Atlantic surge Pours in among the stormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what transmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go ? And how the living clouds on clouds arise ? Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air, And rude resounding shore... The Life and Reign of William the Fourth - Page 123by George Newenham Wright, John Watkins - 1837 - 868 pagesFull view - About this book
 | James Thomson, Barthold Heinrich Brockes - 1745 - 586 pages
...THULE, and th> ATLANTIC Surge Pours in among the ibrmy HEBRIDES; Who can recount what Tranfmigrations there Are annual made? What Nations come and go? And how the living Clouds on Clouds .idle? %n áollanbe ©едеп#шфеп glujjren/ bie/ ber geheimen £i<f entjogcn/ 2)игф 3íei0... | |
 | James Thomson - 1757 - 244 pages
...and th' Atlantic furge 775 Pours in among the ftormy Hebrides^ Who can recount what tran immigrations there Are annual made ? What nations come and go ? And how the living clouds on clouds arife ? Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air, 780 And rude refbunding more are one wild cry.... | |
 | James Thomson - 1774 - 272 pages
...naked melancholy ifles Of fartheft Thule, and th' Atlantic furge Pours ill among the Itormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what transmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go ? 865 And how the living clouds on clouds arifei Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air, And... | |
 | John Aikin - 1777 - 176 pages
...Thule,rand th' Atlantic furge Pours in among the naked Hebrides ; Who can recount what tranfmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go? And how the living clouds on clouds arife ! Infinite wings I till all the plume'dark air, And rude re/ounding more are one wild cry. iOflWnffJ... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 280 pages
...naked melancholy ifles Of fartheft Thulc, and th' Atlantic furge Pours i« among the flormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what transmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go > 865 And how the living clouds on clouds arife > Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air And... | |
 | James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - 322 pages
...and the Atlantic furge . Pours in among the ftormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what tranfmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go ? And how the living clouds on clouds arife ? Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air, And rude refounding fhore are one wild cry. Here... | |
 | James Thomson - 1793 - 298 pages
...naked melancholy isles Of farthest Thule, and the Atlantic surge Pours in among the stormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what transmigrations there Are annual made? what nations come and go? 865 And how the living clouds on clouds arise ? Infinite wings! till all the plume-dark air, And rude... | |
 | Robert Anderson - 1795 - 972 pages
...Thule, and th' Atlantic furge Pouri in among the ftormy Hebrides j Who can recount what tranfmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go ? And how the living clouds on clouds arife ? Infinite wing* ! till all the plume-dark air And rudt refounding Ihore are one wild cry. Here... | |
 | James Thomson - 1799 - 324 pages
...Thule, and the Atlantic furge Pours in among the ftormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what tranfmigrations there Are annual made ? what nations come and go ? And how the living clouds on clouds arife ? Infinite wings ! till all the plume-dark air, And rude refounding more are one wild cry. Here... | |
 | James Thomson - 1800 - 302 pages
...naked melancholy isles Of farthest Thule , and the Atlantic surge Pours in among^ the stormy Hebrides ; Who can recount what transmigrations there Are annual...And how the living clouds on clouds arise ? Infinite wingst, till all the plume -dard air, And rude resounding shore are one wild cry. Here the plain harmless... | |
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