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" tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint; But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of every saint. 3 The mighty God, whose matchless power Is ever new and ever young, And firm endures, while endless years Their everlasting... "
Hymns, anthems, and psalms, compiled by W. Burgh - Page 24
edited by - 1826 - 340 pages
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Collection of Psalms and Hymns: Charles-town, Printed by Lewis Timothy, 1737 ...

1737 - 126 pages
...endlefs Years Their everlafting Circles run. Our Souls fhall drink a frefh Supply: While fuch as truft their native Strength Shall melt away and droop and die. 5 Swift as an Eagle cuts the Air We'll mount aloft to thine Abode; On Wings of Love our Souls fhall fly Nor tire amid'ft the heavenly...
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Hymns and spiritual songs, mostly collected from various authors

Hymns - 1772 - 322 pages
...over.flowing fpring, Our fouls foal! drink a frefli fupply ; While fuch as truft their native ftrength, Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts. the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode ; On wings of love our fouls fliall fly, Nor tire amidft the heav'nly...
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Hymns and spiritual songs. 1st Worcester ed

Isaac Watts - 1786 - 118 pages
...overflowing fpring-, Our fouls (hall drink a fre(h fupply, While fuch as truft their native ftrength Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode ; On wings of love our fouls (hall fly, Nor tire amidft the .heav'nly...
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A collection of Psalms and hymns, used in the church of st. Mary, in Hull ...

1787 - 112 pages
...overflowing fpring, Believers drink a frelh fupply: WKile fuch as truft their native ftrength. Shall fade away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts...O may we mount to thine abode ! On wings of love,, to Jefus fly, Nor tire amidft the heav'nly road.' HYMN 44 LAMBETH. ONG have we fat beneath the found,...
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The Psalms of David: Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and ...

Isaac Watts - 1789 - 614 pages
...overflowing ipring* Our fouls IhaU drink a frein fuppiy, - While fuch as truft their native itiengtlk Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mcunt aloft to thine abode j On wings of love our lauU ihall fly, .. Nor tire amidft the heav'nly...
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Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Christian Devotion ...

Jeremy Belknap - 1801 - 518 pages
...overflowing fpring, Our fouls ili3.ll drink a rich fupply ; Whilft thofe who truft their native ftrength Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode ; On wings of love our fouls will fly, Nor tire amidft the heavenly...
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Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Christian Devotion ...

Jeremy Belknap - 1801 - 510 pages
...overflowing fpring, Our fouls mall drink a rich fupply ; Whilit thofe who truft- their native ilrength Shall melt away, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode -, On wings of love our fouls will fly, Nor tire amidft the heavenly...
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Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ...

1802 - 384 pages
...pow.'r Is ever new and ever young, • ,••;'-! i'l*t And firm endures while endless years r';..i . " Their everlasting circles run. 4. From thee, the trust their native strength Shall melt away, and drop and die. 5. Swift as an eagle cuts the air ..• We 'II mount aloft to thine abode, On wings of...
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The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New-Testament, and ...

Isaac Watts - 1803 - 644 pages
...overflowing fpring, Our fouls fhall drink a frefh fupply, While fuch as truft their native ftrength Shall melt away, and droop, and die. .5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air,. We'll mount aloft to thine abode ;; On wings of love our fouls fhall fly,. Nor tire amidft the heav'nly...
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A Collection of Hymns: Designed for the Use of the Universal Churches and ...

George Richards - 1806 - 394 pages
...mighty God, That feeds the strength of ev'ry saint. ,"• From thee, the overflowing Spring, Believers drink a fresh supply, While such as trust their native strength Shall melt away, and droop and die. 4 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We '11 mount aloft to thine abode; On wings of love to Jesus fly,...
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