta fleet, after an obstinate engagement, in which Col. Humberston was killed, and a great many officers wounded 606. June 2. Charles Spalding the celebrated diver, and Ebenezer Watfon, fuffocated in the diving bell near Dublin 324. 3. Gen. Matthews's army, consisting of about 600 Europeans and 1600 sepoys, furrenders to Tippoo Saib at Bednure in the East-Indies 607. 5. The air balloon invented by M. Montgolfier, a Frenchman 491. 649. 13. The French forces driven from their out-pofts before Cuddalore in the East-Indies 682. 18. Gen. Washington tranfmits a circular letter to the Governors of the different States, upon the fubject of the peace, &c. before he retires from the service 494 20. A fevere engagement between the British and French fleets in the East-Indies 686. 21. The American army mutiny, and commit such outrages at Philadelphia, as obliges the Congrefs to remove to Princetown 383.437. 29. An interview between the King of Sweden and the Empress of Ruffia at Frederickham 490. A new island rifes out of the fea near Iceland 339. July ! 1983. July 2. The Emperor of Germany publishes an edict for fuppressing Hermits 435 18. The Bahama islands retaken by Col. Deveaux 383. 19. Christopher Atkinson M. P. late corn-factor to His Majesty's victualling board, convicted of perjury 442. and expelled the House of Commons Dec. 4. 634 21. A great many American Loyalists retire from New York to settle in Nova Scotia 499. 23. A verdict given against Gen. Murray, governor of Minorca, with soool. damages, for suspending from office Mr Sutherland, judge-advocate of the admiralty court of that ifland 444. Dreadful storms of thunder, lightning, &c. both in England and Scotland during this month 389. Aug. 1. Shipping in the harbour of Leith to the amount of 11,000 tuns burden sor.. 1. The Spaniards begin the siege of Algiers, but give it up after a few days bombard ment 491. 7. Princess Amelia born 447. 7. The American Congress resolve to erect an equestrian statue of Gen. Washington 552. 13. Ratification of the Provifional Articles of Peace with America exchanged at Paris 443. 18. A great ball of fire is seen pass along the air from W. N. W. to E. S. E. a little after nine in the evening. It is likewise seen in Holland, at Ostend, and in Ireland 611 18. Fifty thousand pounds granted to commiffioners for behoof of a colony of Genevans who are to fettle in Ireland 556. 29. William Wynne Ryland, the celebrated engraver, executed for forgery 441. Sept. 2. Preliminary Articles of Peace between G. Britain and the States General of the United Provinces signed at Paris 500. : 1 3. The Definitive Treaties of Peace with France, Spain, and America 6gned soo. 8. A great number of delegates from volunteer corps meet at Dungannon in Ireland 556. 19. The Ratifications of the Definitive Treaties of Peace with France and Spain exchan 7 29. The Ratification of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between G. Britain and Hole ged at Versailles soo land exchanged at Paris 554 Oft. 6. Peace proclaimed 555. 1 Nov. 2. Gen. Washington delivers his farewell orders to the American army 663 the East-India Company in Commissioners 635. 29. New York evacuated by the British 665. Dec. 8. Mr Fox's East-India bill passed by the Commons 635. 17. The East-India bill rejected by the House of Peers 636. 29. The ministry dismissed 637. and a new one appointed 671. 23. Gen. Washington returns his commission to Congress, and retires from the service 711. p. col. lin. 56 I. 10. ERRATA. from foot, for Dec. 15. read Jan. 15. 279. 1. 14. from foot, for xi. read ii. 321. 2. 16. for July 6. read July 2. 445. 2. 37. for Counsel, read Council. 490. 2. 16. for June 6. read June 26. 492. I. 4. for 21st read ist. To the BINDER. UT off the blue Covers; and place this quarter of a sheet, containing the C General Title-page, the Chronological Series of Events, &c, before the Magazine for January. Preliminary Articles of PEACE with France 1. | Account of Gen. Sir GEORGE AUGUSTUS Preliminary Articles of PEACE with Spain 4. Provifional Articles of PEACE with America 5. Experiments on the culture of SIBERIAN BARLEY 7. Account of a MONSTROUS BIRTH 8. Letters upon the subject of FICTITIOUS VOTES: Letter I. 9. Letter II. ro. Letter III. 12. TRIAL of Dr Magennis for the murder of Mr Hardy 14 PARLIAMENT. Commons on Irish Affairs 24. The preliminary articles of peace prefented 23. Ordered to be printed ib. On the mutiny in the 17th regiment 23.-25. - Lords on the peace 26. Address moved for by Lord Pembroke ib. Earl Carlifle moves an amendment 26. Speeches of Lords Wallingham, Hawke, Townsend, the Duke of Grafton, Lord Keppel, Duke of Richmond, Lords Stormont, Sackville, and Howe, the Earl of Shelburne, &c. 27.-32. ELIOTT 18. A new method of making FENCES 32. On the Inoculation of HORNED CATTLE, and the Bleeding of SHEEP 32. NEW BOOKS. Chalmers on the comparative strength of England 33. Cecilia; or Memoirs of an Heiress 36. Monro on the means of preserving the health of foldiers 38. POETRY Ode for the New Year, Jan. r. 1783 40. Ode for the New Year by the Rev. Mr Mavor ib. Address of Mrs Siddons, when the produced her three reasons for quitting the Bath theatre ib Ode to virtue 41 Ode written in winter ib. HISTORICAL AFFAIRS. Germany 42. Switzerland ib. France ib. America 43. England 44 Scotland 49. LISTS. Captures 5r Marriages, Births, and Deaths 54. Preferments 55. Prices of Grain, Meal, and Stocks, Edinburgh and Aberdeen Infirmary tables, Mortality-bill, &c. 56. Preliminary and Provisional Articles of PEACE. Translation of the Preliminary Articles of Peace between his Britannic Majesty and the Moft Christian King, figned, at Verfailles, the 20th day of January 1783. Mr Alleyne Fitzherbert, minister-pleni potentiary of his faid Majesty the King of Great Britain; and on the part of his Moft Christian Majesty, Charles Gravier Compte de Vergennes, counsellor in all his councils, commander of his orders, counsellor of state, minister and secretary of state, and of the commands and finances of his faid Majesty for the department of foreign affairs; who, after having duly communicated to each other their full powers in good form, have agreed on the following preliminary articles: Art. I. A's foon as the preliminaries shall be signed and ratified, fincere friendship shall be re established between his Britannic A |