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of the equator; passes between degree 10 and 20 of the meridian.

Serpens, the Serpent, extends from degree 220 to 285 on the equator; passes between degree 25 on the northern, and 15 on the southern side of the meridian.

Sextans, extends from degree 140 to 160 on the equator; passes between degree 10 on the northern, and 15 on the southern side of the meridian.

Serpentarius vel ophiucus, extends from degree 240 to 270 on the equator; passes between degree 15 on the northern, and 25 on the southern side of the meridian. Principal star Ros Althagus yed, of the second magnitude.

Triangulum Australis, situated in the southern hemisphere; extends from degree 220 to 260 on the equator; passes between degree 60 and 75 on the meridian.

Telescopium, situated in the southern hemisphere; extends from degree 260 to 295 of the equator; passes between degree 30 and 60 on the meridian.

Triangulum Borealis, situated in the northern hemisphere; extends from degree 20 to 40 of the equator; passes between degree 25 and 40 on the meridian.

Toucana, the American Goose, situated in the southern hemisphere; extends from degree 330 on the western, to 20 on the eastern side of the equator; passes between degree 50 and 75 of the meridian.

Ursa Major, the Great Bear, situated in the northern hemisphere; extends from degree 110 to 220 of the equator; passes between degree 30 and 75 of the meridian. Principal stars Dubhe, called the upper pointer, of the first, Alioth Mizar, Benetnaseh, called the lower pointers, of the second magnitude, and Alcor of the fifth.

Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, situated in the northern hemisphere; passes between degree 70 and 90 on the meridian. Principal stars Alruceabah, usually called the Pole Star, of the second, Rochab of the third magnitude.

Vulpecula et Anser, the Fox and the Goose, sit uated in the northern hemisphere; extends from degree 280 to 320 of the equator; passes between degree 15 and 30 on the meridian,


Aries, the Ram, situated in the northern hemisphere extends from degree 20 to 50 on the equator, passes between degree 10 and 30 on the meridian; principal stars, Arietis of the second, Mesartim of the fourth magnitude.

Taurus, the Bull, situated in the northern hemisphere extends from degree 50 to 90 on the equator, passes between 0 and degree 80 on the meridian, principal stars the Pleides, commonly called the seven stars, composed of Alcyone, and six smaller stars, and the Hyades consisting of Aldebaran, of the first magnitude, and several smaller stars.

Gemini, the Twins, situated in the northern hemisphere, extends from degree 85 to 115 on the equator: passes between degree 10 and 35 on the meridian; principal stars Castor and Apollo, of the first, Pollux, vel Hercules of the second magnitude.

Cancer, the Crab, situated in the northern hemisphere, extends from degree 115 to 140 of the equator; passes between degree 10 and 35 on the meridian.

Leo, the Lion, situated principally in the northern hemisphere, extends from degree 135 to 175 on the equator, passes between degree 30 on the northern and 5 on the southern side of the meridian, principal stars, Deneb and Regulus, of the first magnitude.

Virgo, the Virgin, situated between the northern and southern hemisphere, extends from degree 175 to 220 on the equator; passes between degree 15 on the northern and 20 on the southern side of the meridian; principal stars Spica, Virginis of the first mag


Libra, the Balance, situated in the southern hemisphere, extends from degree 220 to 240 of the equator; passes between 0 and degree 30 on the meridian; principal stars Zuben el Chama, Zuben el Gemunbi of the second magnitude.

Scorpio, the Scorpion, situated in the southern hemisphere, extends from degree 240 to 265 on the equator; passes between degree 5 and 45 on the meridian; principal star Antares of the first magnitude. Sagittarius, the Archer, situated in the southern hemisphere, extends from degree 260 to 300 of the equator; passes between degree 10 and 30 on the meridian.

Capricornus, the Goat, situated in the southern hemisphere, extends from degree 300 to 325 of the equator; passes between degree 10 and 30 on the meridian; principal stars Deneb, Algedi of the fourth magnitude.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer, situated princi pally in the southern hemisphere, extends from degree 300 to 360 of the equator; passes between degree 5 on the northern, and 25 on the southern side of the meridian; principal stars Ancha, and Situla of the fourth magnitude..

Pisces, the Fish, situated principally in the northern hemisphere, extends from degree 340 on the western, to 30 on the eastern side of the equator; passes between degree 30 on the northern, and 10 on the southern side of the meridian.





Aberration-An apparent change of place in the fixed stars, caused by the progressive motion of light, and the earth's annual tion in her orbit.

Achronical-A term used to express the risi

of a star at sun-set, or its setting at

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on, or a star, above the

horizon to the zenith.

rizon, doned on a vertical circle fron

Amplitude-The distance of the sun, or a from the east point of the horizon at p and from the west point at setting. A tude is reckoned east and west.

Aphelion-That part of a planet's orbit w is farthest from the sun.

Apogee-A planet's greatest distance from: earth.

Apex-The top, or upper part. Aspects-The respective situations of le moon and planets with the sun. Arc, or Arch of a circle-Any part of its cumference.

Atmosphere-A collection of vapours surrou ing the earth.

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