Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace. Keep far our foes, give peace at home ; Where Thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both, to be but One. That, through the ages all along, This... Hymns, anthems, and psalms, compiled by W. Burgh - Page 252edited by - 1826 - 340 pagesFull view - About this book
 | 1727 - 98 pages
...Love. Jnligbten with perpetual Light, The Tjulnefs of our blinded, Sight. Anoint and chear our foiled Face, With the Abundance of thy Grace. Keep far our Foes $ give Teace at Home : Where tbott art Guide tio III can come. Teach tis to know the Father, Son, And Tl:ee... | |
 | George Whitefield - 1758 - 208 pages
...of Lcvt : Enable with perpetual Light, The Dulnefs of cur blinded Sight, Anoint and chear our foiled Face With the Abundance of thy Grace. Keep far our...Foes, give Peace at Home : Where thou art Guide, no 111 ccn come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both to be but one ; That through the... | |
 | Collection - 1771 - 224 pages
...L fin Je -I Sight- . . ,-...• Anoint aw chcar our foiled Face, •• . • Wth the Abundance ef thy Grace. Keep far our Foes, give Peace at Home ! Where Thou art Guide, no III can come-, Teach us to know the FATHER, Sox, And thee, of both to be but One ; That through the... | |
 | Richard De Courcy - 1775 - 184 pages
...of love. Enable with perpetual light The dulnefs of our blinded fight. Anoint and cheer our foiled face, With the abundance of thy grace. Keep far our...peace at home \ Where thou art guide, no ill can come. " Teach us to know the FATHER, SoNj And Thee, of tot b to be but one ; That through the ages all along,... | |
 | Choice collection - 1776 - 566 pages : Enlighten with perpetual light The dulnefs of our blinded fight. 3 Anoint and chear our foiled face With the abundance of thy grace: Keep far our...peace at home : "Where thou art guide no ill can come. 4 Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee of both to be but one : Praile to thy eternjl merit, Father,... | |
 | 1776 - 428 pages
...blinded fight. 3 Anoint and chear us, all our days, With the abundance of thy Grace: Our foes convert ; give Peace at home ; Where Thou art Guide, no ill can come. 4 Teach us ro know the FATHER, SON, And THEE; a TRINITY in ONE: That, through the ages, all along,... | |
 | David Simpson - 1780 - 628 pages
...Enable with perpetual Light The Dulnefs of our blinded Sight. 3 Anoint 3 Anoint and cheer our foiled Face With the Abundance of thy Grace. Keep far our Foes, give Peace at Home! Where Thou art Guide no 111 can come. 4 Teach us to know the Fa' her, Son, And Thee of both to be but One; Thar through the... | |
 | George Whitefield - 1785 - 280 pages
...Enable with perpetual Light the Dulnefs of »ur blinded Sight. Anoint and chear our foiled Face, Witb the Abundance of thy Grace. Keep far our Foes, give Peace at Home!. If here thou art, n« 111 can come. Teach us to know the FATHER, SON, And thee, of both, to be... | |
 | Augustus Toplady - 1794 - 502 pages
...blinded fight ; Anoint and chear'us, all our days, With the abundance of thy grace ; Our foes convert, give peace at home : Where thou art guide, no ill...come. 3 Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee ; a Trinity in one : That, thro' the ages all along, ' This may be our endlefs fong ; Praife to thy... | |
 | George Whitefield - 1801 - 326 pages
...of love. Illumine with perpetual light The dulnefs of our blinded fight. Anoint and cheer our foiled face , With the abundance of thy grace. Keep far our...peace at home: Where thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the FATHER, SON, And Thee, of both, to be but one; That through the ages all along,... | |
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