Annual Report of the American Historical AssociationU.S. Government Printing Office, 1903 |
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antislavery appointed April army Banks Baton Rouge believe Bullitt Butler candidate Charles Sumner Cincinnati Columbus command Congress Convention cotton course Custom House DEAR SIR DEAR SUMNER Democrats den's Chase Department duty E. S. Hamlin election enclose enemy extract favor February feel Flanders Free Democracy Free Soil Free Soil Parties Free Soilers friends Genl give Gov't Government Governor Halleck Hamilton County Hay's Lincoln hope Horace Greeley January Judge June labor Legislature letter Louisiana March McClellan ment military Mississippi Murat Halstead negroes Nicolay and Hay's nomination Ohio opinion organization ORLEANS paper party Platform Plumly political Port Hudson position President principles probably rebels received regard regiments Republican River Schuckers's Chase seems Senate sent Seward slave Slave Power slaveholders slavery Stanton Texas things thought tion to-day trade troops Union vote Warden's Chase Washington Whigs whole wish write yesterday York
Popular passages
Page 79 - It is, indeed humiliating; but prompted, I believe, by a sincere desire to serve the country, and a fear that, (should he supersede McClellan by any other commander, no advantage would be gained in leadership, but much harm in the disaffection of officers and troops. The truth is, I think, that the President with the most honest intentions in the world, and a naturally clear judgment and a true, unselfish patriotism, has yielded so much to Border State and negrophobic counsels that he now finds it...
Page 91 - Blair then said that the question having been decided, he would make no objection to issueing the Proclamation; but he would ask to have his paper, presented some days since, against the policy, filed with the Proclamation. The President consented to this readily. And then Mr. Blair went on to say that he was afraid of the influence of the Proclamation on the Border States and on the Army, and stated at some length the grounds of his apprehensions. He disclaimed most expressly, however, all objection...
Page 50 - I advocated it warmly. The President was unwilling to adopt this measure, but proposed to issue a Proclamation, on the basis of the Confiscation Bill, calling upon the States to return to their allegiance — warning the rebels the provisions of the Act would have full force at the expiration of sixty days — adding, on his own part, a declaration of his intention to renew, at the next session of Congress, his recommendation of compensation to States adopting the gradual abolishment of slavery —...
Page 205 - ... admitted with uncurtailed boundaries, which will give the deathblow to the Missouri Compromise Project; the Kentucky Senators, the Delaware Senators & Benton will vote for it and I know of no Northern Senator who will probably vote against it except Sturgeon. We would have passed Benton's proposition to instruct the Committee on Territories to report a bill for the admission of California unconnected with any other subject today, but for the wish expressed by Benton himself seconded by Webster...
Page 90 - I have got you together to hear what I have written down. - I do not wish your advice about the main matter — for that I have determined for myself.
Page 449 - I have just seen the new constitution adopted by the Convention of Louisiana; and I am anxious that it shall be ratified by the people. I will thank you to let the civil officers in Louisiana, holding under me, know that this is my wish, and let me know at once who of them openly declare for the constitution, and who of them, if any, decline to so declare.
Page 90 - I do not know that, all things considered, any other person has more ; and, however this may be, there is no way in which I can have any other man put where I am. I am here. I must do the best I can, and bear the responsibility of taking the course which I feel I ought to take.
Page 91 - President; and not merely say that the government "recognizes," but that it will maintain, the freedom it proclaims?' "I followed, saying: 'What you have said, Mr. President, fully satisfies me that you have given to every proposition which has been made, a kind and candid consideration. And you have now expressed the conclusion to which you have arrived, clearly and distinctly. This it was your right, and, under your oath of office, your duty, to do. The Proclamation does not, indeed, mark out exactly...
Page 91 - ... about that. Would it not, however, make the Proclamation more clear and decided, to leave out all reference to the act being sustained during the incumbency of the present President; and not merely say that the Government ' recognizes,' but that it will maintain the freedom it proclaims?
Page 91 - ... colonies might be attempted. This, too, was agreed to, and no other modification was proposed. Mr. Blair then said that the question having been decided, he would make no objection to issuing the proclamation; but he would ask to have his...