| Edward Wells - 1729 - 274 pages
...things facrificed unto Idols. AnA I gave her Space to Repent, and fhe repented not. Hihold, f will cafi her into a Bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great Tribulation, (NBJ Except they repent of their 'Deeds. Who is here denoted by Jezebel, matters not to our Purpole.... | |
 | Francis Fox - 1748 - 602 pages
...And I gave her fpace to " repent of her fornication, and fhe repented not; 22. Behold, 1 will caft her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with...great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23. And I will kill her children with death-, and all the churches mall know that I am he- which *... | |
 | Nehemiah Walter - 1755 - 550 pages
...the chunbts /tall know, that I am he which fearcbcth the ••/••vi; . .- - ' ' ; '-< - ' rtint reins and hearts ; and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. How fhould this confideration deter us from finful thoughts ! What confuOon will cover us in that dreadful... | |
 | John Leland - 1764 - 470 pages
...according to every man's -work, i Pet. i. 17. Chrift is introduced as declaring, / am he -which fearcheth the reins and hearts ; and I -will give unto every one of you according to your •works, Rev. ii. 23. And in the defcription of the future judgment, Rev. xx. 12. to fhew the exactnefs of that judgment,... | |
 | John Fletcher - 1775 - 500 pages
...denounces, left it fliould be rejected by fiee-will : Take alfo two or three examples. — 1 -will toft them that commit adultery with her, into great tribulation, EXCEPT they repent of their deeds. — EXCEPT ye repent, ye Jhall all likeiuife feri/h — He that belieiieth not Jhall be damned —... | |
 | Jacques Abbadie - 1777 - 378 pages
...the moft folemn and remarkable manner. " All the churches fball know that I " am HE which fearcheth the reins and hearts; " and I will give unto every one of you accord" irig to your works." It follows, therefore, that Jefus not only aflumes the name, GOD ; but... | |
 | Thomas Dutton - 1778 - 200 pages
...Cbrift, I Pet. i. 7. And all the churches Jball know, faith our Lord, that I am he that fearcheth tlie reins and hearts ; and I will give unto every one of you according to your works, Rev. ii. 23. fo him that 0•ver cometh, fays he, will I grant to fit with me in my throne, as I alja overcame,... | |
 | William Burgh - 1779 - 302 pages
...to come, the Almighty," Rev. i. 8, and x'xii. 13. CXXIV. Jefus Chrift fays, " I am he that fearchcth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works," Rev. ii. 23. God fays to Jeremiah, " I the Lord fearch the heart, I try the reins, even to -give every man according... | |
 | James Purves - 1790 - 180 pages
...of * God, I know thy works.' Ver. 23. ' All * the churches mail know that I am he that ' fearcheth the reins and hearts ; and I will ' give unto every one of you according to your ' works.' V. The fcriptures alfo inform us, that all power or authority for ruling, judging, and executing judgment,... | |
 | Richard Watson - 1791 - 500 pages
...idols. And -I gave her fpace to repent of her fornication, and fhe repented not. Behold, I will caft her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent.'' Rev. xvii. i, "Come hither, I will (hew thee the judgment of the great -where, with whom the kings... | |
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