of the Spiti and the Sutlej, the last three taken from photographs by Messrs. Shepherd and Bourne. The subject-matter of the last three chapters of the Calcutta editions, treating of the Physical Structure and Climate of India, will be treated at greater length in a separate work to be published hereafter. LONDON, 1874 H. F. B. PREFATORY NOTE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE motive which has led to the preparation of this little work is expressed in the following resolution of the Senior Board of Examiners in Arts of the Calcutta University for the year 1872-73-"That in the opinion of this Meeting it is very desirable that elementary text-books, treating of the Natural Sciences, be prepared specially for teaching these subjects to Indian students. The text-books now available, though excellent of their kind, having been prepared for English boys, deal more especially with objects familiar or common in Europe, and have but few references to such as are interesting and familiar to the Indian learner. This want is more especially felt in teaching such subjects as Zoology, Geology, and Physical Geography. . . . The Meeting is of opinion that the extension of Physical Science teaching in India would be greatly facilitated with [the aid of works specially adapted for local teaching].” CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. What Physical Geography is about, and how to learn it PAGE I CHAPTER I. THE EARTH AS A PLANET. The form of the earth. Meaning of "up" and "down." Gravi- ΙΟ CHAPTER II. THE ATMOSPHERE. Air a substance. Diminution of its density with altitude ex- 20 certain seas. Lime in sea water abstracted by animals. Colour of the ocean and certain inland seas. Sea waves and swell. Breakers. Sea cliffs and beaches. Air in sea water. Sediment of the sea. How fossils are embedded. Move- ments of the ocean. The tides and their cause. Springs and neaps. Tidal waves. Bores. Tidal currents and races. Oceanic currents. The Gulf Stream and its causes. Currents Change, the law of nature. Evidence drawn from the ground of the deltaic plain. A tank at Sealdah. Boring in Fort William. Marine fossils in the rocks of the Khasi Hills. Stratification a characteristic of water-formed or sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks of Bírbhúm and other parts of India. Volcanic rocks of Bírbhúm and the Dakhan. Trap- rocks. Granitic rocks. Their intrusive character. The animals and plants of past ages. ascertained. List of the geological formations of stratified THE INTERNAL HEAT OF THE EARTH AND ITS EFFECTS. Changes of level. In the Kachh earthquake of 1819. In earth- quakes in South America. Recent elevation of parts of the Indian coast proved by beds of shells. Elevation of South America. Of Scandinavia. Subsidence proved in the Gan- getic delta. In the Maldives and Laccadives. The internal heat of the earth. Plane of constant temperature. Increase with depth. Hot springs. Volcanos. Barren Island. Vesu- vius. The entombment of Pompeii. Ejection of ashes from Tumboro. Arrangement of volcanos. Earthquakes; their |