THE HEN the Inhabitants of any City, or ger of publick Calamities, is fhewn. p. 3, 4. Some Tokens of the divine Anger noted, viz. 1. The Mortality, which through feveral Years deftroyed the Cattle. p. 42 5. 2. The Earthquakes, which lately happened in our Thefe Calamities are the Productions of the al- mighty Power of God, and happens only when, and where be pleafes. p. 6. No Aftronomer, no Phi- lofopher can tell when, or where the righteous God will shake terribly the Earth, and raise thofe mighty Convulfions in it, which overthrow Cities, and often fwallow in Multitudes of People. p. 6. The divine Power is always Acting, and fome Things, which appear to be the immediate Effect of its Famines, and Peftilences are Manifeftations of The Day of the Lord's Vifitation for Sin, is a dif Yet there is no Ground for Despair, but Room to hope for Mercy, and Pardon. p. 9. Some Sorts of Perfons are particularly threatned 1 ΟΝ ΤΗΕ Sacred Predictions: PROPER FOR THE Confideration of all Sorts of People at all Times; more especially, whenever in danger of PUBLIC CALAMITIES: Collected out of the Holy Scriptures; fhewing the EVENTS, which fome Perfons have Reason to fear; and those for which others have Ground to hope. Whereunto is added a LETTER, proving, that the public Reading the Holy Scriptures on the Lord's-Days is an Ordinance of divine Appointment, for the fpiritual Benefit of all Sorts of Hearers, and is Part of that public Worship which God requires from his People. All intended for promoting Piety and the Confolation of ferious Chriftians of every Denomination, when under Affliction, either of a temporal or fpiritual Kind, frequent in the common Course of Life; and likewife for their Comfort in Times of public Calamities. By THEOPHILUS LOB B, M. D. LONDON: Printed the J. BUCKLAND, at the Buck in Paternofter-Row. MDCCLXI. 101. e. 103. |