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HE Occafion of writing thefe Letters. Page vii The Author of the Letter to a Romifh Priest. viii Her great Knowledge in the Popish Controversy. ix Her Books of Devotion.


An Account of the Third Part of this Book, and its Author,

The Author of the Antidote against Popery.

The Defign of the rest of the Book

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Some Reflections upon a late Difcourfe against the Holy Eu charit's being a true commemorative Sacrifice.


The Doctrine of this Sacrifice afferted in a Difcourfe printed in 1682, but written in 1637.

By Archbishop Bramhall.



By Dr. Brough.


By Mr. Thorndike.


By Bishop Beverege.

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By the Author of the Clergy-man's Vade Mecum.

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Part of a Prayer in Bishop Andrew's Greek and Latin De


'Mr. Nelfon vindicated.


xl and lvii


A Citation out of the Apoftolical Canons.
Mr. Mede mifreprefented by the Answerer in many Places.


A farther Appeal to the Apoftolical Conftitutions. ibid. As likewife to Juftin Martyr.

xlvi and lxxiii


And to all the Euchariftical Offices of the ancient Churches. xlviii

Dr. Hancock calls for exprefs and plain Scripture for this
Christian Sacrifice.

A Teftimony of Bishop Beverege brought against him.
The Council in Trullo appeal'd to.




The Doctrine of Briffonius concerning the Nature of a Sacrifice enquir'd into.

And of Suidas.



Пego pegen, & Offerre, ufed in the Greek and Latin Churches for the Celebration of the Eucharift.


Some farther Remarks from the forementioned Authorities.



The Word Sacrament not to be found in Scripture.
The Sacrifice of the Eucharift no Stranger to the Communion-
Devotions of the Church of England.


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The Vindicator of the Church and Clergy of England confidered. Several Reasons why this Author could not be Dr. Kennet.



Dr. Jo. Edward's Strictures flighted
The Difingenuity of making this Doctrine introductive of the
Popish Mafs.
Iolev fhew'd to be a facrificial Term in the Hellenistical Stile.


No reafon why the Reformed fhould be afraid of believing the Eucharift to be a facrificial Service.

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Lady inclinable to embrace the Roman Communion "is vifited by the D. at the Request of a Friend, in order to prevent her Apoftacy from the Church of England. Page The Danger of trusting oar felves alone with the Adverfaries of our Religion, and neglecting the Advice of our own Divines, obferved, &c. The Objection of our receiving our Faith from the Church of

e 3



Rome, answered.



The Vices objected against Hen. 8. or any other of the Reformers no juft Argument against the Reformation. The Method propos'd by the D. in order to refettle her in the Church of England. Two Books in the mean time recommended to her reading.



A Letter of Thanks from the Lady to the D. with the Request of a Conference with him; which is granted. Several Objections made by the Lady against the Church of England. Obj. 1. Against the many Herefes and Schifms, &c. amongst us fince the Reformation. A Book wrote by the D. fome time ago, recommended to her perufal to clear that Objection.




Obj. 2. The Neceffity of an infallible Judge. The Answer referred to at the end of this Collection. The laft Objection whereupon she laid the greatest Strefs was against the Validity of our Ordinations A Paper left by the Lady with the D. in Answer to that part of her Book recommended to her reading) concerning the Novelty of the Roman Faith, to which she defired a Reply, which is the occafion of the following Treatise.

7,8 The moft material Contents of the foremention'd Paper. Rart the First.)


HE Author of the Paper his Explanation of Ver. 3. of St. Jude's Epiftle, To contend for the Faith once delivered to the Saints.


Every Doctrine of Faith not neceffary to be known by every Chritian; but when known to be believed. ibid. The propofing Doctrines of Faith once deliver'd to the Saints in oppofition to new Errors, no coining of new Doctrines, 10 This to be done, as often as Errors arife, by the Succeffors of the Apotles as they themselves did. Acts 15. ver. 6, and 12, and by the fame Authority... ་


11, 12

Such new Apoftolical Declarations (as he terms them) against new Errors, are to be register'd into the Catholick Creed, as 1 fo many new Articles; yet the Doctrine not new, being the fame once delivered to the Saints. His Answer to the Challenge in the D's Book, Where was the Church and Trent-Doctrine before Luther? By afferting the Antiquity of the Doctrines charg'd upon the


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He charges Proteftants with living in Schifm from the Catho-
lick Church.


A farther Affertion of the Antiquity of thofe Doctrines, which
we charge upon them as new.

His Defence of the Bishop of Meaux against Dr. Bull.

The Term Catholick Church explain'd, with fome Reflexions

on Dr. Bull.

17, 18, 19

The D's Answer to the Letter fent by the Lady with the fore-
mention'd Paper enclofed, wherein he complains of the weak
and fallacious Arguments made ufe of as an Answer to the
Paffages referr'd to in his Book, and to which he promises a

Another Letter from the D. to the Lady, wherein he defires a

Conference that he might make her fenfible of the want of

Truth and Ingenuity in the Author of the Paper above-


The Lady's Anfwer, expreffing fome Scruples and Doubts, &c.

22, 23


The D's congratulatory Anfwer that he is not yet departed

wholely from the Church of England.

Another Letter from the Lady farther importuning the D's

Answer to the Paper.

The D's Answer, wherein he first refers to his Remarks upon
that Paper in his first Letter. Then challenges her with
the Promife of the Author's Vindication of it. And lastly
defires to know how far her Ladyship is Satisfied as to the
firft Objection he made against the Church of England,
on account of the Selts and Schifms, &c.
The Lady's Reply, wherein the expreffes her Satisfaction as


to the Objection laft mention'd; but feems to retain her Scruples in other Points, from a Book fhe fends the D. together with a fhort Vindication of the Paper of the Faith once deliver'd to the Saints. The Vindication of the Paper of the Faith once deliver'd to the Saints. Wherein he makes the Doctrines of the Council of Trent the Doctrines of the Holy Catholick Apoftolick Church; and as there can be but one Holy Catholick Apoftolick Church, fo all Chriftians fo all Chriftians are bound to her Determina28, 29


The D's Anfwer, he refers her to the Answer to that Book, entituled Nubes Teftium. Complains of the weakness of the Vindication, wherein he only afferts without proving any thing. Concludes his Letter with ferious Advice, and a hearty Prayer. 29.30, 31 Another Letter from the Lady, wherein she renews her Objection again the Validity of our Ordination, particularly from the omiffion of thofe Words in our Ordinal at the ordaining of a Prieft, Receive thou a Power to offer Sacrifice as well for the Living as for the Dead.


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The D's Anfwer, wherein those Objections are fully anfwer'd, as first the misapplication of the Text, 2 Cor. xi. 14. The having Orders from the Church of Rome (if granted) no Argument to oblige us indifpenfably to take that Church for our Guide, when he has departed from the Truth. 34 The Words, Receive thou a Power, &c. not used in the Church Ordinals for above a thousand Years from Christ, prov'd from their own Writers. 35 Another Letter from the D. to know what Satisfaction he receiv'd from the former. 36 The Lady's Anfwer, wherein he still profeffing her felf a Member of the Church of England, acknowledging the great Satisfaction she has receiv'd from the D's Arguments. But at last feems to ground her greatest Prejudices against the Church of England from fome unjustifiable Practices the Members of that Church have taken up.

37, 38 The D's Reply, wherein he repeats the Danger of converfing alone with Enemies to our Religion. The Prejudices taken against the Church of England from the Defection of Jame of her Members from their ancient Doctrines, no good Argument for deferting her. Especially not to be objected


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