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" In resolving to recur to the sense of my people in the present circumstances of the country, I have been influenced only by a paternal anxiety for the contentment and happiness of my subjects ; to promote which, I rely with confidence on your continued... "
The Life and Reign of William the Fourth - Page 623
by George Newenham Wright, John Watkins - 1837 - 868 pages
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The New annual register, or General repository of history ..., Volume 25

1805 - 942 pages
...the continent. After which die lord chancelJor, having received bis majesty's commands, came forward and said, My lords and gentlemen, It is his majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this parliament be prorogued dll Tuesday, the 4*h of September next ; and this parliament stands prorogued...
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The Bee: Or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, Volume 15

James Anderson - 1793 - 380 pages
...blefsimg of providence, been permitted to enjoy. Then the lord chancellor, by his majesty's command, said, My Lords and Gentlemen, It is his majesty's royal will and pleasure that this parliament be projogued to Tuesday the ijth of August next, to be then here holden; a1sl this...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volume 20

1805 - 608 pages
...subjects of a free state owe to the authority of law. Then the lord-chancellor, by his majesty's command, said : My Lords and Gentlemen, It is his Majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this parliament be prorogued to Monday, the Slstday i >f July next, to be then here hoiden ; and this...
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The Parliamentary History of England, from the Earliest Period to ..., Volume 7

William Cobbett - 1811 - 678 pages
...occasion." Then the Lord Chancellor, having received directions from his majesty, returned to his place ; and said, " My lords and gentlemen ; It is his majesty's royal will and pleasure, that both Houses should forthwith severally adjourn themselves to Thursday the 6th of October next." October...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, Part 3

1833 - 554 pages
...constitute the safety and happiness of nations. Then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's command, said — My Lords and Gentlemen, It is his Majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this Parliament be prorogued to Thursday the 31st day of October next, to be then here holden ; and...
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The Public and Private Life of His Late...Majesty, George the Third ...

Robert Huish - 1821 - 746 pages
...affectionate, and unanimous addresses of my people. Then the lord chancellor, by his majesty's command, said, My lords and gentlemen, It is his majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this parliament be prorogued to Tuesday the seventh day. of April next, to be then here held ; and...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., Volume 92

1822 - 712 pages
...all classes and descriptions o!mj subjects." Then the Lord Cluinccllor, by hi» Mr jesty's command said — " My Lords and Gentlemen, " It is his Majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this Parliament be prorogued to To»day, the 8th day of October next, to be then here holden ; and...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

1823 - 804 pages
...affection all classes and descriptions of my subjects." Then the lord chancellor, by his majesty's command, said — " My Lords and Gentlemen, " It is his majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this parliament be prorogued to Tuesday, the 8th day of October next, to be then here holden ; and...
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The Metropolitan, Volume 1

1831 - 626 pages
...will be constantly directed. "My Lords, and Gentlemen, — In resolving to recur to the sense of my people in the present circumstances of the country,...Then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's command, said — "My Lords, and Gentlemen, — It is his Majesty's Royal will and pleasure, that this Parliament...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., Volume 101

1831 - 622 pages constantly directed. " My Lords and GenttnneH, " In resolving to have recourse to the sense of my people, in the present circumstances of the country,...happiness of my subjects — to promote which I rely confidently on your continued and zealous assistance." The Lord Chancellor then rose and said, " It...
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