Administration of the EARL of HARDWICKE.
Principles of the new administration Parliamentary debates
on Irish matters
Important debates in the Lords on the mar-
tial law bill Lord Hardwicke's arrival in Dublin State of
Parties on the change of Ministers Mr. Pitt's friends against
Mr. Addington's administration - Opening symtoms of Lord
Hardwicke's administration-Lord Hardwicke's confistence
Mesers Sirr and Sandys-Peace with France, and meeting of
Parliament-State of parties-Effect of Peace-Internal spirit in
Ireland- Death of Lord Clare - Political arrangements after
Lord Glare's death-Case of Mr. Napper Tandy- Mr. Tandy &
others arrested at Hamburgh-Mr. Tandy involved in the capi-
tulation of the Helder-Mr. Tandy sent from Hamburgh to Ire-
land Mr. Tandy cleared-Base attempt at Mr. Tandy's life -
Contrivance of Government against Mr. Tardy-Irish finances
and Mr. Foster-Dissolution of Parliament- Causes of internal
discontent-Viceregal tour- Parliament meets Mr. Abbot re-
elected Speaker- Col. Despard's conspiracy-The obligation
Trial of the conspirators-Disturbances in the south put down-
Successful exertions of Lord Donoughmore to keep the peace-
State of parties in the new parliament-Preparations for war -
Parliamentary proceedings respecting Ireland-Irifh poor
Measures of Lord Hardwicke's Government-Symtoms of insur-
gency-Commencement of Mr. R. Emmett's insurrection -
Continuance of Emmett's insurrection-General ambiguous con-
duct of Government-Conduct of Lord Lieutenant and others-
Final catastrophe of the rebellion-Government measures after
the danger-Russell's insurrection in the North-Russell's pro-
clamation-Further caution of Government-Judges under mi-
litary escort-King's message and cautionary bills
address to the Ld. Lieutenant and his answer-New system of
severity-Further cautionary measures-Mr. Hutchinson's moti
on on the state of Ireland-Prorogation of Parliament & further