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2. Though I have steel'd my stubborn heart

And long shook off my guilty fears;
And vex'd and urged Thee to depart,
For forty long rebellious years:
3. Though I have most unfaithful been
Of all who ever grace received;
Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen,
Ten thousand times Thy goodness

4. Yet O! the chief of sinners spare,
In honor of my great High Priest:
Nor, in Thy waken'd anger, swear

To exclude me from Thy people's rest. 5. This only woe I deprecate;

This only plague, I pray, remove :
Nor leave me in my lost estate,

Nor curse me with this want of love! 6. From now my weary soul release;

Upraise me with Thy generous hand:
Guide me into Thy perfect peace,
And bring me to Thy promised land.



Words by C. Wesley. Air, as 88th Ps. Mel. Sac. 1, THOU! MAN of griefs, remember me, Who never canst Thyself forget;

Thy last, mysterious agony :

Thy fainting pangs; Thy bloody sweat! 2. When, wrestling in the strength of prayer, Thy spirit sunk beneath its load; Thy feeble frame abhorr'd to bear The wrath of an almighty God! 3. Father! If I may call Thee so,

Regard my fearful heart's desire:
Remove this load of guilt and woe,
Nor let me in my sins expire!
4. To Thee my last distress I bring:
The heighten'd fear of death I find:
The tyrant, brandishing his sting,
Appears, and hell is close behind!

5. I deprecate that death alone,

That endless banishment from THEE: O save, and give me to Thy Son,

Who trembled, wept, and bled for me!



(Rev. Mr. Shirley.) An Anthem. Mel. Sac. Appendix. 1. THOU Object of our strong desire!

How long protracted is Thy stay;


When, bursting forth in vivid fire, Thy teeming glories thou'lt display! With various ills encompass'd round, Maintaining still disputed ground; Lo! Patience waits, a silent maid, By Hope in azure robe array'd. 2. She waits;-for sure not distant far The day that all our misery heals! Methinks I hear Thy rattling car; The thunder of Thy burning wheels: The trumpet sounds; the dead arise: JESUS, triumphant through the skies, Descends, His kingdom to maintain And pour the glories of His reign!


HUMILITY AND CONFIDENCE. (Music, see 4th No. Mel. Sac.)

1. MY Soul before Thee prostrate lies:
To Thee, her source, my spirit flies :
My wants I mourn, my chains I see ;-
O, let Thy presence set me free!
JESUS! Vouchsafe my heart and will
With Thy meek lowliness to fill:
No more her power let nature boast;
But in Thy will may mine be lost.

2. And well I know Thy tender love;
Thou never canst unfaithful prove:
And wel! I know Thou stand'st by me,
Pleased from myself to set me free.
Already springing hope I feel;
God will destroy the power of hell:
God, from a land of wars and pain
Leads me, where peace and safety reign.
3. One only care my soul shall know ;
Father! all Thy commands to do:
Ah, deep engrave it on my breast,
That I in Thee ev'n now am blest!
faith shall grow;

So, ev'n in storms my

So shall I Thy hid sweetness know:

And feel, (what endless age shall prove,)
That Thou my LORD! my GOD! art LOVE.



Words by Cowper. Air, us 92nd Ps. Mel. Sac.
1. GOD moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform:

He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep, in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,


He treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sovereign will.
2. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take :
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for his grace:
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
3. His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour:

The bud may have a bitter taste;
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain:

God is His own Interpreter,
And He will make it plain.



(By Watts, Music, Eshcol.)

1. SWEET is the work, my God, my King! To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing: To shew Thy love by morning light; And talk of all Thy truth by night.

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