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HI. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act, enti- Part of an act tled "an act to divide the towns of Ridgeway and Gaines, in the repealed county of Genesee, and for other purposes," passed April 17, 1822,

as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed.


AN ACT to divide the Town of Pike, in the County of


Passed January 21, 1823.

Eagle erect

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- The town of presented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the second ed Monday in February next, all that part of the town of Pike, known and distinguished by the seventh township and second range of the Holland Land Company's purchase, be erected into a separate town, by the name of Eagle; and the first town meeting shall be held on the second Tuesday of February next, at the house of Seth Wetmore, in said town; and all the remaining part of said town shail be and remain a separate town, by the name of Pike, and the first town meeting shall be held at the place to which it now stands adjourned.

nies to be


II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after Poor and mo the first Tuesday in April next, the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the aforesaid towns, shall, by notice to be given for that purpose by the supervisors thereof, meet together, and apportion the poor maintained by the said town of Pike, and the money be longing to the same previous to the division thereof, agreeably to the last tax list, and that each town shall forever thereafter support their own poor.


AN ACT authorising the Commissioners of Highways of the
Town of Amsterdam, in the County of Montgomery, to open a
Road, therein mentioned.

Passed January 21, 1823.

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road confirm

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the road heretofore laid ed out by the commissioners of highways of the town of Amsterdam, from the Mohawk turnpike to the bridge across the Mohawk river, be, and the same is hereby declared to be a public highway, and that the damages sustained by the owners or occupants of the lands across which the same is laid out, be ascertained and assessed, in the manner prescribed in and by the several acts regulating highways.

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AN ACT to authorise Manerva Hoar to assume the name of
Manerva Hall.

Passed January 21, 1823.

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That Manerva Hoar, of the town of Watertown, in the county of Jefferson, at all times hereafter, may take upon herself the surname of Hall, and by that name she shall be called and known in all cases whatsoever.



AN ACT defining the powers of the Harbor Masters in the
City of New-York.

Passed January 22, 1823.

Powers de BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That nothing contained in so much of the act, entitled "an act to reduce several laws relating particularly to the city of New-York, into one act," as relates to harbor masters, shall be so construed as to invest them with any power or authority respecting vessels which shall lie at or wi hin any of the wharves, docks or slips, belonging to the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New-York.

al erected


AN ACT to divide the Town of Union, in the County of


Passed January 22, 1823.

Town of Ves 1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the passing of this act, all that part of the town of Union, lying south of the Susquehannah river, together with all the islands belonging to the inhabitants resitling on the south side of said river, shall be known and distinguished as a separate town, by the name of Vestal; and the first town meeting shall be held at the house of Jacob Rounds, on the second Tuesday of February next; and all future town meetings shall be holden on the first Tuesday of March, in each year.

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II. And be it further enacted, That all the remaining part of is its for the town of Union, shall be and remain a separate town, by the name of Union; and the first town meeting shall be held at the usual place of holding town meetings in the aforesaid town of Cuion, on the first Tuesday of March next.

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III. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after y to be di the first Tuesday of March next, the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the town of Union, and of the town of Vestal, upon no


tice to be previously given by the supervisors for that purpose, shall meet and divide the poor and money belonging to the said town of Union, previous to the said division thereof, agreeable to the last tax list; and that each of the said towns shall forever thereafter support their own poor.


AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "An act to alter the boundaries of the county of Tioga," passed 22d March, 1822, and for other purposes.

Passed January 24, 1823..

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to appointing

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That so much of the said entitled of an act shall act as provides that the towns of Caroline, Danby, and Cayuta, take effect as shall be annexed to, and form a part of the county of Tompkins, justices. shall take effect from and after the second Monday of February, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-three, for all the purposes of electing and appointing justices of the peace for the said three towns, but for no other purpose, until the time prescribed by the

said act.

II. And be it further enacted, That the annual town meetings Annual town *hereafter, shall be held in the towns of Caroline and Danby, on meetings. the first Tuesday in April, in each and every year hereafter.

III. And be it further enacted, That the officers of said towns, whose duty it is to meet for the purpose of auditing and settling Certain towa the accounts of the towns aforesaid, shall hereafter meet for that purpose on the last Tuesday of March in each and every year.

officers when to meet


AN ACT to divide the Town of Hanover, in the County of

Passed January 24, 1823.

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the first Town of Vil Monday of March next, all that part of the town of Hanover, in leneva erect the county of Chautauque, which lies south of the south line of ed townships number six, in the tenth and eleventh ranges of the Holland land company's purchase, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a separate town, by the name of Villenova; and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the house of Daniel Wright, Esquire, on the first Tuesday of March next and that the annual town meetings shall thereafter be held on the first Tuesday of March, in each and every year, at such place in the said town, as the freeholders and inhabitants thereof at their town meetings, shall from time to time appoint.

II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after the first Tuesday of March next, the supervisors and overseers of Poor and mo the poor, of the towns of Hanover and Villenova, ten day's notice

ney divided

the town to

being first given for that purpose, shall meet together at the vil– lage of Forestville, in the town of Hanover, and divide the money and poor belonging to the town of Hanover, at the time of the division, agreeably to the last tax list, and that each of the said towns shall thereafter maintain its own poor.

III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Justices for judges of the court of common pleas and the supervisors of the be appointed County of Chautauque, at their respective meetings for that purpose, on the third Tuesday of February next, to appoint justices of the peace for the said town of Villenova, in the same manner as they do for other towns in the said county already organized.

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AN ACT to provide for the payment of the Members of the Le


Passed January 27, 1823.

I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That at every session of the legislature, each member of the senate and assembly shall be endiem titled to receive three dollars for every day he shall attend the same; member of and the like compensation for every twenty miles of the distance the legisla from the place of his residence to the place of the meeting of the like for each legislature; and such distance shall be estimated by the most usual road, and shall be computed both for the travelling to, and returning from the place of their said meeting; and if any member of the senate or assembly shall, after his arrival at the place of the meeting of the legislature, or on his way thereto, be prevented by indisposition from attending either of the said houses, he shall be entitled to the like daily allowance as aforesaid, for every day he shall be so prevented; and the comptroller shall issue his warrant to the treasurer, for the payment of such sum as may so become due to each member respectively, upon the receipt of a certificate signed by the president of the senate, or the speaker of the assembly, (as the case may be,) setting forth the number of days that the member in whose favour it shall be given, may have attended said legislature, and the estimated distance of his place of residence, from the place of meeting of the legislature.

Former laws repealed


II. And be it further enacted, That all laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.


AN ACT to incorporate the Merchants' Exchange Company.
Passed January 27, 1823

WHEREAS Stephen Whitney, Elisha Tibbits, and William B. Astor, have by their memorial to the legislature, represented the great inconvenience experienced by the merchants of New-York, for want of a public exchange in said city, and praying that they and their associates, may be incorporated by the name and

style of the Merchants' Exchange Company, for the purpose of building an exchange in said city: Therefore,

1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, Corporation represented in Senate and Assembly, That the said Stephen Whit- created ney, Elisha Tibbits, and William B. Astor, and their associates, and all persons who now are, or hereafter may be holders of the stock herein after mentioned, are hereby declared to be a body corporate, by the name of the " Merchants' Exchange Company," who shall and may have continual succession, and may be capable Corporate in law of suing and being sued, in all courts and in all manner of name and ge actions, and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure, and that they may purchase and hold and convey such and so much real estate, and may erect and build such for edifice or buildings, as they may deem necessary or proper the purposes herein before mentioned, and may receive the rents and profits thereof, and divide the same amongst the stockholders, at such times as they may deem expedient and proper.

neral powers

11. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of the Capital stock said company or corporation, shall not exceed, or be more than one million of dollars, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each.



IH. And be it further enacted, That all the affairs, concerns, Trustee's and business, of the said corporation, shall be managed and conducted by and under the direction of eighteen trustees, being stockholders and citizens of this state, who may be elected by the stockholders of the said corporation annually, on the second Monday in January in each year, by a plurality of the votes of the stockholders present, or represented by proxy; which election shall be by ballot, by the stockholders, or their legal representatives; each share having one vote: Provided, That if for any cause such election shall not be held at the time, when by this act it ought to be, this corporation shall not be deemed to be dissolved, but such election may be thereafter held; three weeks public notice being first given in three of the public newspapers, in the city of NewYork;-And the first trustees shall be Stephen Whitney, William B. Astor, Elisha Tibbits, George Griswold, Goold Hoyt, William First trustees Bayard, Peter Remsen, Philip Hone, Jeromus Johnson, John G. Coster, Thomas H. Smith, James Heard, Nathaniel Richards, Charles King, Samuel Leggett, Nathaniel Prime, Samuel Hicks, and James D'Wolfe, Jun. who shall continue to be trustees until others shall be chosen in their places, and so from time to time the trustees who may be duly elected shall continue in office and hold over until others shall be duly elected in their stead.

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IV. And be it further enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, and those who may from time to time be duly elected, shall, as soon as may be, after their election appoint one of their number to he president, and they shall have power to fill vacancies in their Vacancies board, occasioned by death, resignation, or removal from the state, and to make all such by-laws, rules, and regulations, not inconsistenth the laws of this state, or of the United States, as they of the affairs of this corpomay teem proper, for the management ration, the holding of elections, and the calling in and transfer of stock And further, That a majority of the trustees for the time trustees


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