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Mofes indeed prayed for the People, and God did not destroy them, though many of the Idolaters by his Appointment were flain.

Mofes bewailed their Idolatry, and faid, O this People have finned a great Sin, v. 27, 28.-And the Lord plagued the People, because they made the Calf which Aaron made.

Surely the fad Examples of the Ifraelites herein, and the Manifeftations of God's Wrath against them, fhould make all Men ever after afraid of worshiping even the true God by Means of any Images whatever.

It was the fame Sort of Idolatry which Jeroboam, King of Ifrael established by his Authority. He took Counfel and made two Calves of Gold, and faid unto them, (i. e. his Subjects) It is too much for you to go up to Jerufalem: Behold thy Gods, O Ifrael, which brought thee up out of the Land of Egypt. And he fet the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan. 1 Kings xii. 28, 29.

And thus did Jeroboam bring the Children of Ifrael to fin against the Lord their God.

And whoever, to exprefs, or fignify their Reverence or Worship of the most high God, fhall perform Acts of Homage, Reverence, and Worfhip to any Image, molten, graven, or painted, is guilty of the like Idolatry.

God has, in very many Paffages of his Word, threatned to punish Idolaters in the Day of his Visitation for Sin. And there are many Inftances upon Record in the facred Scriptures of his having done fo; and it concerns every one that is guilty of this Sin, to confider that Idolaters fhall not inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Cor. vi. 9.

IV. Proud Perfons are another Sort whom the holy God has threatened to punish in the Day of his Vifitation for Sin.

Various is the Fuel for Pride, viz. fine Houfes, the Ornaments for Apparel, Furniture, Gardens,


Riches, and Equipage, Beauty, Learning and Honour, and divers other Things.

Pride is a Man's overvaluing himself on Account of fome natural, or acquired, or imaginary Gifts, or Excellencies; it is when a Man thinks of himself more highly than he ought to do.

Proud Perfons are Idols to themselves, and Tranfgreffors of the firft Commandment, and have not that Love to God, that Reverence of him, or that Humility of Mind which are their Duty; and God admonishes them by awful Threatnings.

In Ifaiab ii. 11, 12. the Prophet fays, The lofty Looks of Man fhall be humbled, and the Haughtinefs of Men fhall be bowed down, and the Lord alone fhall be exalted in that Day. For the Day of the Lord of Hofts fhall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low. And in Confirmation of this it is. added v. 17. And the Loftiness of Man fhall be bowed down, and the Haughtiness of Men fhall be made low: and the Lord alone fhall be exalted in that Day, i. e. in the Day wherein he vifits for Sin.

And concerning Women it is declared in Isaiah iii. 16. Moreover the Lord faith, Because the Daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth Necks, and wanton Eyes, walking, and mincing as they go, therefore the Lord will fmite with a Scab the Crown of the Head of the Daughters of Zion:

V. 17.

And the Prophet declares v. 18. In that Day (viz. of Vifitation for Sin) the Lord will take away the Bravery of their Ornaments, and greatly afflict them (read v. 18. to the End of v. 24.)

Pride goeth before Destruction, and an haughty Spirit before a Fall, it is faid Prov, xvi. 18.

The Prophet Ezekiel (in Ezek. xvi. 49.) faid to the Inhabitants of Jerufalem, Behold this was the Iniquity of thy Sifter Sodom, Pride, Fulness of Bread (i. e.

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news that

Luxury) and abundance of Idleness was in her, and in
her Daughters. And what was the Confequence?
Truly, a moft dreadful and utter Deftruction by
Fire and Brimstone.

This Example of the divine Vengeance (with the Threatnings mentioned, they who indulge themfelves in Pride, Luxury, and Idleness, have Reason to be afraid, when the righteous God executeth his Judgments for Sin.

V. Perfons who are Lovers of Pleafures more than Lovers of God, are another Sort that have Reason to expect a terrible Feeling of the Wrath of the Almighty, when he vifits for Sin.

Senfual Delights engross the Affections of many People. It is the chief Thing they seek after; for which they take unwearied Pains, and are at Expences far beyond what their Incomings will allow; and for the Enjoyment of which many impoverish themselves and their Families.

And are not they who love Pleasures more than they love God, are they not in a black Lift? and placed with Blafphemers, falfe Accufers, incontinent, fierce, Defpifers of thofe that are good, Traitors, &c. See 2 Tim. iii. 2-4.

And do not they love their Pleasures more than they love God, who neglect the Duties they owe to God, for the Sake of being pretent at places of publick Diverfions and Entertainments?

If a Man takes all Opportunities of being in the Company of one Acquaintance, and industriously fhuns the Company and Converfation of another, it is plain, to a Demonftration, that he loves the one, and diflikes, and hates the other.

And thus, as to the Lovers of Pleasure, it is most evident, that they are Haters of God, and fome of 'his Enemies.

They go with ardent Defires to Plays, Operas, and other Places of fenfual Delights, but will not endure


endure the Performance of religious Exercises in their Families, or Closets, nor will go to the Places of publick Worship.

And will not the Moft High fhew his Indignation against thofe, when he is rifen out of his Place to punish People for their Iniquities?

What God faid concerning Babylon, manifefts his Indignation against this Sort of Sinners; and that they have Cause to expect the bitter Fruits of it. Therefore bear now this, thou that art given to Pleafures, that dwelleft carelefly-thefe twa Things hall come to thee in a Moment, in one Day, the Lofs of Children, and Widowhood, they shall come upon thee in their Perfection. Ifa. xlvii. 8, 9.

The Prophet fays, Woe unto them--the Harp, and the Viol, and Tabret, and Pipe, and Wine are in their Feafts, but they regard not the Work of the Lord, neither confider the Operation of his Hands. Ifa. v. 11,

And the Prophet Amos fays, Woe to them that are at Eafe in Zion--Ye that put far away the evil Day, and coufe the Seat of Violence to come near; that lie upon Beds of Ivory, and stretch themselves upon their Couches, and eat the Lambs out of the Flock, and the Calves out of the midst of the Stall, that chant to the Sound of the Viol--that drink Wine in Bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief Ointments; but they are not grieved for the Affliction of Jofeph. See Amos vi. 1-7. and read Deut. xxviii. 15. ad finem.

The holy God will put an End to their Pleasures, and bring them to weeping, and howling, and bitter Lamentation, when he visits a People for their Iniquities.

The Prophet fays, in Ifa. xxviii. 21, 22. For the Lord fball rife up as in Mount Perazim, he bull: be wroib as in the Valley of Gibeon, that he may do bis. Work, his ftrange Work; and bring to pass his A7,. bis ftrange Act. Now therefore be ye not Mockers, left your Bands be made ftrong; for I have heard from


the Lord God of Hofts, a Confumption even determined upon the whole Earth.

Then the Mirth of Tabrets ceafeth, the Noife of them that rejoice endeth, the Joy of the Harp ceafethAll Joy is darkened, the Mirth of the Land is gone, (Ifaiah xxiv. 8, 11.) Thus it will be, when God is punishing the Inhabitants of a Land for their Iniquities.

Then will I caufe to ceafe from the Cities of Judah, and from the Streets of Jerufalem, the Voice of Mirth, and the Voice of Gladness, fays the righteous God, fpeaking of the Time when he would inflict his Judgment for the Iniquities of his People.

Thefe Declarations of the Almighty deserve the Notice of them who indulge themselves in fenfual Pleasures.

VI. PROFANERS of the holy Name of God, are another Sort of Sinners that have Reason to expect Punishment in the Day of Vifitation for Sin.

I understand by Profaneness, an irreligious Treatment, by Words or Actions, of fomewhat facred, in Violation of the divine Laws concerning it.

God is greatly to be feared in the, Affembly of the Saints and to be bad in Reverence of all them that are about him, (Psalm lxxxix. 7.) Holy and reverend is his Name, (Psalm iii. 9.)

All the Names, the Titles, Attributes, the Providence and Word of the Moft High, even every Thing by which he has made himself known, ought always to be mentioned and treated with Serioufnefs and Reverence.

But all those Words and Actions of Men relating to them, which fignify a Contempt of them, or a Want of Reverence to God, are Inftances of Profaneness.


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