12 Stock deem ed personal property and banking &c prohibited' In 3 years 100 expended or &c being, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and they may appoint and employ such architects, mechanics and servants, as they may deem proper; and the business of the said company may be transacted by committees of the said board, if done in pursuance of the by-laws of the said company. V. And be it further enacted, That the stock and property of the corporation hereby created, shall be deemed personal property, and that this act shall not be construed to grant any banking or insurance privileges whatever, or to authorise the dealing or trading in any goods, wares, or merchandize in the way of traffic, or the purchasing or discounting of any bill, bond, note, or obligation whatever, or the purchase or sale of any stock, or funded debt created, or to be created under any law of the United States, or of any particular state, or the engaging in any other business or transaction, excepting such as may be proper and necessary to carry into effect the declared objects of this act, and that this act shall be deemed a public act, and shall be construed benignly and favourably for all beneficial purposes. VI. And be it further enacted. That unless the corporation 000 dols to be hereby created shall within the term of three years from the time of passing this act, have actually expended on the erection of a building for a public exchange, in the city of New-York, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars; then this act, and all the powers therein granted, shall become and be considered as thence forward null and void, as to the right of taxing VII. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act conReservation tained, shall prohibit, or in any manner whatsoever effect the assessing, levying, or collection of any tax, or taxes on said property, or the sale of said property, or any part or parcel thereof, for said tax or taxes, but that said property, for all purposes of taxation whatsoever, shall be and remain as if this act had not been passed. Time for pay CHAP. XVI, AN ACT to amend An Act, entitled "An Act for the relief of Passed January 28, 1823. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, rement extend presented in Senate and Assembly, That the time mentioned in the act hereby amended within which, purchasers were to pay one year's interest, and have remission for all arrears of interest and a credit of all previous payments of interest made, as so much paid on the principal, shall be and hereby is extended to the first day of March next, CHAP. XVII AN ACT to umend An Act, entitled " An Act to abolish Imprisonment for Debt, in certain cases.” Passed January 29, 1823. led to answer BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- Certain per presented in Senate and Assembly, That every person, who by sons compel virtue of the act hereby amended, shall or may be liable to be pro- and testify secuted for a misdemeanor, under the thirteenth section of said act, shall be obliged and compellable to give evidence in any court of law or equity, and to answer any bill in chancery in the same manner, as if the act hereby amended had not been passed, but neither the evidence so given, or answer so to be made, shall be used as evidence against such person so giving evidence, or answering on any prosecution for a misdemeanor, under the thirteenth section of the said act. CHAP. XVIII. AN ACT to divide the Town of Palmyra, in the County of Ontario. Passed January 29, 1823. Town of Ma 1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the pas- cedon erect sing of this act, all that part of the town of Palmyra, lying west of ed the line dividing township number twelve, in the second range, and township number twelve, in the third range, in the town of Palmyra, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a separate town, by the name of Macedon, and the first town meeting shall be held at the dwelling-house of Lydia Porter, in said town, on the second Tuesday of February next. II. And be it further enacted, That the remaining part of the Residue re town of Palmyra, shall be and remain a separate town by the name tains its for of Palmyra; and that the next town meeting shall be held at the mer name place where the last town meeting for the said town of Palmyra was held. HI. And be it further enacted, That the supervisors and over- Poor and mo seers of the poor of the towns of Palmyra and Macedon, shall meet nies divided at the dwelling house of Solomon St. John, in the town of Palmyra, on the last Tuesday of March next, and apportion all monies belonging to said town of Palmyra, together with all the poor maintained by the said tow of Palmyra, in a just and equitable manner; ard that each of the towns of Macedon and Palmyra, shall thereafter support their own poor. CHAP. XIX. erected AN ACT to erect a new Town, from parts of Canajoharie and Passed January 29, 1823. Town of Root I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That such parts of the towns of Canajoharie and Charleston, as are contained in the following bounds, to wit: beginning at the place where Printup's creek empties into the Mohawk river, in the town of Charleston, and running thence southerly, so as to strike the county line two miles east of the westerly line of the present town of Charleston; thence westerly along the south bounds of the county, to the west line of the lands of David Gordon, lying in the town of Canajoharie; thence westerly to the south-east corner of the land or farm on which Goshen Van Alstyne now lives; thence to the Mohawk river, at the north-west corner of the land of Rynier R. Van Evera ; thence down the river to the place of beginning; be, and hereby is erected into a new town, by the name of Root; and that the first town meeting be held at the house of James Lewis, innholder, in the said town, on the second Tuesday of February next; and that the next town meeting be on the first Tuesday of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and so annually on the first Tuesday of March thereafter. Poor and mo II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be, after nies divided the first Tuesday of March next, the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the said towns respectively, on notice being given for that purpose by the supervisors of the said towns of Canajoharie, Charleston, and Root, shall meet together and divide the money and poor belonging to the said towns of Canajoharie and Charleston, previous to the division thereof, agreeable to the last tax list; and that each of the said towns of Canajoharie, Charleston, and Root, shall forever thereafter support their own poor. Town of Otto erected CHAP. XX. AN ACT to divide the Town of Perrysburgh, in the County of Passed January 29, 1823. 1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the second Monday in February next, all that part of the town of Perrysburgh, comprising townships number five in the seventh and eighth ranges of the Holland Land Company's land, and so much of the sixth township in the seventh range, and sixth township in the eighth range, as lays on the south side of the Cattaraugus creek, and east of the south branch of the said Cattaraugus creek, shall be erected into a separate town, by the name of Otto; and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the house of Ephraim Brown, on the second Tuesday of February next; and that from and after the said second Tuesday of February next, the annual town meeting shall be held in the said town of Otto, on the first Tuesday in March; and that all the remaining part of the town of Perrysburgh, be and remain a separate town, and that the first town meeting to be held therein, shall be held at the school house, near Phinehas Spencer's, in said towo. II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be, after Poor and me the first Tuesday in March next, the supervisors and overseers of nies divided the poor in and for the towns of Perrysburgh and Otto, shall, by notice to be given by the supervisors of Perrysburgh and Otto, meet together and apportion the poor maintained by the town of Perrysburgh previous to the aforesaid division; and also to divide the money which shall be in the hands of the overseers of the poor of the town of Perrysburgh, on the first Tuesday in March next; and that the said towns of Perrysburgh and Otto shall thereafter each maintain its own poor. CHAP. XXI, AN ACT for the Relief of the Town of Florence, in the Passed January 29, 1823. WHEREAS it is represented, that in the town of Florence, in Preamble the county of Oneida, the amount of taxes which is collected from residents, is so small, that no person will consent to serve as collector, unless he shall be entitled to receive a commission on the amount of taxes charged on land owned by non-residents, as well as the amount which he may levy and collect: Therefore, 1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, re- Alowance to presented in Senate and Assembly, That the treasurer of the a collector of county of Oneida, in the settlement of the account of the collector of the town of Florence, for the present year, shall allow him a commission of five per cent. on the amount of taxes on non-resident lands, which he may return as unpaid. tales. II. And be it further enacted, That the time limited for the Time extend collection of taxes, and the settlement of the accounts of collec- ed in collect ing certain tors, shall, so far as relates to the collector of the said town of taxes Florence, be extended to the first day of March next; and that it shall be lawful for the collector of said town, to enforce the collection of said taxes, at any time previous to said first day of March; and that hereafter the board of supervisors of said county, may allow to the collector of said town, such additional compensation for his services, as to said board shall seem just and equitable: Pro- Proviso vided, That this act shall not be construed to authorise the treasurer of said county, at any time, to charge such allowance, or any part thereof, against the state; and that this act shall continue in force for four years. . Town of Led CHAP. XXII. AN ACT to divide the Town of Scipio, and to erect a Town from parts of Aurelius and Scipio, in the County of Cayuga. Passed January 30, 1823. 1. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reyard erected presented in Senate and Assembly, That from and after the passing of this act, that all that part of the town of Scipio, in the county of Cayuga, comprised within the following boundaries, that is to say beginning at the south-east corner of lot number ninetytwo, in said town; running thence north on the east lines of lots uumber ninety-two, eighty-one, seventy, fifty-eight and forty-five, to the south line of lot number thirty-six; thence west, so far that a line drawn due north, would meet the south-east corner of the Cayuga Reservation, in Scipio; thence north on the east line of said Reservation, to what is commonly called the north fork of Gearheart's creek, or, the great gully in the east Cayuga Reservation, in said town of Scipio; thence westwardly, pursuing the course of said creek, or gully, to the east line of lot number seventeen, in the Cayuga Residence Reservation; thence south to the south-east corner of said lot number seventeen; thence west on the south line of said lot to the Cayuga lake; thence south on the west line of said town to the south-west corner of said town of Scipio; thence east on the south line of said town, to the place of beginning; shall be, and hereby is erected into a separate town, by the name of Ledyard; and that the first town meeting be held at the house now occupied by John Swan, innkeeper, in the village of Aurora, in said town of Scipio. Town of Ve nice erected Town of erected 11. And be it further enacted, That so much of the remaining part of said town, comprised within the following boundaries, that is to say beginning at the south-west corner of lot number ninety-three; thence east, on the south line of said town, to the southeast corner thereof: thence north, on the east line of said town, to the north-east corner of lot number fifty-three: thence west, on the north lines of lots number fifty-three, fifty-two, fifty-one, fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-seven, and forty-six, to the northwest corner of said lot number forty-six thence south, on the west lines of lots number forty-six, fifty-nine, seventy-one, eightytwo, and ninety-three, to the place of beginning; shall be, and hereby is erected into one other separate town, by the name of Venice; and that the first town meeting be held at the house now occupied by Jacob Young, innkeeper, in said town of Scipio; and all the remaining part of the said town of Scipio, not hereinafter included in the town of Spring Port, shall be, and hereby is erected into one other separate town, by the name of Scipio; and that the first town meeting be held at the house now occupied by Jared Beardsley, innkeeper, in said town of Scipio. III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the pasSpringport sing of this act, that all those parts of the said towns of Scipio and Aurelius, in the said county of Cayuga, comprised within the following boundaries, that is to say beginning at the south-west corner of lot number seventeen, in the Residence Reservation, in |