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Under the failure of dates, documents must be

proof of Mr. Catholic emancipation: for L can assure you, that I never Pitt's pledge received authority directly or indirectly from any member of administration, who resigned his office at that time, to give a pledge, that he would not embark again in the service of Government, except on the terms of the Catholic privileges being obtained

I have the honor to be- Sir,

Your most obedient humble servant.


It appeared unaccountable to the author, that an intimation of this importance to several millions of his Majesty's subjects, should have slipped the memory of a person even in the 70th year of his age, or that the representative of his Sovereign should not have retained a copy of so solemn a pledge or assurance to a whole nation, or that it should have been hastily or inconsiderately, or unadvisedly or unknowingly or imprudently given, or without authority, without consultation, without the privity, without the approbation or without the sanction of any of his colleagues or directors. It had been written and delivered by the viceroy himself in the presence of his first secretary to the first ecclesiastical and lay personages amongst the Catholics. Under these impressions the author wrote the following letter in reply to his Lordship.


Having given you my history, and in my letter of the 6th instant pointed to the page of it, which contained that important paper, of which you have neither a copy nor a distinct recollection, I take the liberty of enclosing an exact copy of it from the manuscript of Dr. Troy in my possession, which led me to believe, that it had been neither hastily given nor insidiously intended to answer a temporary purpose, nor to meet the effects of a flying report.

I have the honour to be,

With all due respect

Your Lordship's obedient humble servant,

Essex-St. 8th April 1805.


traced and arranged according to their general consequences and effects. Lord Cornwallis avowed, in his letter to the author, that the paper (which has been called the pledge to the Catholics) " was " hastily given by him to Dr. Troy to be circulated " amongst his friends with the view of preventing " any immediate disturbances or other bad effects, "that might be apprehended from the accounts, "that had just arrived from England." The first public reports of a general change of administration in England reached Ireland in the first week of February: that is, as soon as the course of the post could bring from England the reported consequences of the council, which sat at the Queen's house on the 30th of January. Although it be alledged by Lord Cornwallis, that the paper was hastily given, it follows not, that it was hastily

To this letter the author received the following conclusive admission of the genuine authenticity of the important documents published in the Historical Review.



Burlington-Street, April 8th 1805.

I have alluded in my former letter to a short paper, which I gave to Dr. Troy on the morning after the account of the resignation arrived. I have no copies of the papers, which you have now transmitted. I do not however doubt their authority: but of one circumstance I can speak with the most confident certainty viz. that I had on no occasion any authority for using the word pledged, but what I thought arose from the act of resignation.

I have the honour to be,


Your most obedient and most humble servant.







prepared. The two papers ascribed respectively to Mr. Pitt and Lord Cornwallis bear a similarity of stile, and may naturally be supposed to have been the production of the same individual, whose insidious lubricity had been supereminently successful in duping the Irish into incorporate union and out of Catholic emancipation. Mr. Pitt gave unequivocal evidence in the House of Commons, that his paper was manufactured by Lord Castlereagh: but to the sentiments it contained, when properly interpreted, he however subscribed: and long after the time of the delivery of both papers, this trusty scribe of deception continued the official Secretary of Lord Cornwallis: and that Noble Marquis in executing Mr. Pitt's projects upon Ireland, left the proper interpretation of every captious speech, hallow promise and insidious action to the deceptive powers of his employer. When Mr. Grey moved the House of Commons (on the 25th of March) to resolve itself into a committee of the whole house, to take into consideration the state of the nation, he very judiciously brought the situation of Ireland under their consideration, as a most important part of his subject. In referring to those written pledges he roundly charged them with having been given without sincerity and without authority. "If Catholic "freedom were offered to the Irish as the price of "their support of the union, if the faith of the "Government were pledged on that occasion, it "forms the highest species of criminality in Mi"nisters, because I am confident, said he, if suck

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were the case, it was so pledged without the "authority of the King: for I know his Majesty " is superior to the idea of swerving in the slightest degree from the observance of his word. This then was a crime of the highest denomination in Ministers, and calls for enquiry. I ask, if "such promise were made, was Lord Clare and "the Protestant ascendancy party made

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quainted with it? If so, they were a party to

the delusion, that was intended to be practised on "the unhappy Catholic."


Mr. Pitt, though no longer in office sat on the Mr. Pitt's Ministerial side of the house, and in his reply to Mr. meaning ou

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the Catho

Grey, dwelt as slightly as possible on that part of fic question. his speech, which touched Ireland. The little however he did say, was pregnant with importance to the country. It seemed, that with the office, he had laid aside that craft and wariness, in which he usually enveloped his speeches in Parliament.Although," said the Ex-Minister, "the gentlemen opposite to me may agree with me in the "necessity of Catholic Emancipation, yet I be"lieve I shall not be entitled to their support, "when I state the principles, on which I intended " to have brought it forward. I hope, however, "the time is not far distant, when in reward of "the patience and resignation of the Catholics it "it may be carried into effect, so as to confirm the

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general tranquillity and security of the empire."

He added also on the same occasion, that "he had

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no part in the wording of the paper. It was

* drawn up by Lord Castlereagh. To the senti




Catholics as they always

"ments it contained, when properly interpreted, "he however subscribed; further he would nei"ther avow nor explain." Mr. Pitt's few words on this occasion admitted several important truths, which it interests the Irish nation to circulate, and perpetuate in justice and justification to themselves and their posterity. It was an admission from an enemy (and a greater Ireland never had), that in the very hour, in which the British Government was wresting from her the advantages of trial by jury and the habeas corpus, in the moment of baffling her expectations to be admitted to a general participation of all the constitutional rights, her patience and resignation were exemplary, and ought to be rewarded, and that her emancipation was necessary for confirming the general tranquillity and security of the empire.

Such was the forced and reluctant admission of have been. Mr. Pitt concerning the Irish Catholics, such as he had known them during seventeen years expesience. But what were the principles, on which he intended to bring forward that measure, to which he anticipated such pointed resistance from the opposite benches? Well was Mr. Pitt aware of the broad and liberal policy of Mr. Fox and his friends; he foresaw their indignant rejection of any offer or proposal to the Irish Catholics, which should break into their religious credence or practices, or tend to seduce or force them to become a different society, from what they had hitherto been: Mr. Pitt spoke with laconic reserve: but never wished to meet the argument of religious

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