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of elections of their respective towns [and wards,] to preside at an election held therein, on the day of 18 and the two succeeding days, inclusive, for the purpose of choosing, [here specify particularly whe ther members of assembly, sheriff, coroners, clerk, or (if in the city of NewYork) register or clerk, are to be chosen, and the number of each,] that is to say: [Then insert the names of the persons composing the board, and the several towns they represent.]

day of

The board having calculated and ascertained the aggregate amount, or whole number of votes given at an election, held in and for the said county, on the 18 and the two succeeding days, inclusive, for [here specify particularly the officers voted for, whether members of assembly, sheriff, coroners, clerk, and register, or which of them, and the number of members of assembly and coroners, to be elected in the county,] do certify, determine, and declare, conformably to the statements or certificates made and delivered by the inspectors of election of the several towns [and wards] in the said county, that by the greatest number of votes in the said county, were duly elected members of assembly for the said county; that by the greatest number of vofes in the said county, were duly elected coroners of the said county; that by the greatest number of votes in the said county, was duly elected sheriff of the said county [and, in like manner, as to the clerk, &c. or whatever county officers are then to be elected.]

In witness whereof, we, the chairman and secretary of the said board of canvassers, have hereunto set our hands, this in the



day of


No. 15.

Statements to be subjoined to the last preceding certificate, and published.

County, ss.

day of

[Section X.]

Statement of the votes given at an election held in the said county, on the

18 and the two succeeding days, inclusive, for

[here specify the votes given for all the persons voted for.]

For Governor, Lieutenant-Governor,
Senators, &c. or Members of

[Designating in proper columns which.]

For Sheriff, &c.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

[and so, in like manner, throughout, for all the candidates, &c.]



No. 16.


Returns to be made by the county clerk under the 11th section of the act.

County, ss.

clerk of the said county, do hereby certify, that the follow

ing are true copies of two certificates given by the Board of Canvassers of the said county, remaining on record in this office-that is to say: [then follows a true copy of each of the two certificates of the board of canvassers, already herein set forth in forms No. 13 and 14, and accompany them with the statements of votes given and published.]

In witness whereof, I have hereto subscribed my name, and affixed therets my seal of office, this

day of


- Clerk of the County of

[NOTE.-Three cerufied copies must be made out; one for the governor, another for the secretary of state, and the third for the comptroller; and they must be sent, by mail, to each, before the third Monday of November suc ceeding such election.]

No. 17.

Form of a Warrant, to be issued by the Inspectors of Election, against a disorderly person at the Poll, &c. [Section XII.]

By A, B, C, D, &c. Inspectors of Election in the town of

in the county of

[or in the ward in the city of Whereas, at an election held this day in the said town [or ward] pursuant to the act for regulating elections, one L. M. was guilty of disorderly conduct at such election, in the said town [or ward] that is to say: By [state. briefly and substantially the disorderly conduct.] Therefore, we do hereby, by virtue of the said act, and in the name of the people of the state of NewYork, command any constable of the said town [or ward] to take and convey the said L. M. to the gaol of the said county of and the gaoler is commanded to receive the said L. M. and to keep him safely in the said gaol for the space of [Note. The time cannot exceed thirty days.] or until he shall be otherwise discharged by due course of law. Given under our hands and seals, this

day of


[L. S.]

Inspectors of Election

[L. S.

in the town of

[L. S.]

in the county of

No. 18.

Notification from the Secretary of State to the other Canvassers. [Section







Pursuant to the act for regulating elections, you are hereby day

required to give your attendance at the Secretary's Office, on the of o'clock in the noon, for the purpose of executing the duties required to be performed by you, as canvasser, under the said act. Respectfully your ob't serv't.

To the Surveyor-General, Attorney-General, Comptroller, and Treasurer.

No. 19.

Secretary of State.

Certificate of Election by the above named Canvassars. [Section XIII.] State of New-York, 88,

We, the Secretary, Surveyor-General, Attorney-General, Comptroller, and Treasurer of the said state, having calculated and ascertained the aggregate amount or whole number of votes given at an election for [specify the officers to be chosen and certified] and held on the day of 18 and the two succeeding days inclusive, in, [specify whether in the several wards and towns in this state, or in and for any particular senate or congressional district] Do determine, certify, and declare, conformable to the certified copies of the cer

tificates made and transmitted according to the act entitled "An act for regulating elections," passed April 17, 1822, that number of votes, was duly elected to the office of

person elected.] Given under our hands, at the Secretary's state, this

day of

in the year

year of the Independence of the United States of America.

No. 20.

by the greatest [and so with every office, in the said

and in the


Surveyor-General. -Attorney-General. -Comptroller. -Treasurer.

Oath to be taken by each State Canvasser, before he proceeds to canvass, [Section XIV.]


do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare, [or declare and affirm, as the case may be,] that I will, in all things, faithfully, honestly, and impartially, discharge the duties enjoined upon me, by the act entitled “An act for regulating elections."

Sworn, &c. before me,


Judge of the Supreme Court, Master in Chan-
cery, or Recorder of the city of

No. 21.

Congressional Districts. [Section XVI.]

The 1st district consists of the counties of Suffolk and Queens, and elects one member to congress: 2d district, Rockland, Richmond and Kings, one member: 3d district, New-York, three members: 4th district, Putnam and Westchester, one member: 5th district, Dutchess, one member: 6th district, Orange, one member: 7th district, Ulster and Sullivan, one member: 8th district, Columbia, one member: 9th district, Rensselaer, one member: 10th district, Albany, one member: 11th district, Green and Delaware, one member: 12th district, Shoharie and Schenectady, one member: 13th district, Otsego, one member: 14th district, Oueida, one member: 15th district, Herkimer, one member: 16th district, Montgomery and Hamilton, one member: 17th district, Saratoga, one member: 18th district, Washington, one member: 19th district, Franklin, Clinton, Essex and Warren, one member: 20th district, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence, two members: 21st district, Chenango and Broome, one member: 22d district, Madison and Cortland, one member: 23d district, Onondaga, one member: 24th district, Cayuga, one member: 25th district, Tompkins and Tioga, one member: 26th district, Ontario and Seneca, two members: 27th district, Monroe and Livingston, one member: 28th district, Cattaraugus, Allegany and Steuben, one member: 29th district, Genesee, one member: 30th district, Chautauque, Niagara and Erie, one member. Total, 34.

No. 22.

The number of Members of Assembly, to which the Counties in this State are respectively entitled, by the act entitled "An act apportioning the members of Assembly of this State," passed April 12, 1822.

The county of Albany is entitled to three members of Assembly; Allegany, one; Broome one; Cattaraugus, one; Cayuga, four; Chautauque, one; Chenango, three; Clinton, one; Columbia, three; Cortland, two; Delaware, two; Dutchess, four; Erie, one; Essex, one; Franklin, one; Genesee, four; Greene, two; Herkimer, three; Jefferson, three; Kings, one; Lewis, one; Livingston, two; Madison, three; Monroe, three; Montgomery and Hamilton, four; New-York, ten; Niagara, one; Oneida, five; Onondaga, four;

Ontario, six; Orange, four; Oswego, one; Otsego, four; Putnum, ene; Queens, two; Rensselaer, four; Richmond, one; Rockland, one; Saratoga, three; St. Lawrence, one; Schoharie, two; Schenectady, one; Seneca two; Steuben, two; Suffolk, two; Sullivan, one; Tioga, two; Tompkins, two; Ulster, three; Warren, one; Washinton, four; Westchester, three. Toral, 128. No. 23.

Senate Districts under the new Constitution.

The first Senatorial District consists of Suffolk, Queens, Kings, Richmond, and New-York, and elects four Senators.

The second Senatorial District consists of Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, : Rockland, Orange, Ulster, and Sullivan, and elects four Senators.

The third Senatorial District consists of Greene, Columbia, Albany, Rensselaer, Schoharie, and Schenectady, and elects four senators.

The fourth Senatorial District consists of Saratoga,Montgomery, Hamilton, Washington, Warren, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, and St. Lawrence, and elects four Senators.

The fifth Senatorial District consists of Herkimer, Oneida, Madison, Oswego, Lewis, and Jefferson, and elects four senators.

The sixth Sepatorial District-consists of Delaware, Otsego, Chenango,..' Broome, Cortland, Tompkins and Tioga, and elects four senators.

The seventh Seatorial District consists of Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Ontario, and elects four, senators.

The eighth Senatorial District consists of Steuben, Livingston, Monroe, Genesee, Niagara, Erie, Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauque, and elects

four senators.

Total number of senators, thirty-two.

No. 24.
Form of Ballots.
[BALLOT, No. 1.]

A. B. Governor. C. D. Lieutenant Governor. E. F., G. H., I. J., K. L..


[BALLOT, No. 2.]

L. M., N. O., Members of Congress.

[BALLOT, No. 3.]

P. R., S. T., U. V., Members of Assembly. U. X., Sheriff. K. P., G. H., L. M., N. Ó, Coroners. P. T. Clerk of the county, (and if in the city of New-York, and, S. M. Register. W. X., Clerk of the city.]

NOTE. These three ballots present all the forms to be used; but the elector may vote for as few of them as he chooses.

No. 25.

Form of Appointment by the Inspectors of Election, of one of their own body. Section IX.

We, the Inspectors of election in the town of

] in the county of

[of in do appoint



of the city of of the said inspectors, to preside at the election to be held this day, and the two succeding days, in the said town [or ward] for [specify the officers to be elected] and to do and perform such other duties as appertain to him, as presiding inspector, by virtue of the act for regulating elections.

Dated, &c.

Inspectors of

NOTE. This appointment must be made before the poll is opened.



Abbott, S.

✦ Act concerning,

Absconding and Absent Debtors,

Power of Commissioners in Dutchess, concerning, &c.
In Chautauque and Genesee,

Academies and Colleges

[blocks in formation]
















Agent, U. States,

Act to settle his accounts,


[blocks in formation]

Power of clerk of justices' court in, to receive confession of

[blocks in formation]
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