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INTRODUCTION - Advantage of cotemporary hiftory
Necessity of developing the Society of Orangemen - Protestant
Ascendancy - Firft germ of Union in Mr. Pitt's mind - Bishop
of Cloyne's controversy - System of terrifying by false alarms-
Religious dissension fomented in Armagh - Lord Clare made
Chancellor - Strength of the Ascendancy party - Mr. Pitt's
conduct towards the Catholics-Mr. Pitt's conduct to the Protest-
ant parties, and his view to Union - Turbulence of the country
encreased-Mr. Pitt divides the Whig party in England-False
charges against Mr. Fay and others - Mr. Pitt's conspiracy a-
gainst Catholic Emancipation-Persecutions in Armagh-Peace-
able resolutions of the Catholics of Lurgan Commencement of
the Orange Society - Spirit and progress of Orangeism - Mr.
Giffard the founder of the Orangemen - Orangemen grow more
ferocious, and are encouraged - Lurgan Magistrates encourage
Orangemen-Conviction of Mr. Greer for denying justice-Con.
spiracy against Mr. Coile - Conspirators retract and own their
crime-How Mr. Coile was prevented from prosecuting other
Magistrates and what justice done to Orange delinquents - Mis-
chief of Orangism kept from the public-Alarming progress of
Orangeism - Evidence of the Armagh magistrates against the
Orangemen - Speechi of Lord Gosford-How Ld. Gosford ap-
pointed governor of Armagh. His upright sprit-Legislative acts
not always authentic ground for history-The debates in parlia-
ment the only historical source of information-Nature of propo-
sed amendment to the Attorney General's bill-Outrageous con-
duct of the Orange magistrates in Armagh-Insurgency and In-'
demnity Bills passed-Partiality for Orangemen & their friumph.
Address of the Grand Jury of Armagh self-adulatory - Govern-
ment finds the Orangemen useful - Bad effects of Government's
encouraging the Orangemen-Original obligation of Orangemen
-Inefficient remedy in Armagh - Firmness of Mr. Coile in de-
manding redress, and bringing to light the form of the oath of
Orangemen-Further proofs of the oath of extermination


Administration of the EARL of HARDWICKE.


Principles of the new administration Parliamentary debates
on Irish matters
Important debates in the Lords on the mar-
tial law bill Lord Hardwicke's arrival in Dublin State of
Parties on the change of Ministers Mr. Pitt's friends against
Mr. Addington's administration - Opening symtoms of Lord
Hardwicke's administration-Lord Hardwicke's confistence

Mesers Sirr and Sandys-Peace with France, and meeting of
Parliament-State of parties-Effect of Peace-Internal spirit in
Ireland- Death of Lord Clare - Political arrangements after
Lord Glare's death-Case of Mr. Napper Tandy- Mr. Tandy &
others arrested at Hamburgh-Mr. Tandy involved in the capi-
tulation of the Helder-Mr. Tandy sent from Hamburgh to Ire-
land Mr. Tandy cleared-Base attempt at Mr. Tandy's life -
Contrivance of Government against Mr. Tardy-Irish finances
and Mr. Foster-Dissolution of Parliament- Causes of internal
discontent-Viceregal tour- Parliament meets Mr. Abbot re-
elected Speaker- Col. Despard's conspiracy-The obligation
Trial of the conspirators-Disturbances in the south put down-
Successful exertions of Lord Donoughmore to keep the peace-
State of parties in the new parliament-Preparations for war -
Parliamentary proceedings respecting Ireland-Irifh poor
Measures of Lord Hardwicke's Government-Symtoms of insur-
gency-Commencement of Mr. R. Emmett's insurrection -
Continuance of Emmett's insurrection-General ambiguous con-
duct of Government-Conduct of Lord Lieutenant and others-
Final catastrophe of the rebellion-Government measures after
the danger-Russell's insurrection in the North-Russell's pro-
clamation-Further caution of Government-Judges under mi-
litary escort-King's message and cautionary bills
address to the Ld. Lieutenant and his answer-New system of
severity-Further cautionary measures-Mr. Hutchinson's moti
on on the state of Ireland-Prorogation of Parliament & further

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