GEOFFREY CHAUCER ΤΟ ALFRED TENNYSON 1340-1892 IMPRESSIONS BY WILLIAM STEBBING HON. FELLOW OF WORCESTER COLLEGE, OXFORD VOL. II WORDSWORTH-TENNYSON HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, NEW YORK AND TORONTO 1907 OF THE UNIVERS!" Many exquisite lines quoted in the following pages are from poems comparatively recent; and I have pleasure in expressing my sense of the courtesy of the copyright-owners which has enabled me to include them. I am thus indebted to Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., in respect of verses by Cardinal Newman; to Messrs. Macmillan, for Lord Tennyson, Edward FitzGerald, Arthur Hugh Clough, and Matthew Arnold; to Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., for Robert Browning; to Messrs. Ellis, for Dante Gabriel Rossetti; to Mr. Aldis Wright, FitzGerald's executor, and to Mr. William Morris's and Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson's trustees; to Mrs. Coventry Patmore, for The Unknown Eros, and to Messrs. George Bell & Sons, its publishers; and to Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., for James Russell Lowell. With relation to the work in general of Lowell, as of Emerson, Poe, and Longfellow, Bryant, and Whittier, I must ask pardon of our American kinsmen, with whom we share the heritage of verse, for having yielded to the temptation of numbering all writers of inspired English poetry as members of one brotherhood. To British readers I need, I am sure, make no excuse. 181497 |